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Posts posted by Shaggy

  1. Here we have an all-valve, all-US made Ampeg bass rig: SVP-pro pre-amp and - VERY rare - SVT-300 power amp, rated at 300W (switchable 4 ohm / 2 ohm speaker matching).
    It’s the exact pre and power sections of the SVT2-pro as separates, so in effect that’s what it is, but with these advantages;[list]
    [*]Pre and power amps run on independent separate power supplies. I was told by a tech that makes the system inherently more stable – which could be pure BS.
    [*]More flexibility for running different preamp / power amp configurations; ( eg a Trace V-type into the SVT-300 etc etc) .
    [*]If one section craps out you can still use the other section. In fact you can run an active bass directly into the power amp for totally clean valve tone and minimal signal path.
    [*]Looks - to me – just a tad more rawk than the integrated amp. :)
    It’s in an as-new Warwick Rockcase flight case (6u I think) that sits on nice fat rubber feet, and I’ve fitted a blue LED racklight which runs directly off mains – uber-cool on stage!

    I honestly don’t want to sell this, especially at such a dire time for selling.
    When I was looking for my ultimate valve head I tied a Mesa 400+, Trace V6, Marshall VBA and this, and this is what I went for. It’s a totally sublime sounding, bowel-looseningly loud amplifier, but rather embarrassingly in the three or so years I’ve had it I’ve gigged it just once – literally the same time I got it the band upgraded to a 2.5kW PA, and it was just a damn sight easier to DI.
    I’ve hung onto it for that festival gig or returning to backline with another band, but bottom line is it’s not being used and I could use the readies. Absolutely no issues when I last used it, but I’d give it a good checking over before selling. Stickers on front panel will remove with no marks!

    Price is £750; at which I’m already making a loss, would realistically have to be collected from S Wales – it’s a big heavy brute of a thing to post - but I travel to Cambridge a few times a year so can meet M4 corridor / E Anglia.
    Possible trade for vintage US basses or guitars.........PM me with any interest! :)

  2. As an incurable vintage Gibson-fetishist, it would have to be;

    Mr. RD Artist
    IV Sunburst Thunderbird ([i]the lesser known "sleazy" end of Sunset Boulevard[/i])
    Gibson EB2

    Recently moved there from Sting Way; only thing was you couldn't tell the houses apart....... :)

  3. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1967-Gibson-EB-2D-Bass-Sunburst-Finish-EB2-/170555465688?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item27b5e5dfd8"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1967-Gibson-EB-2D-Ba...=item27b5e5dfd8[/url]

    - same one? :)

  4. Pure class! :)

    Last year I bought a grotty old semi-acoustic guit*r at an antique shop for £30 purely because I liked the p/ups and thought they'd go on some project bass. After a bit of research found out it was an early '60's Broadway (The UK importer Rose-Morris's budget brand; assembled from various Brit - / Italian - / Jap-crap parts. They used Fenton Weill p/ups, and have to say they sound damn good. (In fact I didn't have the heart to break it, so replaced the junk bridge & tailpiece with a Bigsby, stripped off the punk-rock graffiti and gave it a nitro refin. The entire pickguard / pickups / electrics assembly floats above the body - there are no routes into the hollow body at all, which means there's only clearance for a tiny "earphone" type jack socket. Also no truss rod, but the neck is dead straight.)

  5. [quote name='Jigster' post='989221' date='Oct 15 2010, 02:15 PM']here's the 335, just to compound the misery

    I KNOW it has too many strings, but look at the way the thru neck meets the body, it's sublime



    Jeez, I feel your pain with that one - what a beaut!

    Worst for me, selling a minter '72 Gibson Les Paul Deluxe (gold top) to my brother in the mid-80's for a lousy £200 so I could buy a decent violin (don't ask). I know for a fact it's sat under his bed ever since and the so-and-so won't sell it back for any money. :lol:

    Bass-wise I tend to buy oddball basses, so once sold I never see another. Main regret is an '80's Graham Crook Custom fretless; like a Wal Mk 1 but thru-neck, jazz p/ups (I changed for Barts), gorgeous Sapele body wings. Gone :)

  6. [quote name='The Bass Doc' post='979146' date='Oct 6 2010, 09:56 AM']For your delictation an original 1964 Gibson EB3 in the the ultra rare Pelham Blue finish (belongs to a mate of mine and not for sale!).

