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big cat

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Everything posted by big cat

  1. If it's still available after June.....though i don't think so. Really nice bass, good luck for the sale!
  2. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='492296' date='May 19 2009, 01:04 PM']Wow. That's stunning. How much will Cash Converters give me for one of my kidneys? Have a bump on me.[/quote] Cash converter? No way!!!!
  3. [quote name='ahpook' post='490002' date='May 16 2009, 06:05 PM']the gain control looks like it's set to zero (but i don't know the amp, so excuse me if that's wrong)[/quote] Well, i tried. It doesn't work. Anyway, thanks for the advice. could be the problem of cab?????
  4. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='489973' date='May 16 2009, 05:35 PM']might be worth posting a pic of the front of the amp as well...I'm sure you've checked the obvious but we've all been there regardless mate [/quote] Yeah. Thanks for the advice. Here it is, the blue light is on. [attachment=25372:P1020004.JPG] [attachment=25373:P1020003.JPG]
  5. [quote name='~tl' post='489941' date='May 16 2009, 05:04 PM']Looks fine. Is your speaker lead working?[/quote] The head is working, the blue light is on, but there is just no sound....
  6. Hi, all. I've been using combo before. Recently, i bought my EBS rig. I tried to connect it, but there is no sound. Here is the back of my Amp: [attachment=25369:P1010995.JPG] And the back of the cab: [attachment=25370:P1010998.JPG] That's how i connect them: [attachment=25371:P1010993.JPG] Did i make any mistake???
  7. Take both of them and play at the same time....lol Joke. Double Buck my vote
  8. Hi, folks. I'm selling my MIJ Epihone Elite Thunderbird. Currently, i use my Fender Precision and ESP. So this one needs a new home. This is my first bass. I bought it when i was in japan at the end of 2006. Check the information of this bass online you will find it's not a low-end bass but something in the middle range. It is actually made by Orvile(Some people call it Gibson Japan). Some people say it has the similar quality of a Gibson T-bird. To be honest, i don't think so, but much better than the normal Epiphone T-bird.......Well, it has a much better finish than the Gibson T-bird. It is discontinued in 2007, so it may not be easy to find one now. It is equipped with the Gibson USA Pick Up. Sounds like a barking dog (Some people may think it is muddy) Ideal for some hard styles. It has the similar slim neck of Gibson T-bird. (Yes, and the similar neck dive....) It is lighter than the other T-birds. In the official site, Gibson says it is a Neck Through design. Actually, the Elite T-bird is a Set Neck one. It also has a distinguishable vintage T-bird look which makes it cooler The condition of the bass: It has the general wear you can imagine. It went through rehearsals and small gigs. Some minor scratches and marks left by buckle, but can not be noticed due to the Sun Burst finish. It's not in mint condition but still good. Well, why do you particular care about a T-bird's condition? Just plug in and rock out Pics will speak all. [attachment=22882:P1010689.JPG] [attachment=22884:P1010693.JPG] [attachment=22885:P1010692.JPG] [attachment=22886:P1010694.JPG] [attachment=22883:P1010691.JPG] [attachment=22887:P1010696.JPG] [attachment=22888:P1010697.JPG] [attachment=22889:P1010698.JPG] I'm in Belfast, since the hard case is really huge, collection will be good, but i'm ready to post it to UK Mainland. I'm looking for 450 (including postage) Feel free to PM. Cheers. Big Cat
  9. [quote name='johnnylager' post='437046' date='Mar 17 2009, 11:33 AM']No, 200w? [url="http://barefacedbass.com/thecompact.html"]Barefacedbass Compact[/url]. Read [url="http://wiki.basschat.co.uk/info:amps:impedance_and_wattage"]this[/url].[/quote] Thanks
  10. Cheers, folks. I have the GK head. Basson do have a particular sound that i like. But from your suggestions, it doesn't looks like a cab which fits the head. May be Mark Bass? Lot's of the cabs are 8 ohms. Any suggestions for the cab?
  11. Hi, folks. I've been using the combos, now i want to try something else. But i don't have too much knowledge about the cabs and heads. Gallien Krueger GT400IV [attachment=22176:145613.gif] - 280watts (4ohms). - Active 4-band EQ. - Adjustable Contour, Presence & 4/5 String voicing - Boost (Valve Effect) - Effectsloop, Tuner out with Mute - XLR out with Level, Ground Lift & Pre/Postswitch - Spea kon & 1/4"outputs - 19x3.5x8 (2 rack spaces) - 16.5 Ibs. Basson B15B [attachment=22177:69649_b.gif] ■Speaker : 1×15” (BASSON ORIGINAL SPEAKER搭載)+ Horn ■Power : 300W RMS ■Sensitivity : 98db~120db ■Impedance : 8Ω ■Frequency : 40Hz - 4kHz ■Jack : IN(Phone×1) : EXT-OUT(Phone×1) ■Size : 616W×488D×746H/mm Will there be any problem if i combine this 4ohms head with the 8ohms cab and what's the final output? Or any other suggestions for the cab? Cheers!
