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Everything posted by Eight

  1. Decided to miss this to go see our very own Dick Venom & The Terror Tones play in Gateshead... ...Well. I didn't actually know Fishbone were playing until yesterday.
  2. Great guy to deal with - bought a db pickup from Bob and he was a gent throughout. Very easy to talk to aswell. Cheers Bob.
  3. Ack. I think we're going but maybe only on the saturday. Will have to see if I can force a rethink.
  4. [quote name='mcnach' post='1208132' date='Apr 22 2011, 11:36 AM']I will try another round of Nitromors, and see if that works... I hope I don't have to get rid of that by brute force and sandpaper![/quote] I wish I'd known about that stuff. Last "summer" I sanded all the paint off my Peavey with sandpaper... It's all I managed to get done on the project before the rains came.
  5. [quote name='Mikeg' post='1204135' date='Apr 18 2011, 08:59 PM']And where do you guys store all these bass's? [/quote] Anywhere I like - I live alone.
  6. [s]5. And considering a sixth when I have some cash. Although one is in pieces so that doesn't strictly count.[/s] Edit: Just noticed my signature - I have six (one not shown). Lol. And considering a seventh. Damn. This means I voted wrong.
  7. [quote]Most awesome Bass for sale super epic brilliance can be yours for a small fee. P...ull all the rawk chicks with super slick Bass moves - If local with give 1 or 2 Bass lessons in guitar and groin thrusting. would you like too hear "Awww man that dude jamming the Ibanez was so hawt id like to get in his pants and play hide the sausage...but if only he wasnt surrounded by so many women!" ? surely worth the money? But wait there's more Has jumbo frets yo! this gives you that slap schizzle dawg! play like Chilli Peppers and get all the womens. WHAT! New machine heads you say! mother funker! that schizzle just saved you £60 why am I so generous? because I wanna see YOU get LAID..cus that's the nice guy I am. And it's a Bass...no talent required to start jamming that bisnatch into the stratosphere! become a legend over night...Do it! Just do it with an Ibanez. *Does not Garantee Epicness ** May not get laid[/quote] from [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/epic-ibanez-bass-guitar-sr300m/77621148"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/epic-iba...sr300m/77621148[/url]
  8. [quote name='fonzoooroo' post='1200256' date='Apr 15 2011, 08:46 AM']Clicky pickup: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GT537-Acoustic-Guitar-Piezo-Transducer-Pickup-Kit-/300527402849?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item45f8d43f61"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GT537-Acoustic-Guita...=item45f8d43f61[/url][/quote] Wow, that's cheap. I like cheap. Cheers Fonz.
  9. Well... the guitar pickup worked (ish). Enough to tell me that my double bass is horribly tuned. Think I'll give a mag a try - if it works, it certainly keeps things simple for me for now. [quote name='bob_pickard' post='1199163' date='Apr 14 2011, 10:50 AM']There's a nice brand new schaller on the market place for sale that would fit the bill perfectly [/quote] I saw that. PMing.
  10. I can't see it hurting. And if it keeps you interested then great. But to continue the analogy, if you learned to drive in six different cars, I think you would quickly get a better feel for things like clutch biting points than someone who only ever drove one car.
  11. Hmm.. might be able to go one better here. But it involves asking a dumb question first. I've had something like this sat on a shelf for over ten years (from when I bought an accoustic guitar which I never played). That looks like a magnetic pick up to me, right?
  12. Good grief - this just gets more complicated, the more I learn. Are mag pickups quite picky about the strings you use with them? I have no idea what's on there at the minute. They're metalish I think.
  13. Hmm... after a lot more web searching etc. I was considering getting a K&K Big Twin + K&K Dual Channel Preamp. Comes in at a reasonable cost(ish) of around £150. And I think I could fairly easily add a K&K Hot Spot later on (for the slap signal). Does this sound about right? I'm also wondering whether the K&K preamp works with those Shadow pickups instead. Arrrggghhh...
  14. [quote name='bob_pickard' post='1197952' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:32 AM']I'd go for a cheaper mag pickup and run the slaps through a mic - the slaps are very loud and easily picked up - cheap option anyway ...[/quote] I'm scared of mics. Not just in case I fart/swear etc. But it could be something to try. Cheers mate.
  15. Hmm... that's an interesting idea. I just assumed that the bridge pickups wouldn't catch any of the click. I guess I could add the fingerboard pickup later on if I needed something more blatant?
  16. I use a little Behringer Xenyx for the same kind of thing. Works well - maybe not the cleanest on the market but I was happy considering the low cost.
  17. Sometimes searching the forums is a bad idea. I read too much and now I'm completely confused. I need/want to start using my CCB with a band I've just joined and will need a pickup. It's a rockabilly/country affair so I need to get that slap sound which I think means I need the separate fingerboard pickup. And a pre-amp if I'm to run it all into my Warwick head etc. If I had loads of cash available, I'd probably just go for the K&K Rockabilly system (just because so many people seem to use it) but I can't really justify £200ish. I looked at the Schatten RB-2A but am having problems ordering one of those (long story). Just wondering if anyone can help me work out what I need here. Cheers guys.
  18. I don't think Schecters get much love as whole in the UK anymore. Partly because things went a bit mad a few years ago: with half their models that are built and spec'd for the first/cheap bass market in the US appearing here with price tags pushing them more towards the mid-range end of the market.
  19. [quote name='phatkat' post='1193278' date='Apr 8 2011, 08:44 PM']How did you know...? Spooky[/quote] My bald head and bad dress sense told me. That, and I went to a bass bash once.
  20. [quote name='Vinny' post='1191109' date='Apr 6 2011, 09:37 PM']No, No, No! If I pick one up it will be either to move it out of my way or to give it's owner a swift kick in the gentleman's region.[/quote] Lol. +1 I have a guitar but to be quite honest, I can't play it at all. The strings are too thin, too close together and there's too many of them.
  21. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1190520' date='Apr 6 2011, 02:18 PM']When I get an Esh (or similar) I'll invite you to a gig. [/quote] Cool! Get the Esh if you can. Fantastic instruments.
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1190309' date='Apr 6 2011, 11:39 AM']I play in a Folk/Country/Americana type band thing & play my Ibby Soundgear which is a similar shape to your Schecter. I've been looking at an Esh similar to yours tho.[/quote] An Esh in a folk/country band??? This I must see.
  23. Bienvenue.
  24. [quote name='icastle' post='1189162' date='Apr 5 2011, 03:45 PM']...and made you wear a pointy hat? [/quote] Exactly. To cover up the bald "patch". Not even sure you can call it a patch anymore.
  25. [quote name='icastle' post='1189156' date='Apr 5 2011, 03:42 PM']Oi ! I still have a full head of hair and as for my dress sense, I still have a full head of hair... [/quote] Hahahaha. Wait til you've been a BC member for a bit longer. I swear it's this place that ruined my hairline.
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