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Everything posted by bumfrog

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='477004' date='May 1 2009, 01:42 PM']That's fine if you're a bedroom bubinga botherer who plays in a hobby band or a little pub band with no ambition. Some of us on here play in pro and semi-pro bands that need to deliver value for the punters' cash and be professional about what we do. Contributing to your band with a sh*t sound is the same as dropping bum notes, playing out of time or tune, or turning up to a gig looking like a you slept in the road with a cheap didge and a dog with a scarf round its neck. Sorry, but unprofessional "don't care" attitudes are guaranteed to completely piss me off. You don't turn up to your day job with that attitude I hope, or maybe you work for local government ..[/quote] Can you see me all the way from up there on your high horse? I was merely offering another view, and you come along and act all high and mighty, even when I'd asked for advice as well. Then you go on and try and link it in with my day job... wtf??? Shame, as most people on here seem very approachable and helpful, yourself with that post on the other hand just smack of ego....
  2. [quote name='51m0n' post='476948' date='May 1 2009, 12:47 PM']Yeah been there done that. ALways still do with a new buch in the studio. Try and tell them they would be best off going into the reheasal studio 4 times over the nexrt week to work it all out and tighten it up before recording, sort out tones, examples, mixes they like etc etc, bvs, overdubs, and lastly do you use a click? Usuually they get to the studio and still arent sure. So they slow the process down. Its fine if they have the budget, hopeless if they dont[/quote] Please don't take this the wrong way, it's not having a go. But you do sound like an IT guy As in you know exactly what to do and what needs doing, but then you sound (apologies if i'm wrong on this bit) like you are getting frustrated/annoyed with those people who don't have the same knowledge as you. I understand that when you reach a certain level of knowledge as it were that people then tend to start getting anal about stuff, but what tends to happen when people get to that stage is they tend to forget that actually there's quite a lot of people out there who play just for the fun of it, and really aren't that bothered about having the best sound they can as it really doesn't make any difference to them. Yes, I do agree with the sentiments of this thread about how things sound a lot better if people know about eq'ing, using fx properly etc, but to a certain degree, I find that once you start getting obsessed with those things they can get in the way of actually enjoying the playing, if you get my drift. Also purely from a spectators point of view, one can start to let things like that get in the way of actually enjoying the music and performance. Yes, I would love that every gig that I go to have well balanced sound, nicely seperated instruments etc, but that (in my experience) is the exception rather than the rule - as a few people have pointed out, the drummer, I feel, is the benchmark for this. Most gigs I go to, the drummer is too loud, so the sound people can't get the vocals up high enough to be heard over everybody competing with the drummer without it feeding back. I guess all I'm trying to say is to those that get annoyed by these things, watch your heart rate dudes, it's not worth busting a gut over EDIT:- Just out of interest, if anybody has any guides or advice about all of this stuff for live playing, I'd be most appreciative of some guidance
  3. [quote name='BOD2' post='475929' date='Apr 30 2009, 12:51 PM']That's ok - this is what a "debate" is all about. What I meant was, a good player with a good sound is more effective than a good player with a poor sound. They may have the same technical ability but I know which one I would rather listen to. There are loads of good technical players out there but whose sound is very generic, or otherwise uninteresting. But if you pair that ability with a good sound, then you have the makings of a great player. All the great players (Clapton , SRV, Hendrix etc.) have strong, recognisable sounds and I would argue it's this as much as their technical ability that makes them stand out.[/quote] I agree when you put it like that. I'd say that those with a good sound are more individual and have thought about it. Still doesn't make them a better player per se, it makes them a better band member All imho of course
  4. [quote name='BOD2' post='475807' date='Apr 30 2009, 11:00 AM']The difference between a good player and a mediocre player for me is their sound.[/quote] sorry, gotta disagree with that. If you are good player you are good player. If you spend ages messing about with amps then you also know about electronic sound. Doesn't mean you're a better player, just means you know how to use equipment. Conversely I have met sound men who can't play for toffee, but can get a good sound. What about acoustic stuff? Does that mean because somebody isn't using an amp then all of a sudden they become a worse player? Sorry if I sound a big facetious, I'm having one of them days
  5. nice idea, but you'll find a lot of guitarists who won't let you touch their stuff because they have a sound they like, not what works with the band. We call these people eeejits
  6. [quote name='misrule' post='474885' date='Apr 29 2009, 11:04 AM']Also, history is littered with about-turns where people decide they prefer the old ways of doing things or want a radical new direction. By the time my kids have grown up, they'll be making and listening to music in ways we haven't even dreamed of yet.[/quote] Good point. Seen as though my day job is in geek land, I was amazed to see what is effectively sci fi now. It's demonstrated here.... [url="http://www.musionmedia.co.uk/cisco_day.html"]http://www.musionmedia.co.uk/cisco_day.html[/url] Watch up to about 1 minute (beware the content is boring business blx) into it and people will get the idea I think - the possibility of virtual bands, bands playing virtually live in your living room etc...
