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Saul Panzer

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Everything posted by Saul Panzer

  1. Fortunately not, I got my original bass during the first covid lockdown so I couldn't really do any shop testing for a long time. At this point it's just making an excuse to buy another bass, totally not replacing my main bass I just need that relic Sandberg for tone reasons or something.
  2. If she doesn't want me in my bass suit, I don't want her. Anyway "Edgar Winter bassist and songwriter Dan Hartman designed this $5000 silver “Bass Suit” in 1974.", wasn't that about the price of a modest flat back in the 70s? Between the suit and that custom monstrosity strapped to it, this guy clearly has some shillings to throw around.
  3. Working, I had nothing social planned and I prefer getting paid double or more to getting drunk.
  4. I just had a play around, my normal way seems to be muting the E/A with my thumb and the D with my ring finger if I'm playing G. When I slip to fully thumb muting I have my thumb tucked under my hand parallel to my index finger so the fat pad above my thumb bulges enough to mute the E. I tried stretching my thumb out like it's pointing between the neck and floor, that caused me have bad muting on the E sometimes because the pad is stretched flatter.
  5. 2 little bits of sandpaper in the neck socket pocket are the reason my cheap Cruiser jazz is usable, it's got all the problems without that. Fixing it properly would mean somehow removing the uneven paint/lacquer out of the pocket, filling/re-drilling the holes in both the neck and the body and likely still putting in a shim to brace the neck which creeps upwards until the E string no longer touches the neck past fret 12.
  6. I use this to hook my bass up to my PC, it's just a regular guitar jack at one end and USB at the other (mac isn't listed on Amazon but one of the reviews says it works if you have a USB to type-C adaptor). Its been working fine in both Win7 and Linux for months, on both it shows up as a USB microphone but with your guitar/bass input instead of voice. Never cut out and if there's any latency it's so little I can't notice it. https://www.amazon.co.uk/EBXYA-Interface-Connector-Computer-Recording/dp/B089R3DVQY?th=1 No idea how that works within Skype to be honest, I've never used it...whether you can have multiple mic inputs or only 1 at a time.
  7. I had the PC version until a couple months ago when I did a big clutter downsizing, it was a bin bag full of computer cables I would likely never use again such as old power cables, VGA cables, sata leads, cat5 and so on. For my bass stuff I'm really trying to keep it in check.
  8. I straight out fanboy for Sire, I own 2 and have played 2 others...all rock solid for the prices. I've owned one Harley Benton and it was pretty good, I'm enough of a fan to be considering one of their enhanced MP basses...at the price it's not even much of a gamble. As an unjustified fan it's Sandberg, never touched one but the ones I've seen and heard they're really nice. I'm considering dropping almost £2-3k on a custom one next year which may or may not be my smartest move.
  9. I watched the video when it came out, I got the feeling some were voted for by the kind of audio purist side of the voters. The last clip with Flea sounded to me like he'd been talking with or influenced by Frusciantes (RHCPs guitar player) solo stuff, it had a similar vibe and sound. Maybe it was like an art piece homage rather than a perfect tone masterclass. The solo Frusciante stuff was/is distorted garbage sounding to a lot of people, even back around 2000 I'd download some of his tracks and mates listening to it would look at me like a moron with my ears back to front. Anyone who's watched Fieldy doing his little bass tip/lessons on songs would know his Korn sound is that clacky percussive slap type thing, go way back to the first stuff and it's there in the background "clack clack clack Falling away from me....". Seems weird to complain about the tone from anything other than the purists pov, yeah it's not some smooth jazz, it's korn. Yeah I'm siding the with, music is an artform still and sometimes you need the weird low end strokes.
  10. Forgot how cool the bass is on this song.
  11. If I hadn't already unwound them and faffed around I might consider it, I don't like the idea of sending out strings to find one was a dud due to me. Anyway I keep eyeing those little Talman short scales, maybe next year they'll get a workout. Worst thing I could say about it is that Sire headstock shape isn't really to my taste, round off that pointy bit and it'd be perfect imho.
  12. Best Purchase: My Sire P7 by far. Bargain of the year: That Protection Racket foam case behind the bass, £20 from a guy who brought it new but never got to use it...that was £80 less than a new one would've cost me back then. Worst Purchase: A set of Rotosound flats, I had a brain fart and ordered short scales for my long and then proceeded to open the pack and try to fit them so no return for those...good excuse to get a short scale one day I guess.
  13. Sorry, double posted the above reply and can't see how to delete it
  14. Guess it's all a time factor. Gigging multiple times a week with the same band would be like the rehearsal for the next one rather than having set rehearsals multiple times a week for that 1 rare gig you play. I don't know how they get there but some bands just have or make that magic, whether it lasts or not is another thing.
  15. I'm not in a band but always assumed that is a big part of being "tight" when everyone's doing their thing on stage. But what do I know.
  16. I don't give it much thought beyond the usual prejudice people get over where the instrument itself is made with the type of "X being better than Y and Z being the "pinnacle" you're charged a premium on". I'm pretty sure my Sire is from Indonesia and I think my Cruiser is korean, Harley Benton have a bunch of locations so who knows. As for strings, Fender amp and accessories...not a clue, I threw the packaging away long ago.
  17. First time I've heard of Dawsons, guessing they were a local place or didn't do much advertising.
  18. I'm a sucker for the various "off-white" shades, usually sold as antique white or vintage white. Pair it with a dark fretboard and a matching white headstock and you've hit peak hotness imho.
  19. Looks like this guy at least found a worthy bass buddy.
  20. I've only got 4, I'm not sure I'll ever have more than that. I've put off buying a second rack to make sure I don't let the number creep up. If I get a new one it'll be replacing an existing one with something I want more like a Sandberg P bass. I did consider selling 2 and using that money for the Sandberg, honestly there's only 2 basses I'd feel bad selling and that's my Sire P7 and cheap diy mod platform J.
  21. I just give mine a wipe down with an old dry cotton rag after practice, more to keep my fretboard free of dust and stuff but the strings get a wipe since they're so close anyway.
  22. she's sat in my rack about 3ft away, I noticed the other day that the frets have started turning from shiny silver to a dirty bronze colour...half and half on whether to try cleaning them or see how vintage looking they get.
  23. Diff'rent strokes and all that I guess. I'm not a fan of dots in general, the super intricate ones look okay as art pieces if they match the instrument as a whole and are well crafted. My personal preference is blank like the pure black ebonol board on my Harley Benton followed by contrasted block inlays like black blocks on a light maple board or white blocks on rosewood.
  24. Sire P7 bass Fender Rumble amp (25-100 would be my current sweet spot) A thick comfy strap and the usual extras like a tuner, cables, decent set of headphones.
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