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Everything posted by moonbass

  1. That looks great! I've got the fretless 5 with walnut facings, and I'm always surprised how few of the Panthers you see about given that the California series is getting so popular. Really versatile and warm instruments, with great build quality for a reasonable price, and lots if custom options! Was this a custom? How long did you have to wait? I'm waiting on a fretted 5 with imbuia facings and block inlays, and can't wait Andy.
  2. Hi All. Would love a bit if advice: I've recently purchased an SVT3 and love the sound. But, it sounds a bit farty even with low gain. I wonder if the valves might be shot so I've ordered a replacement set from Watford valves (not cheap, so hope they're ok). Having never set to an amp with a screwdriver, I don't really know what I'm doing. I presume the valves are easy to replace, but wonder what else I should be looking out for? For instance, I hear things about dry solder joints: can these be spotted visually? And I hear that although the preamp valves don't need biassing, the transformer does need something similar to optimise it? Any thoughts gratefully received. (Even if it's just 'take it to a pro you numpty'!) Cheers, Andy
  3. I can fit six pedals and a power supply onto a diago commuter pedalboard, which is incredibly light and portable, and also carries 2 jack leads and a kettle plug.
  4. Is this still available? If so where are you based? A.
  5. Just a thought with the tingly finger: do you wear your bass slung too low? Doing this makes you flex your elbow and/or wrist more which can cause nerve entrapments. A long scale bass will of course exacerbate this (or short arms). If not definitely see a Physio. Merry Christmas!
  6. If you like those then you should definitely check out the Out Of Sight soundtrack (and film!)
  7. Just back from passing on my Vanderkley cabs to Mick. Top bloke. Deal with confidence. Even bought me a drink! Cheers Mick! Andy.
  8. I'll even gift wrap them (badly) if required
  9. Thanks David; best of luck with the sale! A.
  10. The Boss ME50b does what I think you're describing using its 'sound hold' function on the expression pedal? Seen a few going for not much money at all on here.
  11. I've always got good results going straight out of the Streamliner's DI. You can chose pre or post tone section. Mines ever so slightly noisy post eq, but I think most others are pretty clean. A very nice DI box or expensive desk with good pre's would sound better, but only if you're spending mega bucks and have a good engineer.
  12. Bump for edit: selling both cabs now (I've been to Bass Direct!) They are identical, but can post photos of the two if needed. (Please ignore the '£400 price or trade value' as £800 now selling both, but would be willing to split for £400 each if two interested parties.) Andy.
  13. Bump (I'm going to Bass Direct tomorrow!) A.
  14. I have a Vanderkley 112 up for sale. Mark at Bass Direct has pointed a lot of happy people in this direction. If you're near Cambridge you're welcome to try it out. Andy
  15. (Edit as selling both now, following expensive trip to Bass Direct!) Hi there. Looking to move these excellent cabs on for usual GAS related reasons. I've had them a couple of years now, and they have some minor scuffs on corners, but they've not had very heavy use due to lack of gigs. They are the 300w versions, but using with my Streamliner 900 I have no problems, and in fact can't really imagine a situation where I'd need more power (even playing outdoor stages without PA). Their main party trick is their weight. At only 15kg each you can carry one in each hand easily. But they have incredible full range tone, and I often find myself using just one for rehearsals and pub gigs without any compromise of tone (in fact tone improves when driving them a little harder.) £750 with fitted padded covers. (They retail at £585 each, and the covers were about £60 for the pair from Roqsolid, so saving you over £450.) Pickup from Cambridge preferred, but happy to meet half way with buyer if needed (within reason!) No trades currently. Cheers, Andy
  16. Well done all, very high standard this month. I'll be honest and say I was initially peeved at not getting any votes, as I think this is the best mix I've done so far! But repeated listening has shown me that I completely lost track of what the vocals were supposed to be doing in the song. It is definitely hard to herd so many tracks coherently, and I think this is reflected in the diversity of the mixes this month. I voted for ironside for really bringing out the husky backing vocals and the ambient nuances of the guitars and keys at just the right spots. I wasn't sure about the drum sound which seemed a little small, but definitely worked in context. It would be lovely to hear a commentary on your approach to the track Ironside? What's next?!
  17. We used to segue it into Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel; it worked surprisingly well!
  18. Once when I was a callow student in Scotland I provided my Alembic Epic for a Jam Night I was running in a local bar. An Aberdonian in Scottish evening wear got up to play, and returned my pride and joy with sporran rash all over the back! A curiously regional occurrence, but pretty upsetting... However, another time I borrowed a friends acoustic guitar for the same Jam Night. A junior punk got up to play a vigorous strummer, promptly dropped his plectrum, continued strumming with fingers, split his finger open and sprayed blood all over the acoustic's interior. For general information, even sandpaper can't get blood stains out! I generally don't lend instruments for jam nights anymore...
  19. I have 2x Vanderkley EXT 112s, and find increasingly I just take one out with me for most gigs. They do warm and fat, but don't do sub bass. But volume has certainly never been a problem! (And these are the 300w as oppose to the 600w monsters!)
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