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Posts posted by SteveXFR

  1. 12 minutes ago, binky_bass said:

    Same course as me then! Though I went some 18-19 years ago. 


    Maxwell Murder is a very challenging piece to play... if she's capable of playing that then she's already well ahead of the pack!


    Going slightly off-piste has its risks, but if you can play something new, different or in a style that they've rarely come across then you'll be afforded more room for error! 


    Also, if you've not been yet, the grounds of Bath Spa University are absolutely fantastic, the lake, the castle ruins, the rare trees and foliage. Plus Bath is a great city. My halls were 'Hiscocks', small rooms but it did the job. Fingers crossed she'll get it. Joe Bennent, who was course leader in my time, but I believe is now Professor of Popular Music, is a really good guy too. He had a killer 1960 something Paisley strat he brought out a few times. 


    It's a different professor now, I forget his name but he was in quite a successful 90's rock band. We visited last month and its a beautiful place and the facilities are amazing. We left with me wanting to sign up!

    We live in Frome, not far from Bath so we know the city.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, binky_bass said:

    I did a similar audition prior to getting accepted into Bath Spa Uni YEARS ago. I played Stu Hamm's tap rendition of Moonligh Sonata by Beethoven. Always good to do something that makes you stand out! Best of luck to her, I'm sure she'll nail it. 👍 


    It's Bath Spa she's applying to, the commercial music course. 

    She was going to go with Orion by Metallica or Hysteria by Muse but thought they've probably heard those dozens of times so wanted to play something different. My suggestion was Maxwell Murders by Rancid but she says it's too Ska to show what she wants to do. 

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, ambient said:

    I teach on a BA Popular Music course. I don't teach on the performance modules but I did audition a couple of the bass students last year. One did Dream Theater’s 6 o'clock which I was very impressed by. Another student did Run for Hills by Iron Maiden. 


    She's applying for a commercial music course. 

    I think Dream Theater might be a bit too prog. The audition is supposed to reflect what the applicants most enjoy. 

    Maiden is good though 

  4. The offspring (my daughter, not the terrible pop punkers) is working on a uni audition and needs a few grade 7 recordings and she wants one of them to be a metal piece to show what she loves most. 

    Any suggestions for interesting, preferably not prog metal bass lines?



    Edit :

    needs to be 4 string and preferably not involve tuning below C#

  5. What has been your favourite band discovery this year? New or old band but new to you.


    For me it's Brutus. I saw them at Arctangent festival and they blew my mind. Interesting and original metal music. The singer/drummer is one of the most talented people I've ever seen live and the rest of the band are great as well. 



    • Like 8
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  6. 5 minutes ago, Thump said:

    I've only really bought two new bass related items this year , a bass and an amp. Whilst i could consider both items as best purchase of the year , neither would fall under the worst in my eyes. 


    But in the spirit of things - Best - Ibanez Btb805ms


                                              - Worst - Orange Crush 100 Bass amp


    I bought the Ibanez SRMS805 bass which was my best. I do kind of wish I'd bought a BTB805MS for the better pickups.

    I got rid of Orange Terror bass amp because it was terrible 

    • Like 2
  7. 20 minutes ago, martin8708 said:

    I think Phil Starr has hit the nail on the head .

    Never under estimate the draw of a young attractive female bass player , a huge asset to Pub bands .

    When I lived in Barnstaple , there were lots of bands around ( it was dubbed the Seattle of England ) 

    Hope it works out well for you . 


    My first ever gig (earlier this year) was in Barnstaple, a metal night at the Golden Lion. There seems to be a lively scene there. 

    • Like 1
  8. I've done one myself and got a pretty decent finish. You'll need a shed or garage with a heater to get a decent finish and it'll cost around £80 in materials. 

    Good prep is everything if you want a good finish. 

    It was my daughters Peavey International IV I painted. After four years of clumsiness, carelessness and general abuse it still looks great. That was also a cheap bass and it sounds great.

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