    Really nice, and strangely modern. :lol:

    Why the hell were Gibson so avant garde with body shapes but so conservative with finishes back then...... :)

  7. This was mine before going to Beedster Towers, and Cetera's before that. Without a doubt the best cab I ever owned; moves some serious air and the definition really is hi-fi - I absolutely loved it for fretless. I never tried bi-amping it with a crossover (it's got stereo separate inputs to the lower "woofer" and upper "tweeters", as well as mono option) but I bet it would sound amazing.

    TBH it's no bigger than a standard 2x15, and it's heavy because it's built for a life on the road - proper thick birch ply and big beefy magnets on those EV drivers. With castors it's not a problem single-handed until you get to stairs - then you know who your mates / the grafters in the band are!

    This has got to be one of the very best examples around, in superb condition - if I wasn't DI only these days I'd be having this back. :)

  8. Probably the smallest 2+2 headstock I know of (which it's going to have to be) and one of the most attractive is the early Goodfellow shape. You should be able to use the current E & A tuner holes, but with smaller tuners (eg; Schaller M4)

  9. Duncan's one of those like me who've been around on Bassworld / Basstalk / Basschat for ages - but we've never got around to a deal up until now, despite the fact that I used to own his old very lovely '73/'71 fretless P/J Precision (now chez Beedster).

    Anyway, just bought some Schaller tuners off him, super-smooth deal, great communications and fast despatch, hope to deal with again soon. :)

  10. Lucky guy - I think my Dad keeps a shotgun under his bed......

    See - [url="http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/EB0.php"]http://www.vintageguitars.org.uk/EB0.php[/url] - the "EB-3" conversion was a very common one back then, makes for a better player but reduces the value; not that I'd guess you want to sell it on anyway. Get an old Ampeg stack or Fender Bassman and you're in blues-rock nirvana! :)

  11. [quote name='Oggy' post='959233' date='Sep 17 2010, 11:02 AM']Hi Basschatters,

    I’m gutted :o . I bought this from Derren two week ago on this site and I’m really happy with her; IMO it fits right in with the ‘Blues’ look sounds great and plays really well.

    I really like her but my ‘so called’ band mates just don’t like her :snob: :) , it’s not the sound – they can’t fault that – it’s the look, they keep telling me it would be more suited to a ‘middle of the road’ band. I’ve argued the point but they just won’t be moved and insist that I use either the Mustang or my Gibson SG.[/quote]

    Not meaning to stir, but I'd be out of that band like a shot. :rolleyes: They'll be telling you not to wear your pants over your trousers next.......... :snob:

    Anyway, glad it looks like a deal's on here - cracking little bass! :lol:

  12. These are a bit more than MM necks, but quality and specs are Fender-level; truss rod adjust at the heel for one thing; maple - [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/Jazz_Bass_Maple_Neck_Unfinished_JM-UF"]http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/Jazz_Bass...nfinished_JM-UF[/url] , rosewood - [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/Jazz_Bass_Rosewood_Neck_Unfinished_JR-UF"]http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/Jazz_Bass...nfinished_JR-UF[/url]

    Can of nitro spray a tenner, will give you a more authentic finish than poly.

  13. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SUZI-QUATRO-1970s-ORIG-BASS-GUITAR-FLIGHT-CASE-/350394105897?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item51951dc029"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SUZI-QUATRO-1970s-OR...=item51951dc029[/url]

    Ah, my first crush, back when she was in leather cat-suits and silver hotpants, wielding an unfeasably huge Tele bass.......... :rolleyes:

    I suppose anyone could do this with an aerosol but probably genuine, although a flightcase it's not - in fact v. similar to my (original) '65 T'bird case which offers the protection of blotting paper.

    Whilst I was searching for cases, also came across this poor imitator of our own Lysdexia: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-4003-MapleGlo-1989-bass-guitar-hard-case-/130430314958?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item1e5e40a9ce"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-4003-Ma...=item1e5e40a9ce[/url] :)

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