  12. Is it still available?
  13. [quote name='Protium' post='422364' date='Mar 1 2009, 01:56 PM']They have had it for 3 weeks and you didn't ring them up?[/quote] No, i have never bought gear oversea before, so i just contact with the seller.
  14. [quote name='joe_bass' post='422054' date='Feb 28 2009, 10:50 PM']+1 Bloody annoying if you ask me! I was following a bass on the tracker & waited a couple of days after reading that thinking that they had come & tried to deliver & would just try again the next day. When I phoned them up they told me they had sent a letter & were waiting for me to get back to them, the guy told me the charge amount & I paid over the phone. The bass came the next day so they are fast but only with pushes from you. I can't recall actually ever getting the letter either. Big Cat are you sure it's gone back? As mentioned above if you are going by the tracker or something then best to phone them?[/quote] No, i didn't phone them. But it seems they have sent it back 24-02-2009 16:00 Belfast Central Depot On route to hub 24-02-2009 06:38 Belfast Central Depot Return to sender 03-02-2009 08:20 Belfast Central Depot Awaiting payment of charges 03-02-2009 03:32 Belfast Central Depot Arrived at delivery depot 02-02-2009 11:44 National Hub Sorted in hub 02-02-2009 09:35 International Hub En route to delivery depot 02-02-2009 08:42 International Hub RELEASED WITH CHARGES 01-02-2009 17:30 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGING 01-02-2009 17:30 International Hub AWAITING CUSTOMS CHARGES 01-02-2009 17:18 International Hub Arrived in destination country
  15. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='422025' date='Feb 28 2009, 10:15 PM']I picked my package up. A box of "USED GUITAR PARTS" with a value of $139 + shipping. My VAT charge was £18.37 and Parcel Farce required an additional £13.50. Total bill = £31.87. 2 points : Why do I pay VAT on used items and why did PF need £13.50 for taking 10 days to get it from Portsmouth to Aberdeen and not even deliver it to me? Feckers![/quote] OMG!!!! Parcel Force sent my bass back to USA.....They didn't write me any letter or email to inform me for the payment things in the past 20 days.....jesus
  16. [quote name='Prosebass' post='421481' date='Feb 28 2009, 02:57 AM']Basically if you get away without paying you are lucky. Anything declared on the custom slip under £30.00 will normally get through without question unless the customs and excise suspect the item may be worth more or you get the item marked "Gift" and it comes from Hong Kong or China, although not everything is checked just a percentage as the C & E don't have the manpower with postal items. Parcelforce are usually quite quick processing items with duty to pay and normally take 3 -7 days they handle all the EMS far east trade. Vat is charged at 15% and duty on musical instruments and parts is another 4% (or was last time I checked) so budget on 20% extra. Also there is a handling charge that is either £8.50 or £13.00 Worst case scenario is a £40 item that could cost £56.50 so 30% extra in total. It is worth taking this into account, my brother once bought some cheap Nikes from the USA and it would of been cheaper to buy them here. On the other hand I had a delivery of 15 bodies and necks and 2 full basses and didn't pay a penny in duty ! [url="http://customs.hmrc.gov.uk/channelsPortalWebApp/channelsPortalWebApp.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=pageTravel_ShowContent&id=HMCE_CL_000014&propertyType=document"]Useful Link[/url][/quote] Man....i bought a 1200 pounds bass......sweet jesus
  17. Oh....jesus ..... Thanks, everyone
  18. Last month i bought a bass from USA on Ebay. I have not received it yet. I tracked the order online, it has arrived in UK for a long time. I asked the seller, he told me to contact the local post office as they may hold it for duty. I checked the local mail room, post office but can't find it anywhere. Any body ever had such experience? It looks i need to pay tax. Where can i find my bass, should i contact custom?
  19. Wow!!!!! That's one of my dreams!!!!! Congratulations
  20. [quote name='Eight' post='416009' date='Feb 21 2009, 10:28 AM']I believe a DI is perfect for recording. You'll have GarageBand as part of your Mac installation - and as much as I don't like the thing, I've heard a lot of decent tracks come out of it so you might as well start there. You'll want a little USB/Firewire audio interface. You might want a keyboard/digital piano/trigger pads etc. depending on what you're going to be doing. What are you aiming to achieve?[/quote] Hi, Eight. Thank you very much. I just want to record my bass and mix it into other tracks for fun. However, i asked the guy in my local guitar shop, they told me i can not use a normal DI to record, they told me i need something like a LINE 6 POD Studio UX1. I don't know what is it. They said i can use a cable connect it with my bass and then use USB to connect the POD to laptop. I was wondering wether i can just use my amp and a MXR M80 DI to record?
  21. Hi, folks. I want to try recording, i have no experience of it. Can anybody give me some suggestions about the home recording facilities and software? (laptop based) Now i have a Roland Cube 30, a MacBook. Can i use a DI to record? Cheers!
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