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Posts posted by SteveXFR

  1. 11 minutes ago, LeftyJ said:

    Does the SRMS805 have one of those Ibanez preamps with connectors on the PCB board labelled "BEQ3" and "VM3"? If so, before throwing money at it, try switching the output connector between these two connectors. One has a treble rolloff above 2kHz of 6dB per octave, which is pretty dramatic and almost muffled. The other output doesn't, and sounds far punchier. If it's currently wired to the VM3 output it might save you a couple hundred. Pics below borrowed from a Talkbass thread about the EHB series, which also feature Bartolini-licensed Ibanez pickups and electronics. 






    Already done this mod

  2. 1 hour ago, tauzero said:

    There's the Aguilar DCB D4. Have a look at Low End Lobster's videos on swapping Ibarts for the DCB on the EHB. I think there's some up in the marketplace at the moment. Not quite as shouty as Nordies.


    I just found them. Although this is a 5 string bass, I need 6 string pickups. Thanks for the tip though

  3. I've got a multi scale, 5 string Ibanez SRMS805 which is great to play but lacks punch and bite. I play in quite a heavy band and just can't get it to cut through like my old P bass did. The pickups are 6 string width Bartolinis, I believe they're a far Eastern manufactured version of the P4.

    I was set on fitting Nordstrand big blade sixes but can't get them anywhere. 

    Any suggestions for nice clear, punchy pickups?

  4. 29 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

    JMB is getting more and more difficult to find genuine musicians. The amount of messages that go unanswered, those who can't attend regular rehearsal, more interest in the name of the band than the actual music. Nobody wants to play technical blackened death metal on a Wednesday night at the Dog and Muck in Kidderminster. For free... 


    I gave up with JMB. If I did get any response when I replied to a post on there, they either turned out to be weird or they couldn't actually play or they'd turn up with a broken string and no spares. The last one was quite clearly on some very strong drugs and forgot what he was doing while unloading his car so I left and reported him to the police for drug driving. I got a death threat text two days later!

    I don't know whether metal musicians are particularly weird. I can't imagine jazz musicians are normal functioning humans 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Cosmo Valdemar said:

    I'd assumed @Skybone meant Paul Gray from The Damned.


    As for the other PG, I can't think of anything particularly notable about his playing, but I don't think I listened past the 3rd (4th?) album

    His playing was actually all over the shop on MFKR, he reined it in quite a bit as he went on.


    I forgot there were two Paul Grays

  6. 17 minutes ago, Marvin said:

    I think I'm cursed.


    I initiated a new project several weeks ago with a singer I know. They brought along 2 others. After a few practices it's clear it'll go nowhere. 

    No one seems to be able to practice regularly or what seems longer than an hour and a half. No-one seems to want to bother learning material. 

    I was very clear at the outset that I wanted to get gigs, not be a practice room project and get out of the practice room fairly quickly. I can't see that happening. 

    Just another ensemble of people who like the idea of being in a band. 


    I'm not sure whether to keep going or just pack it all in. This is the 4th or 5th time of going nowhere since my last band fizzled out.


    I think it took me six or seven attempts to find the right group of people. Just remember that there's drummers, guitarists and singers just as frustrated as you and you'll find them soon enough. 

    I met my current band mates at a local blues jam night we started chatting after a 12 bar blues jam and started a sludge/stoner metal band. 

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  7. I could only pick two, Geezer and Cliff. To be honest there are loads of others who I think are better. Justin Cancellor, Matt Freeman, Alex Webster, Troy Sanders, Al Cisneros and Scott Reeder.

    Because my taste in music isn't exactly mainstream, most people in this forum won't have ever heard them so even if they were better than Jamerson they would get less votes.

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  8. 1 hour ago, nilorius said:

    I know a guy who plays telecaster for death metal and he feels satisfied.


    With all the heavy guitarists playing a Les Paul in to a Marshall, it's good to hear something different. 

    I quite like Baroness, one guitarist plays a strat and the other a tele and they share leads so their contrasting tones add another dimension to their music.

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  9. 26 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

    I've heard the Boss Metal Zone with a Line 6 Spider is an awesome combination used by countless professionals. 


    The metal zone can sound alright but only if you put it in the effects loop. The Line 6 spider doesn't have an effects loop and doesn't like pedals so it would be a horrible combination. 

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  10. 1 hour ago, BigRedX said:


    Isn't metal supposed to sound like that?


    What's the point of filthy riffs if people can't hear every disgusting note? 

    Our guitarist uses a Strat with single coil pickups for better note articulation (at least that's what he claims)

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  11. 49 minutes ago, DJpullchord said:


    good for metal.


    No, dreadful for metal. It's got loads of distortion but all of it is bad. In the faster parts of songs I couldn't hear what he was playing, there were no audible notes in the mess of overdrive. 

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