They have some nice looking options. It's a shame those crazy Germans have used their own language instead of the Queens English. I'm sure Google translate will give me a suitably ropey translation.
I'm looking for a longer strap, something around 56" to 58" and because I play a Thunderbird it needs to be suede or something grippy to help with the neck dive that other thunderbird players say doesn't exist.
Any suggestions?
Have you ever tried down tuning that mandolin, putting on a ton of gain and smashing out some heavy riffs?
We tried it with an electric violin left in a practice room and to be honest, it sounded terrible.
Journey To The End Of East Bay is my favourite Matt Freeman bass line. I've not managed to play it quite at full speed. If I slow it down to 95% it's fine but that last few bpm is just too fast.
I'll agree with that. I love Misfits but it's Doyles guitar parts and Danzigs vocals are what made them great.
Doyles solo stuff is really good as well, It's pretty much a modern version of Misfits but a bit more metal
I really love listening to all kinds of punk but although it's fun to play I struggle to find any really interesting punk bass lines. There are a few exceptions like Rancid and some of Anti Flags ska influenced songs.
Are there any really great punk bass lines that really stand out?
It's a bit coincidental that the woods we're told give the best tone are the most expensive and rarest raw materials. Imagine how much less money they would make if MDF or plywood were the best woods for tone.
I used to hear similar arguments in mountain bike racing. Considering we were smashing down a mountain side cover in rocks at 30mph people would argue that their carbon frame was more forgiving or the titanium shock spring gave more of a linear spring rate or their 2mm wider rim was too stiff.
It was all bollocks and they all knew it. It was basically just excuses for buying the fanciest, latest kit at daft prices or excuses for being slow. I think its tge same with instruments to a point.
I saw Corrosion of Conformity live once and Pepper Keenan admitted on stage to smoking the devil's lettuce. Myself and several others formed a prayer circle in front of the stage to pray for his soul and his recovery from the terrible addiction.
I say prayer circle, it might have been a circle pit.
It's pretty poor that their work is virtually given away by Spotify. It's easy to see how bad it is, when I was a teenager in the 90's if I wanted to listen to my favourite band I had to go to HMV and but the album for £12 and Id buy a couple a week. Now I can pay £10 a month for unlimited access to millions of songs.
I still like buying a physical copy of records but I'm very much in the minority.
I've been trying to work out the bass part for GNT by Pigsx7 this evening. It shouldn't be difficult but for some reason I just can't get it. Is there something a bit weird about it or am I an idiot or both.