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Everything posted by sarakisof

  1. I am back. Finally found another Eko Manta bass for 80 bucks. 😁 Maybe @Bassassin is back from Pina Colados??😁 It's one like this exactly Yes or No? Is there anyone having experienced its pickups?
  2. Hello everyone, i found an old 70's Eko Manta bass in decent condition. Start price was 150€ then got down to 120€. Was wondering if it is worth it, if i could get a usable tone from it. Having in mind that i already own an old 60s Teisco EB 220 (the "shark" one, found for few bucks back then), could this Eko made some difference tonally? I know it's not a big amount, but you know even my old Teisco that i got for a few pennies was slightly used in one or two in my whole discography and recordings when needed, so if the Eko is similar I won't give 120 for it. Own so many basses already and don't want to get it just hanging on the wall. Neither reselling plans here. So if it could be usable at least i would go. Read bad things from a member here though πŸ™„
  3. I see. Contacted Squier asking dimensions or template so to know exactly what i am looking for. Found many e sellers with different pickguard dinensions 3-4 ply etc. Cheers
  4. Hello everyone, had found locally a lovely Squier VM Precision 2012 Olympic White for 150€ in pretty decent condition. 😁 As seller was far away from my place, i had a friend picked it up for me and keeps it in his home till he visits me in a few weeks. I think a vintage or red tort pickguard would be perfect on its wonderful olympic white. So i want to order via china ebay a tort replacement till my friend comes, but read that VM could be pain in the donkey year / models accordingly finding an exact dimensions pickguard replacement. I was wondering if there is anyone here owning a SQ 2010-2012 VM P and have ordered from ebay any pickguard that fits perfectly his body without any drilling. Any specific chinese sellers recommendations would be greatly appreciated guys. For example, i was looking to those: https://m.ebay.com/itm/Red-Tortoise-Shell-Pickguard-3-Ply-Scratch-Plate-For-Bass-Guitar-Part-Or-similar/401934068495?ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Ftype%3D4%26campid%3D5336679160%26toolid%3D10001%26afsrc%3D1%26customid%3D3043X598154X1f125d313493cc7200c768b31f166b0e%26mpre%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fitm%2FRed-Tortoise-Shell-Pickguard-3-Ply-Scratch-Plate-For-Bass-Guitar-Part-Or-similar%2F401934068495%3Fhash%3Ditem5d95232b0f%3Ag%3Ap3wAAOSwEGVd3jk~%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D2553032126698%26rvr_ts%3De3454c721730a99b2076debdffaf59b3&_mwBanner=1&_rdt=1&ul_noapp=true https://www.ebay.com/itm/3-Ply-Pickguard-For-Precision-Bass-PB-Bass-Guitar-Replacement-Part-Red-Tortoise/292646396859?hash=item442315a3bb:g:SN0AAOSwZjJU8Cbk&ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Ftype%3D4%26campid%3D5336679160%26toolid%3D10001%26afsrc%3D1%26customid%3D3043X598154Xa935276aef835c94562c28e332bdd6b5%26mpre%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ebay.com%252Fitm%252F3-Ply-Pickguard-For-Precision-Bass-PB-Bass-Guitar-Replacement-Part-Red-Tortoise%252F292646396859%253Fhash%253Ditem442315a3bb%253Ag%253ASN0AAOSwZjJU8Cbk%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D2553128320254%26rvr_ts%3De34661bd1730a6e571e52f26fe221c2d
  5. Unfair world😀
  6. Just for the record and our archives, here is another last picture he managed to take before it was sold πŸ˜‘
  7. Bad news. Seller had sold it 4 months ago for 80€ and forgot/ didn't know how to delete the ad. 😌 Turned to be an elder kind man, ex drummer in 70s and the bass belonged to his friend bassist in the band back then that now passed away. πŸ˜• Told me if i had contacted him back then and known my home is next to him he could give it for free as a gift to me cause he got my love for old instruments and so. Lesson learned no worries planet is full of old basses like that out there, i keep my eyes open. It was also a good chance to meet you here guys, will be around for sure πŸ‘Š
  8. I see 😁 Hope the seller agrees for 50€ in the end. Have to sketch a whole story to convince him when visit his garage 😎 Will be back when i have news, if all goes well, seems like a long restoration project loading... Cheers πŸ‘Š
  9. Wow wow amazing report here Mr. @Bassassin those are great news. To the folks above, not a metal head here. I am a sample based producer and multi instrumentalist, kind could be anything from a wide range based on 60s-80s samples from rockabilly and psych rock to jazz funk soul, blend alongside with live old strings brass and organs, so this beauty could find its unique place through the others sitting in my lab. I am into old stuff since childhood, from record collecting to finding old stuff and gear, diying, valves, restoration and all that kind of stuff. Everything...till 90's 🀣 Cheers to all, it's a nice place here 🀸
  10. Thank you @Bassassin. I am afraid i will never learn what this thing is πŸ˜‚ I guess i have to grab it to see what's going on. Will see and get back when so for sure. I found another one with an extra fret (key word was "long scale" which Bassassin said and gave me the idea to search). It is called Leyanda by Hohner, Maysumoku Japan. Don't think it is the same as "mine" though they have many things in common. (Look at those pup's, narrow empty neckplate, tuners, number of frets etc. Even thumb rest could be there i think i can see the two holes) Also look at how cheap thin printed this "Leyanda" logo is, easily worn out, clue that could explain the empty unbranded headstock in "mine's" πŸ™„ https://reverb.com/au/item/2270785-vintage-leyanda-eb-jazz-bass-fender-style-4string-bass-guitar-matsumoku-japan https://m.ebay.ie/itm/JAZZ-BASS-MATSUMOKU-LEYANDA-FENDER-COPY-LATE-70S-JAPAN-MADE-/130710003311?nav=SEARCH#vi__app-cvip-panel Cheers 😎
  11. Hello everyone, first post here. To be honest i have already posted this on another bass forum and from replies i got, found similar posts (not the same bass) and great things here. @steviedee @SH73 Local find years ago. Funny story. Seller was asking 250 back then lol, he was then dropping about 20 bucks every 3 months or so, "for ever unsold" case. I was following silently, seller lives 1 mile away my house. Price is about 100 bucks now, think of asking 50. - Seems like a Japanese copy late 70s. - Round jazz pickups (J knock off?) - Looks like it once had both chrome covers. - Note number of frets ... Searching months the internet but cannot find any identical. Many similar but not the same with this one. Maybe @Bassassin or other xperts here could help. Any info would greatly be appreciated. ☺️
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