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Everything posted by Cantdosleepy

  1. Hey guys. I'm selling this unit as I've got various compressions etc in me bassPOD. It's a year and a half old, but has never been gigged and is virtually untouched. [quote name='BOSS'][b]Smooth Tone, Every Time[/b] Smoothes out your playing by eliminating harsh volume peaks, even when using dynamic slap and pop techniques. Ratio and Threshold knobs allow precise control of limiting parameters. [url="http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/LMB-3/specs.html"]http://www.bosscorp.co.jp/products/en/LMB-3/specs.html[/url][/quote] Comes boxed with all the bits of paper from time of purchase. I live in North-west London, so can meet you for a handover zones 1-3. Otherwise we can worry about shipping...
  2. For those interested, Stereoguim got a bunch of newish bands to cover each of the tracks from OK Computer to celebrate ten years of that album: [url="http://www.stereogum.com/okx/"]http://www.stereogum.com/okx/[/url] Some are better than others. Personally I really like David Bazan's Let Down and Slaraffenland's Paranoid android. And the versio of Fitter, Happer is a corker!
  3. Now, let's hear it for Radiohead!
  4. They indeed rock. A fantastic band. but not one I like to listen to. Fantastic band, though.
  5. Great video! But yeah, stick me in the "No, thanks" camp. I can see what all the fuss is about, and I respect them all tremendously as musicians, but I don't like the music. Quite like Cannibal Corpse Thanks for the video, though! Always great to see a band doing what they do.
  6. [size=7]chic - good times[/size] [attachment=2477:chic___g..._snippet.mp3]
  7. [quote name='dood' post='65837' date='Sep 26 2007, 12:30 PM']There's some cool basslines here! nice one! I'm going to be a bit lazy actually and just tell you about just 2 on my Website. (Yes, I should upload something new.. sorry!) go here [b]http://www.danveall.co.uk/media.htm[/b] But I like these. The first is called [b]'I Want The World'[/b]. Pretty much the whole bass line is tapped. Especially the intro as you can hear. I think the bassline is actually more visually interesting than what you hear in the mix. The verses feature a rolling three note motif, but is tapped in octaves. (thats not an octaver, thats 6 finger tapping baybee! lol lol) (you can hear the motif briefly at the end of the intro too) The breakdown also features a typical Sheehan/Myung octave tapped pedal too. The second I'd like to share is '[b]Psycho'[/b]. More chops than a butchers shop!! We sat there in a very 'blurred' state (lol) dropping notes off of bars and making things difficult for ourselves! Look out for the bass, guitars and keyboards all sweeping in unison after the keyboard solo. Other tracks I really like are 'No Solution' with a cool 5/4 groove that later modulates to 4/4 but still has the same groove and 'Broken Dreams' which I think has my favourite all time guitar / keyboard solo, over more time changes than I care to mention, in about 30 seconds! check it out! I really hope you like them![/quote] Cool music! The links on that page flash on and off! They're so hard to read and click! Please change them!
  8. Cool idea!
  9. Sorry. Don't mean to be a dick about this. Basically, that clip wasn't uploaded by the guy who was playing the bass. It's a totally different guy. It was uploaded by some asshole to make fun of the footage - the 'professional' comment in the clip was sarcastic. The fact that it's filmed on its side also makes it seem like a sneak-recording. Either way, the kid playing the bass was just playing the bass. Some other asshole filmed it, and uploaded it for others to laugh at. I don't even know if the kid has any idea that it exists. It's one thing if the kid posts a video of himself not playing very well and comments "I'm amazing!" Self delusion deserves to be seen as self delusion. It's a totally other thing when the kid is making no claims about his ability and is being laughed at by a community of bassists. He could be a poster here. Both actually, and in the wider "he's your bro too, man" sense. So it's possible you've just got the wrong end of the stick on this one.
  10. [quote name='3V17C' post='65202' date='Sep 25 2007, 09:44 AM']If people put up videos of themselves on youtube then they should expect to get comments etc from people viewing it. Its hardly the trickiest song in the world and yes, yes, i know we've all got to start somewhere but don't run before you can walk. Maybe he should spend less time on youtube and myspace and more time practising.......... (and it [i]is [/i]pretty funny!)[/quote] You might want to see who uploaded that clip before embarrassing yourself further.
  11. "Ha ha, he's rubbish, he's no good, it's hilarious that he's rubbish, I'm great, I'm so good that I laugh at people who aren't asd good as me, I'm awesome." This forum gets meaner by the day. He's having a crack at a song, in a band, doing his best. Did all of you fall out of the womb with mad skills? What if that kid posts here? What gives you the right to link to that just to laugh at him? This is NOT what being a bass community should be about.
