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Everything posted by karrlander

  1. In he's case it won't work. But if I tell him that there was someone at the bar asking about that Bb%#dim@%7min chord he took in the bridge on that song we are safe.
  2. I have messes like that and worse every time our keyboard player helps packing after a gig. It's best to keep him occupied with something else.
  3. Guilty as charged! 🤣
  4. Well, I have a stack with a TC Bam200 and 2 TC208. For home practice I just use 1 208 and it works like a charm. Then I got an Ampeg PF-350 dirt cheap used and liked the sound of that one better with the 208's. Couldn't stop there so I got an Ampeg PF-210he cab to go with the head and I love it. So now I have 3 complete rigs. Yes, I have a Peavey MiniMax paired with a GK410 and a GK115 as well. I like and use them all, they are just different. The big rig stays mostly at our practice place. The 208 rig for home use or low volume jam and acoustic gigs. The Ampeg rig for most of the cover band and rock/blues stuff.
  5. This is my happy place at home. Pedalboard to a TC BAM200 in to a TC208 for bass and a Bose SP1 pro for all the other stuff. A Nux bass preamp with aux in and headphones out for silent practice.
  6. Downsized my “big” board some more. With some smart use of preset, snapshots and midi programming I can get all I need for our cover band from this. More pedals is more fun and might sound better but this is easy to carry and with all the thinking and programming already done I can concentrate on the gig at hand instead of knob tweeking and tap dancing. Split path on the stomp with ampsim to PA and without to stage amp makes it easy to adapt to different places.
  7. I do think that my “big” board is compact but today I took my time to build a small one with my bare essentials. A cutting board and two pieces of velcro and voila! This together with my PJ with flats sounds marvelous!
  8. Same here, excellent tool. For one of our songs I just shift it 2 semitones down to maintain the playing pattern for the riff with loose strings and all like the original but transposed to match our singer. So I have a couple of preset depending on how much I want to shift. If you listen closely you can here some artifacts but in the mix with a coverband on a big party? No one will notice and I can happily continue to play my 4-string p-bass. 😀
  9. Found the amp used and really cheap earlier. Finally got a matching 210 cab and it’s just great. Have a smaller rig and a bigger but I suspect this one will get used most of the time.
  10. Update to my board, an Empress Bass Compressor. So easy to dial in, just a couple of minutes with a looper pedal running to find my sweet spot and it sounds GREAT!
  11. I bought the Spectrum first and then the C4. When I get everything programmed on the Morningstar MIDI controller i might skip the Spectrum but there wasn't time for that. And I kind of like the possibility to switch in say an envelope filter to a C4 sound without having to program 2 different presets on the C4. This gives me a little more ad-hoc possibilities so I might keep it this way. (Re)building the board is great fun however so next week who knows?
  12. Quick and dirty setup and it works sitting down for practice. I left the stand with the iPad holder on the stage where I have to stand up. 😀
  13. Setup for some late rehearsal. Christmas show coming up tomorrow. Me late? Nah...
  14. I’m using an Airturn BT200. It charges with a standard 9v like all the other pedals on my board so I alway have it connected to the power supply. Nice feature! https://www.thomann.de/se/airturn_bt200s_2.htm?glp=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAtqL-BRC0ARIsAF4K3WG8jRi96gssEOpeF8mppvI0kBdV5fLhUNzBBWf8GxRxidua7r6jc-YaAmwEEALw_wcB
  15. Theres a nice trick in there if you're trying to pick a bassline from a recording where it's hard to hear. Pitch up 24 semitones and apply a EQ preset for isolating bass and it becomes clear. Sounds very strange but it works really well.
  16. I have on. Currently only use it on one song with our cover band to get a low D but on those occasions it's a life saver. It changes the tone a bit but I can live with it and be happy without a 5 string.
  17. I use Anytune Pro. The only problem is that apps can't import from Apple Music because copyright stuff but I convert the songs to mp3 (Audio HiJack) and import them to Anytune. Otherwise I think it does everything you want.
  18. It has a little bit of personality but very subtle and only in a good way. Nice workable eq and you can choose between two different eq’s in the editor. I keep tweaking my pedalboard and tone all the time and change pedals mostly because it’s always something to improve. But the Nux has just sat there from day one and I have no plans to replace it. I have an EBS ir loaded for headphone practice but it’s turned off on the amp out. For the money it’s hard to beat.
  19. I was thinking about getting a Fender Aerodyne, wanted a PJ configuration with a jazz-like neck. But there are nowhere to try one in Sweden so I bought this to see If the PJ really was what I wanted. Change the pups and maybe change to a jazz neck as well. But I really like the feel as it is. New pups are in the mail but the neck will stay. Have started to do some relic work on it and the plans of an Aerodyne is slowly fading away. This will be a perfect compliment to my Fender Mustang for a lot less money.
  20. I just bought a PJ74. Amazing bass for the money. The neck feels great and the setup was really good. I probably change the pickups, they are not bad, I just want a different tone. Found a set of half rounds that worked really well on it. I can really recommend it!
  21. Current incarnation of my board. The tuner might not be the sexiest but it works so it will stay for now. The Bassballs should be changed to something I can get more control over but it gives me that some extra funkiness when I need it so no hurry with that. The Drop is the latest add, don't want to carry an extra bass or detune for two songs so this one saves the day.
  22. A Digitech ”The Drop” is in the mail. Got a couple of songs in my current band with beautiful bass lines witch are using some open strings to get the right feeling. And makes them possible to play. Then there’s a singer who needs to lower the song two half steps. Arghh! I just can’t get it to feel and sound right without playing it the way it was written. Maybe this little thing can come to my rescue.
  23. I run a Nux Melvin Lee preamp with my Fender JMJ Mustang and I’m very happy with it. And it’s pretty cheap considering what it does.
  24. I just received my TC 208. Thought to use it mainly for home practice and maybe softer jazz gigs. But I tried it the other day at full band rehearsal with a load drummer, guitar, keys and saxophone and it worked like a charm. I used an Ampeg PF-350 head with it with no problem. It’s not the same as playing on my big rig with 410+115 but when u not need to hit someone in the stomach with the bass my back will be very happy with the 208. And it so cheap I just might get another one to get a little more air moving.
  25. Currently I have a Behringer x-air 18 for my man cave practice. The possibility to mix in different sources, vocal and so on and it’s far superior to a do-it-all pedal. But having some kind of IR-loader in the chain makes it even better. I have a Nux bass preamp that I run in to the mixer and the difference is huge. You can run the Nux preamp as stand alone with headphones out and aux in (witch I do right now, sitting in quarantine in Estonia) but I miss my full setup at home.
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