  7. what's your budget?
  8. whereas at the other end of the scale, these cheaper rays seems have popped up, looks lovely too - £689... [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Music-Man-Ray-34,-Honeyburst~ID~11410.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~M...st~ID~11410.asp[/url]
  9. cheers for that, will have a sign up see what gives
  10. [quote name='uzzell' post='471636' date='Apr 24 2009, 03:54 PM']I will be putting up a couple of photo's this evening. I'll be honest and say that its not the best kit in the world but i manage to get a pretty decent sound out of it at the end of the day. I'm based in swindon, west country. Due to the nature of the kit there is no way i am willing to sent it so collection only i'm afraid. I really need shoot of it soon because i am moving soon and really cant be bothered to take it with me only to sell it anyway. As a result i will be likely to reduce the price every so often to ensure a sale for myself and a bargain for the buyer. Like i said, pictures to follow.[/quote] awesome, look forward to seeing the piccies. Can't be worse then what our drummer already has, given between every song he has to re-tighten everything for starters
  11. where are you based and do you have any piccies. Our drummers kit it uber poo and he's tight so won't buy a new one
  12. bumfrog


    [quote name='EBS_freak' post='471565' date='Apr 24 2009, 02:51 PM']Ah... the Superfire, give it time... and it'll be schmokin' [/quote] Luckily mine was one of the last, so they'd fixed a lot of the issues. If it does start smoking though, I'll probably start laughing and get the marshmallows out
  13. bumfrog


    [quote name='EBS_freak' post='471537' date='Apr 24 2009, 02:27 PM']Which specific model? Which year?[/quote] he's got one of the re-issue cc2's - get's very hot and smelly. Recifier valve went the other month, quite common unfortunately. Most reliable valve amps I've used have been musicman/fenders. Although I'm guessing it doesn't help in the fact that most practise rooms have terrible power supplies and are likely to spike like buggery thus destroying ones lovely valve amp. I've got a superfly and whilst it does get hot, it doesn't feel like it's going to catch fire. I prefer the weight advantage of not having the big chassis and heatsink because I'm lazy
  14. bumfrog


    [quote name='EBS_freak' post='471507' date='Apr 24 2009, 01:47 PM']Sounds like a fire waiting to happen [/quote] nahhh, that's our guitarists ac30
  15. finally got chance to try one of the much hyped classic vibe basses the other week. I was shocked as it was much nicer to play then the 3x cost fender equivilent next to it. Good work squier
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='462527' date='Apr 14 2009, 09:52 PM']Every time I'm in there it's that impossibly pretentious hairy boy from Idle Jack and his cronies. He brought a theremin along last time.[/quote] Well rob the singer from Idle Jack runs the night, so he will be there, but there's usually quite a few good acts on. I was just pointing out for warwickhunt on the offchance he fancied something a bit different. There's also a good one at Dusk on a sunday night too, which was responsible for my monster hangover on monday... grrr [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='462527' date='Apr 14 2009, 09:52 PM']Yeah City Screen's often got good stuff on.[/quote] Heads up for 30th April - James Apollo [url="http://www.myspace.com/jamesapollo"]http://www.myspace.com/jamesapollo[/url] for an ultra fine slice of Americana if that so takes anybodies fancy.
