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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. It needs doing twice if you miss first time or he's a vampire.
  2. On the subject of Boris, look up Fuzz Townshend and Boris Johnson then ask yourself, why hasn't Fuzz been knighted?
  3. Better to do it once and do it right than rush it.
  4. The man likes a bit of mast. Is that a pirate euphemism?
  5. Scurvy dog Ulrich should walk the plank.
  6. I wonder how many countries are currently arming their elite assassins with orange seeking sniper rifles.
  7. I've been listening to a lot of 90's shoegaze bands this week (Swervedriver, Slowdive, My Bloody Valentine etc) but I'm not finding any new shoegaze bands. Do they exist?
  8. I'd like to go to pirate metal gigs but I get sea sick
  9. Got it. I loaded the track in to Reaper, set up a loop on the riff and slowed it to 75% and stuck with it. The rest of the song was a doddle after that. I still don't get why that was the bit that tripped me up. Great song though and really fun to play. Makes me want to start a stoner metal covers band but that seems like a band no one would ever book!
  10. I'm enjoying Slift this morning. A French prog band with some really awesome bass.
  11. Yep, that's exactly where I trip up
  12. Unlikely, I'm not in a band at the moment. I'd like to though
  13. I don't think so. I play riffs like this all the time but this one is causing me trouble it shouldn't.
  14. I really don't understand why I can't get this riff right. It should be dead simple. I'm even messing it up at half speed. I'll keep at it until I get it but is there something tricky? There can't be surely. it's from Freya by The Sword and played in C standard tuning
  15. Ross Kemp on gang bangs - Raised By Owls
  16. American Warewolf in Bognor Regis - Raised By Owls
  17. Mrs Robinson - The Lemonheads
  18. The Polyphony of Animals - Earthtone9
  19. Secret Canine Agent - Viagra Boys
  20. Yes, absolutely. To become that good requires a certain level of nerdyness to put in the thousands of hours of practice.
  21. I played a multiscale. Not sure I'm good enough to be nerdy but the prog metal bassists who normally play them definitely are. I'd recommend trying one though, utterly pointless unless you use the low B string a lot, then it really makes sense
  22. Anything to change tone is not an upgrade. There is no better or worse tone, only different tone. We all have different tonal requirements to fit with our band and the genre we play. A funk bassist would hate my super bright sounding strings and high output pickups but for me, they're great.
  23. I almost forgot, I bought my daughter a MIN Jazz bass for Christmas. As a music student she should be nerdy BUT she doesn't even like prog or jazz. She's in alt rock, shoegaze and punk bands but I think only uses the jazz bass for the shoegaze band and that's definitely neither cool or nerdy.
  24. I wouldn't touch that thing! Surprisingly, it's been for sale for a long time.
  25. Is now a good time to bring this up? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/194368628626?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=CkguqlEPQQ6&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=9V8HKDKxT8C&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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