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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. This is my 2019 Ibanez SR300EB. Its the weathered black finish. Really nice condition, just a mark on the back from a belt buckle. Just fitted new Roto strings 45-105 roundwound. Plays really nice, lovely narrow neck. Sounds good, everything works as it should. All completely standard. Reasonable offers considered Would also take a swap for a Squier Precision or similar.
  2. Top man. Responded to my wanted post for some Peavey pickups, talked me through a couple options and sold me two sets of pickups for an extremely reasonable price. Cheers
  3. That's what I use with bass. The only downside is I forget to turn it off a lot.
  4. That definitely dooms. I'll look them up for a work soundtrack this afternoon.
  5. Sunn O))) are one of the bands I saw in an old church. It was incredibly atmospheric, the architecture complimented the music really well.
  6. Good tip and a great song. I'll give it a try. I saw their original bassist in 2019 playing with Ministry. Really good bassist and it certainly looked like he was enjoying life with Ministry.
  7. I have tried 46 & 2 but when it gets to the variation of first riff where the drone note moves from the open D to the A#(?) I just can't get my left hand around that.
  8. I know Tool are overrated and their fans are the even worse than jazz fans but I do love a bit of Tool and Id love to play some Tool but every song I try starts nice and easy before becoming impossible for anyone without fourteen 10" long fingers with seven joints in each. Where is a good place to start with Tool? Is there anything which is a bit steadier to play? Should I be trying something from Undertow?
  9. Im not a man of religion so I don't go to church but I have been to some gigs in a converted church. There's something rather atmospheric about crushingly heavy death metal performed in a medieval church. Gothic architecture just works so well with heavy music. It was acoustically very good as well.
  10. To be honest, i lost a bit of respect for the singer after he threw a tantrum at a tech when a bass amp blew up. These things happen and the tech was running on stage with a new head within seconds.
  11. Im guessing Electro Hippies. They were from oop North and kind of crusty kind of thrashy
  12. So you're not a fan of Norwegian blackened funeral doom?
  13. Paradise Lost were the band who got me in to doom when I saw them on the Draconian Times tour. I was walking past the Fleece in Bristol and heard them, thought it sounded good so I went in and watched the show in my best interview suit. I looked very out of place.
  14. They had cheaper electronics than a normal MIM jazz bass but the same US made body and neck. One unusual feature was the Fender logo is solid black which rather than the usual outline.
  15. https://www.talkbass.com/threads/can-someone-explain-the-fender-mim-squier-series.1284372/
  16. I had one of those. Early 90's. Its not a Squier but is called squire series. They're quite unusual these days. Mine was ok but not great quality. The pick guard is single ply, brittle and impossible to find replacements. Frets weren't well finished. It sounded nice. For £350 max it's a good buy.
  17. I've never been to desertfest but that and Hellfest are on the list for 2022. Im still a relative beginner with bass. Any recommendations for essential doom covers to learn? I keep trying Om and Shrinebuider songs and then running out of talent because Im not Al Cisneros.
  18. Thats pretty good. I can definitely hear the Down and Sabbath influence in there. The bass sounds good.
  19. I was quite surprised that Jaguar used Chelsea Wolf on the advert for the F Type sports car. Definitely not going to appeal to the 70 year old golf enthusiasts but a superb bit of doom.
  20. Melvins are more sludge metal. They can't be doom, buzz smiles while playing sometimes!
  21. I have joined a doom band, we only managed to actually meet and play three times though. It just feels so great to build that wall of distorted sound with the guitars. The guitarist did most of the writing and claims to be inspired by Sabbath but effectively just takes Sabbath riffs and changes the rhythm! Before the world ended I had tickets for Om, High on Fire and Pigsx7 so last year would have been a great year for gigs.
  22. There doesn't seem to be much discussion around the slowest, nastest, fuzziest, most stoned form of metal here. Are there any doomers here? I play a lot of Sabbath, Sleep and Down and really enjoy just cranking up the fuzz and just making stuff up.
  23. Lavigne, Swift? They're both often described as the millennials Iggy Pop
  24. As a the most the greatest punk musician (Skater boy) of the last 40 years, Im surprised she didn't sign to Hellcat or an independent record label or go full DIY
  25. They should have booted Lars. He's a competent enough drummer but certainly not one of the greats and I think he holds the band back. Replacing him with Micky Dee or Dave Lombardo or even Dave Grohl would bring so much more to the band.
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