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Everything posted by bumfrog

  1. [quote name='Bassassin' post='583431' date='Aug 28 2009, 12:16 PM'][i]This[/i] is who he is: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Gs4xGw1Eg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0Gs4xGw1Eg[/url] NSFW. Jon.[/quote] awesome
  2. [quote name='matt_citizenbass' post='583407' date='Aug 28 2009, 11:45 AM'][url="http://www.myspace.com/joebrooksmusic"]http://www.myspace.com/joebrooksmusic[/url] you can tell he's definitely got the backing just from the myspace.[/quote] christ, that's blander than magnolia! plus how much stuff can you fit on a myspace page!
  3. ow do people Put our new demo stuff up on myspace, mixed by the awesome Andy Partridge from XTC Be interested to hear people's feedback, bad or good The band is called Captains Of Industry and you can hear them here.... [url="http://www.myspace.com/captainsuk"]http://www.myspace.com/captainsuk[/url] The older songs on there were also mixed by Andy, but the recordings were nowhere near as good as the new stuff. Have fun!
  4. [quote name='Tait' post='580284' date='Aug 25 2009, 02:44 PM']problem is, that amplutube costs way too much for my liking. it looks like excellent software, but i just don't have the cash for it. i'm just going to have to work on getting a good sound with my guitarist. my dad's also told me that he's got a pedal with decent speaker modelling on it, so i'll give that a go, see how that works, too.[/quote] I think if you get the guitar rig demo, it'll run for 30 minutes before stopping each time. Should be enough time to record a session or do a render. Worth a quick try at any rate. Some of the other's like Amplitube and Waves GT3 may also do that as well.
  5. what you need is one of these [url="http://www.voxamps.com/us/modernclassic/ac4tv/"]http://www.voxamps.com/us/modernclassic/ac4tv/[/url] Has a built in attenuator so you can get the lovely sounds at lower volumes. Personally I use an sm57 right up to near the grille and then a large diaphragm condenser somewhere behind. But lately i've ditched all that and just started using plugins such a guitar rig. Providing you roll off the top and bottom of end of the eq, once it's in the mix behind a compressor, you'd be hard pushed to tell the difference when it's low end recording.
  6. hang on, you can get paid for gigs? When did this start to happen?
  7. all the cool people know there's only one place to get your straps.... Jodi Head custom straps [url="http://www.jodihead.com/"]http://www.jodihead.com/[/url]
  8. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='543325' date='Jul 17 2009, 03:58 PM']There's M.O.R. Music on Fossgate (or Walmgate or whatever it's called at that end) which only sells budget basses, cheap copies of Stingrays and P-basses, and frankly I don't trust the owner, and everything in there is overpriced.[/quote] in it's previous incarnation I would have agreed with you, but since it changed hands it's been a great improvement on what it used to be and they guy who runs the place now is really nice. Never had any problems with them, and whilst some things are a little overpriced, it is a shop and the prices I see in there aren't much different from shops I've been to in leeds etc.. Basically there's not much good around here if you're a bassist. I think the nearest half decent bass place would be in doncaster. The op is better off forgetting about bases if he's coming up here.
  9. [quote name='tanuki' post='530501' date='Jul 2 2009, 12:35 PM']bump for pics and prices, yeah, that is the one in waghorns! And someone but joes sabre cos id love him to have it!![/quote] where???? pm'd anyhoo....
  10. [quote name='Rich' post='508983' date='Jun 9 2009, 01:09 PM']Yeah yeah, whatever. Will somebody [i]please[/i] think of the squirrels?[/quote] only providing they are native red squirrels, brown ones can kiss my 12 bore....
  11. bumpski for change of post
  12. Hello Just a quickie. One of the support acts has pulled out on us so we're looking for a replacement to fill in. It's at the city screen in York on Saturday 13th June. So, if anybody is in a band that fancies it, or knows of anybody in a band that does fancy it, please pm me asap. Edited for further info - Our band is called Captains of Industry www.myspace.com/captainsuk and with it being such a small venue, we can't guarantee any cash I'm afraid, so may be of interest to local bands only, but if anybody fancies a jolly.... Cheers EDIT :- Support band now sorted. So here is the ad for the gig.... erm come see us on the 13th June at the City Screen basement bar in york.... More details here:- [url="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=89844148307&ref=mf"]http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=89844148307&ref=mf[/url]
  13. [quote name='Kongo' post='500925' date='May 29 2009, 02:01 PM']Actually some do. My friend went to join and band and succeeded. NOw he was more telented, musically minded and punctual than thier guitarist current who he was paired with...he then finds out they have "Split" and he was last to know...Fair enough...Then later he checks the myspace and finds they are still active...and they have replace him! In college it happened the same to another friend, college friend not personal. Both he and the 2nd vocalist were asked to leave the band because rthey wanted to try "different things" only for them to be replaced and the band did the same thing...in fact they even took the parts they wrote. So yeah, some musicians can be damn right mean and childish.[/quote] I had a friend who was sacked from a band for being too fat, because it didn't fit their image. Bearing in mind they were playing in pubs....!!!!!! Also seen people sacked for offering to play with other people, or one person got sacked because they had a go at the vocalist because he kept turning up late to stuff.
  14. [quote name='Kongo' post='500781' date='May 29 2009, 12:22 PM']LOL! That's the modern age of spinlessness you see...WHy bother telling it to someones face when you can use technology to tell them over distance. It's as bad as the old chestnut of being dumped over a text in the old days of school. [/quote] happen to me recently, and I'm nowhere near school age.... some people I guess never learn.....