  17. just a quick note to say tubedepot [url="http://www.tubedepot.com/"]http://www.tubedepot.com/[/url] is a great place to get stuff, and they'll even mark down the customs packets for you so you hopefully won't get stung. I've ordered tubes and speakers from them in the past, never had any problems
  18. I've just had a quick look at the listings for the main places and to be honest, you'd be better off going to Ye olde Starre inne on the thursday night for the open mic acoustic night. Most of the people in the best (original) bands in york tend to shufty down there on a thursday night, so you'll see some fantastic, and drunk stuff! Also worth a mention is the rather excellent city screen basement bar. Not the best layout for a venue, but incredibly intimate and they have some fantastic acts on there from out of town.
  19. £3800 starting price for a Warwick vampire !!!!!!! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Vampyre-Ltd-2003-Custom-Bass_W0QQitemZ280326400182QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item280326400182"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Warwick-Vampyre-Ltd-...tem280326400182[/url]
  20. [quote name='beerdragon' post='453112' date='Apr 3 2009, 11:03 AM']I ordered an item from this place on wednesday, [url="http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/"]http://www.dangleberrymusic.co.uk/[/url], i used Paypal and paid an extra £6 for next day delivery. i received an email saying my order was being processed. Thursday, nothing. fired off an email asking for a refund on the postage as i did not get the next day delivery. i got an email off them today, (Friday) saying to use the the fill out form to contact them. what the did they think i used to get in touch!. there's no telephone number as far as i can see. when checked my paypal account there's no money gone out of it. so what are they doing? don't whether to tell them to stick it or what. anyone else used these people?.[/quote] if you've payed via paypal just stick in a dispute with paypal, you should get your money back.
  21. [quote name='YouMa' post='452975' date='Apr 3 2009, 09:13 AM']+10 mother earth were great i wonder what neil corcoran the bass players up to now? He was very good. People tree is an excellent album.[/quote] living in oz it would seem [url="http://www.myspace.com/neilc101"]http://www.myspace.com/neilc101[/url]
  22. [quote name='PauBass' post='452137' date='Apr 2 2009, 08:15 AM']I really dig bands like Lettuce!, Incognito, Jamiroquai... any more bands out there you'd recommend?[/quote] anything from the acid jazz label is a good start, so Mother Earth, corduroy, james taylor quartet, galliano etc... A little know band (now defunkt) called DAG, Prince, Spearhead and one of my personal favs - G love and special sauce but for me, still can't beat the original p-funk
  23. I've always found most the stuff on denmark st to be overpriced, but I expect that because of what and where it is. I do love looking around, but do have a chuckle at some of the prices, but I think fair play, as most of the people I see playing the stuff in those shops are all suits who play for a bedroom style hobby who can afford to spend £1500 on a whim for a nice guitar. Horses for courses really. The only thing that bothers me is the attitude of *some* of the staff in the shops. Given I was interested in buying a new bass, I asked if they stocked X bass, and all I got back was "no". No sign that they wanted to try and help me chose anything different, or anything like that.
  24. [quote name='William James Easton' post='431524' date='Mar 11 2009, 02:11 PM']OK i'l say it.. Chris - trianers with shirt and tie are so passe....[/quote] +1 I'm afraid. First thing I though was nice photos, shame the guys look like every other band out there....
  25. apologies if this has already been posted, but due to youtube's crackdown on music, even marlowedk's account has been suspended! info here on his website.... [url="http://playbassnow.com/"]http://playbassnow.com/[/url] bloody corporate arses.....
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