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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. Reform of the NHS is definitely needed but a US style system is definitely not the right sort of reform. Its a system which leaves people in severe debt after they get illnesses not covered by their policy. They also have incredibly expensive prescriptions, we worked out my wife's insulin and test strips would cost us around $1800 per month!
  2. Because several of our current government MPs including the PM own a considerable value of shares in US health insurance companies.
  3. I'm convinced the government are trying to make the NHS so bad that they can force privatisation and a US style system because obviously if you're going to copy any system you go for the one rated as 34th best
  4. Counterfeit - Limp Bizkit Really dreadful song
  5. Danger high voltage - Electric Six Whatever happened to them?
  6. Royal Mail is a business, their entire reason for existence is to make profit. If Domino's pizza offer them 1p per leaflet and they make a profit on that then they'll take the contract. Maybe if it was a state run entity and not for profit then they wouldn't take the contract. I remember when I was a kid doing my paper round delivering the local paper, they told me they made most of their money from the 50 kilos of leaflets that broke my back every week.
  7. I've got 3 P basses and quite happy with them so I'll have an Ibanez EHB1505.
  8. Happy ending - The Strokes That's got to be double points
  9. Probably not too good if you want a nice smooth jazz tone but if you want it bright and punchy then they're great. I'm getting some great punk tones
  10. I got a set of DR Black Beauty strings from senior management. They sound awesome on my P bass. They look great on a white bass as well
  11. Spread your love - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
  12. Return of the phantom stranger - Rob Zombie
  13. I failed. I had perfectly decent gear at the start of the year. Everything I needed but I still bought two Fender P basses and a Darkglass vintage overdrive. I did sell a Sterling Ray34 and Epiphone Thunderbird vintage pro. I regret selling the Thunderbird, it sounded amazing. Its with the current Hawkwind bassist now so I'm sure I'll see it played properly at some point.
  14. I did bring up muting later in the discussion. Both questions have been answered. I've got some good tips and have been trying some of the techniques suggested to see what works for me.
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