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='500717' date='May 29 2009, 11:40 AM']I dont agree. Just because a band dont like/get on/want better etc doesnt mean its an ego thing. If something isnt right (and it sounds like its not been right for a while) then you do something about it. I hate being in bands where you have to keep telling someone what to do. you should all make the same effort and want the same thing. If someone doesn't then you have to think about what can be done. None of this has anything to do with being on an ego trip etc although you do need some sort of "attitude " to get anywhere these days. And im not saying the OP was any of the above but it sounds like his band thought that, so it seems to me it wasnt a "happy" band and they needed to do something about it.[/quote] yeh, I do agree with what you're saying in that respect. In my experience with bands I've know and people I've known who shoulder the whole "attitude" thing whilst still playing small venues, thinking that they are bigger and better than they actually are, and it being like a conveyor belt of musicians, never last because word gets around and they reach a point whereby nobody will actually want to play with them.
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='500694' date='May 29 2009, 11:19 AM']Fair enough. I agree with that but they have also been called twats and that they wont go anywhere etc. Why, because they sack a bass player via email?[/quote] twats - most definitely, because of they way they have carried themselves. Won't go anywhere - well only time will tell, but in my experience, bands that are carrying on like this before they've even got anywhere usually self implode because of ego problems.
  17. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='500677' date='May 29 2009, 11:02 AM']I cant see why people are saying "screw them". We dont know them and this sort of thing happens all the time IME. It really could be for the best for both parties.[/quote] because anybody with an ounce of decency wouldn't sack somebody over email. imho of course
  18. sorry to hear that, they sound like a bunch of douche's anyways. However I can never take people seriously that talk about taking things to the next level etc when they are doing somebody elses material. By definition, a tribute act can only reach a certain audience and get so far, because it's just that, a tribute act. Had it been an awesome band doing it's own stuff, then I'd have been mighty mighty mighty peeved, but no doubt if they are carrying on like this I'd expect to see multiple changes in the line up over the next few years whilst ego's prevail.
  19. [quote name='Eight' post='499000' date='May 27 2009, 04:42 PM']Personally I'd hope someone else tries it first and lets you know. [/quote] a quick search on google throws up quite a few people who have. I mean, at the end of the day, it's a lump of wood and wax is there to keep it from drying out and protecting it. Not really sure what warwick can claim to add to that to make it bass specific.
  20. i'm guessing that warwick make a lovely profit on their wax. Personally I'd just use normal beeswax.
  21. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='498065' date='May 26 2009, 03:45 PM']A small 1x12 30-50w valve combo should do the job[/quote] I'd have said that if you are playing any venue and a 30w isn't loud enough when not mic'd up, it must be a concert hall of stadium. As a rule of thumb I don't think I've ever played anywhere without a pa that a 15w valve hasn't been able to handle, generally if you are getting to louder then that, it's going to get mic'd up anyways. but just to echo what you said about combos, if it's portability then I'd deffo go for that option. forgot about the vox Night Train as well [url="http://www.voxamps.com/us/modernclassic/nighttrain/"]http://www.voxamps.com/us/modernclassic/nighttrain/[/url]
  22. [quote name='RussFM' post='497943' date='May 26 2009, 12:55 PM']Ah yes, I should mention we often play gigs without PA support for the drums or amps, so these 5w valve amps probably aren't going to cut it?[/quote] think you'd be surprised tbh.... get him to go and try some. I know blackheart do a 15w head too.
  23. [quote name='RussFM' post='497894' date='May 26 2009, 12:04 PM']As bassists, we have a wide range a small amp heads, GK, MarkBass, Ashdown Little Giants, GB Shuttles, etc. But what's out there for the guitarist aside from huge heads built to fit on a 4x12? Apart from the Crate Powerblock that was out a few years ago, there doesn't seem to be a lot of options, does anyone know of anything similar? My guitarist is currently without transport, and could do with something like a Little Giant/Shuttle to take to practices and gigs where he can borrow a cab, but I can't find anything suitable. He used to play through a Marshall Mode Four, so pretty much anything would be smaller, but nothing seems particularly portable.[/quote] this is what he needs Vox ac4 head [url="http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG02796"]http://www.imuso.co.uk/ProductDetail.asp?StockCode=EG02796[/url] or one of the blackheart heads.... [url="http://www.blackhearteng.com/index.html"]http://www.blackhearteng.com/index.html[/url]
  24. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='492889' date='May 20 2009, 01:53 AM']That post by Teej is about the most sensible thing I've read this year. Kudos to him.[/quote] yeh, have to agree. I often have the discussion about what people deem as being successful etc... It's always got to me when people go "oooo, look at them, they are so successful", and when you ask them how they know they are successful you get the stock reply of "well they have a lovely house, nice car etc".... Referring only to the material possessions. To me, the measure of somebody who is truly successful is somebody who is totally happy, regardless of the situation that they are in. I'd much prefer to be happy and skint, then loaded and unhappy.
  25. [quote name='M4L666' post='492632' date='May 19 2009, 07:54 PM']I am currently using Audacity for recording on my home mac, but what I'm doing just doesn't cut it: LOADS of noise, latency and bad quality audio. I was looking at one of these: [url="http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails.php?ProductId=718&ParentId=110"]http://www.bossus.com/gear/productdetails....mp;ParentId=110[/url] and thought "that'll be perfect!". But it's about £480 new... anything out there, like this, that is much cheaper? I would rather be able to burn CDs, but it's not a total need. I need 8 tracks, but would like more to play with. It needs to be fairly all-in-one, not too much buggering about with cables. Any suggestions? Or is this one for my birthday?[/quote] basically if you want to do recording on your mac or pc you need a dedicated soundcard. Without this you will experience latency and all of the other things. You could do a lot worse then than here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49503"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49503[/url]
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