  12. Youtube comments: [i]demongene Congrats Eric Lindsey Music Shop in Catford, London. You are the lucky recipients of the "I'm f*cked if I'm ever buying anything from you" award.... RockinThaLP Ha ha stupid twats stereoroid This video has been linked from the UK Basschat forum, and we've already identified which music shop this is. Congratulations: you've just lost any chance of business from about half the active bassists in the UK.[/i] These are hateful unpleasant comments and if whoever posted them then should be ashamed of themselves. Massively unhelpful, critical without being constructive, gleefully telling someone how their business is going to fail. Not in any way cool.
  13. you guys take yourselves and your opinions on kosher ways to treat a bass far too seriously. it's not your bass, not your request, not what you want, none of your business. maybe they're mates with the guy who's bass it is. maybe he's not bothered that that's not an authentic relicing. maybe they thought it would be fun. maybe they suggested a proper luthier, and the customer was like "well, I need it for a muso fancy dress party tonight", or "I've only got £15 - just have a crack at it". y'all need to be a little less judgemental.
  14. Eat a whole bunch of mushrooms. At some point in the evening you'll enter the cliched lands of "You can't [i]own[/i] stuff, man. Like, what's property anyway? Woah."
  15. I've never got on with Warwicks. I don't know why. They've just never felt 'right'. Vive la differance, right
  16. Bhangra? Sweet! Sorry, can't help
  17. Wow. I've got my jazz, which is my main bass. I've also got the first bass I ever got - a Peavey Milestone (Pbass copy) I got when I was fourteen. Don't use it, but won't get rid of it. Ah, nostalgia!
  18. I think we can let this thread die now. Both points of view have been expressed. Minds can be made up.
  19. I'm not sure if I was being obvious or not, but my mockery was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek. I don't really think that dystopian society would actually come about. I fully support as many different kinds of bass as there are bassists. I was just being (massively) silly. More power to the ERBs! And the Sid Vicious type 2 strings! And the one string diddly-bow. And the guitar, even (gosh!).
  20. I think it's possible that what you are predicting will come to pass, ARGH. You are, however, omitting some important details: As the prevalence of 5s, 6ss and sevens seep increases throughout the world, more and more albums start to have noodly jazz tracks on them. As time passes, all albums across all genres grow to have three or four such songs. People start going to gigs for bass solos. A man with a tidy beard leaves a slayer gig, commenting on their tasteful note choices. Soon it becomes difficult to track down a debut EP without stumbling across an inverted mixolydian seventh. Thrashy punk outfits apply a light chorus effect to the lower registers. Tie-dye T-shirts appear on the goth kids in Camden. The rich'n'popular kids come into school with their new 8-string fretless their dad bought them in a fit of disappointed-life projection. Instead of using this instrument to get laid, the boys study music. Teen pregnancy hits an all-time low. The population begins to decline. The prime minister calls an emergency meeting, but most of the cabinet are away in Europe scouting out new tube-preamps and leather waistcoats. The stock market begins to fail as the city fatcats stay at home practicing sweep picking, and besides, why would they want to harsh their mellow with all the aggro of the stock exchange? With the economy in crisis and the population shrinking fast, the prime minister opens the boarders to anyone who wants to enter the country. The Daily Mail runs a fifty-word article on page fifty-three, underneath a long article on single vs double cutaways. The celebrity scandal page is running exclusive snaps of Britney's daughter getting out of a cab with a 32" scale scalloped Mark King reissue, when everyone knows her main bass is a Doodle clone in natural colours. At work noone talks about it though, we're all to busy admiring one another's ludicrous little ponytails and offering tips on making that perfect decaff java. A month passes and not a single immigrant comes to Britain. Another month passes. Then a year. A decade. The population stands at twenty million. By now most of the surviving men have lost their genitalia through atrophy or to make uniquely resonant strings for their acoustic basses. The women too, have lost interest in the menfolk, spending hours at a time trying to suspend a fourth across eight strings and three octaves. As the last man stares out across the sea from the white cliffs of dover, he finds a note bobbing by the seashore. "Dear UK, Many thanks for the kinds offer of free lodging. We would love to accept, but your music is just too boring. Regards, The World."
  21. I LIKE THE WHITE STRIPES! I am convinced that the reason they're so maligned on this site is because of the insecurities of some bassists. They write great, great songs. Better than any of my songs. Better than most of your songs, I'd wager. They work without a bassist. It's not a gimmick, and only a bass player would think that. I can't think of a single one of my mates who think of them as being a 'novelty' band. My friends know them as that band that writes those cracking tunes. DFA1979 don't have a guitarist. That's cool too. It's not a gimmick.
  22. The Live doesn't have a balanced output, if that's important to you...
  23. Thanks, Frank!
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