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Posts posted by SteveXFR

  1. 51 minutes ago, cheddatom said:


    He's one of my best mates, but honestly without bias he is my favourite drummer to watch. The guy's an absolute monster and capable of so much more than he shows with Static Dress, impressive as that is. His youtube is pretty cool https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLscwUeSlpdZdDUa86tx46g/videos 


    That's some very decent drumming. It gets interesting from 2 minutes in this video. This is the show the young'un went to as well.



    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, cheddatom said:

    My mate is the drummer in an up and coming metal band Static Dress and they make a point of leaving his real performances alone. I personally think it helps set them apart


    My daughter has one of his sticks from a recent gig in Bristol. She really enjoyed them. A bit emo for my tastes but very good at what they do

  3. 10 hours ago, TimR said:




    One reason I gave up trying to record bands or pay for recoding bands I was in.


    Delusions of grandeur. 


    If you're getting gigs and getting asked back you don't need a demo.


    If you're not getting asked back - a demo of how bad you are won't fix that. 


    We recorded a demo (original metal) and its been really useful for getting gigs. We get invited back after gigs but we also like to play different places so we send the venue or promoter a demo then if they like it, they book us. 

    Maybe it's particularly useful for metal because there's so many sub genres of metal that just saying your a metal band gives no idea of what you sound like 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Stub Mandrel said:


    The real victims are anyone who owns a Line 6 Spider.


    There's one in the practice space we use. Our guitarist used it while his Marshall was being repaired. He developed a deep hatred for that thing because it doesn't work with pedals and all the high gain settings sound terrible. We did recently find a use for it, it makes a good weight to stop the kick drum moving forwards. Terrible amplifier, useful dead weight.

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    • Haha 2
  5. 55 minutes ago, Nail Soup said:

    That's vewry funny, and good advice too.

    Especially funny what he calls bass players and pretending to think they are the most useless liability in the band... he is joking right?


    Yes, he is. I think he worked with a lot of useless bands in his earlier days where they just gave a bass to someone who couldn't play and showed them three notes not understanding how important good bass is to the overall sound of the band. He's also worked with lots of bands who'd rather spend money on drugs and beer than expensive equipment like bass strings. 

    I listen to his videos regularly and whilst bassists are the punchline to a lot of his jokes, tone/gear snob guitarists get at least as much if not more abuse.

    • Like 2
  6. Before we recorded we did a couple DIY recordings, one with a click and one without. We all thought the one without felt like it had more energy in the chorus so that's how we chose to record. I don't think it will always be the right way for us to record. I think one of our new songs would benefit from a dead solid tempo.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, BigRedX said:


    How long did you spend mixing them?


    The mix wasn't done on the day. The mix was done separately by a friend of the recording engineer who had more experience with heavy music. It was done over about a week with us going in for final tweaks

  8. 1 hour ago, gjones said:

    The worst is when a band, who have no idea what they're doing, want to record an album in one day.


    I have been in that band, although I did warn them it couldn't be done, was totally ignored and of course was proved right.


    Luckily I was just a hired hand and was paid a fee for the day so it was no skin off my nose.


    The band then had to spend much more money, than they originally intended, trying to get those dodgy and rushed recordings sounding halfway decent at the mixing stage, which was impossible to do.


    I'd prefer to to record one perfect tune in a day than 10 rubbish sounding ones.


    We recorded a four track EP in a day, it was live recordings so all instruments playing together and we were absolutely solid with the songs after rehearsing plenty so took three takes for each song and then added vocals at the end of the day. Even then, it was a long day.

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Bass Fumbler said:

    I’m also having issues with the eq on my ABM600 in that the VU meter is permanently in the red when I’m playing live. 
    I’ve put an Ampeg compressor in front which has tamed the signal. My only problem is that I don’t like the compressed sound. 
    is there anything else I can use to tame the signal other than using a compressor?


    Turn down the input volume and possibly switch on the active input pad?

  10. I'm hoping you people can give me some advice. I read that the input should be set so that the vu dial is averaging around zero. With my active five string, the gauge is showing an enormous difference between the G and B string levels although the volume sounds about equal. My bands sludgy doomy sound means probably 75% of what I play is on the E & B strings so should I set it to average zero while playing on those? What happens if I'm getting off the top of the gauge a lot? Is it a problem? Am I thinking about this to much? Should I be more concerned about the futility of it all as the sun will eventually swell up to swallow the earth?



    Edit - It's an ABM 600 IV

  11. On 25/11/2023 at 07:47, meterman said:

    I found a box of old CDs recently while having a clearout. Singles, albums, EPs, promos... stuff like:


    Royal Trux

    Super Furry Animals 

    Boards Of Canada

    the “Super Discount” remixes

    Air “Moon Safari” 




    Primal Scream “Echo Dek”

    ...plus loads more.


    Will put the albums or tracks I like on a hard drive and take the CDs to the recycling centre. Great listening to it all again though 👍



    Thanks to you I have now rediscovered Sebadoh. They were awesome. 

  12. On 23/11/2023 at 22:52, TheRev said:

    For me, a very recent rediscovery was Skunk Anansie. Saw them loads back in the day, then over the years drifted off into other genres. Seeing Bob Vylan recently just reminded me of SA and the pure intensity of their live shows.


    I saw Skunk Anansie when they headlined Glastonbury.  I've seen dozens of bands at Glastonbury over the years but that set was probably the most memorable and best, closely followed by Queens Of The Stone Age in 2003 with their best ever lineup (Josh, Troy, Nick Oliveri & Dave Grohl)

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