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Everything posted by Cantdosleepy

  1. Is there somewhere in London you can buy mid-level Earplugs 'off-the-shelf'? I use the Etymotic ER-20's and think they're great for the amount I play. A mate is after a pair but we're having a jam tomorrow, so he'd rather grab them after work today rather than order them from the internet. So is there somewhere in London you can get something about that level (not £200, not £2 foam ones)? Do any of the shops in Denmark street stock them?
  2. A true gentleman bassist is one who knows how to slap, but doesn't.
  3. Good question. I want to achieve two things with my bass playing. 1) I want to be able to lock in with any drummer at a jam or proto band, and form a competent enough pocket that it feels like a 'band' rather than two instruments. 2) I want to be able to write basslines that are interesting, that would be a bit different to what another bass player would have written. That is to say, my presence in the band is positive not only because I hold it together and make it sound nice and band-y (as most good bassists could) but also that I bring enough of my own personality to it that I feel like I'm putting a stamp on the music. I don't really have the same heroes as most people on this board - I'd be Peter Hook or Kim Deal over Jaco or Wooten. I most admire the kind of bassists who write recogisable lines, but people who don't even know what a bass is still dance to their music. As I get better, I become more aware of my flaws. When I started out I had no awareness of just how out-of-time I was playing. As I play better and better in time, the slivers where I am out of time seem bigger and bigger. Does that make sense? So the better I get, the larger the mistakes I make seem, relative to the objective errors.
  4. Hey kids, There's a Harley Benton 2x10 on Thomann.de for less than ninety quid. Has anyone used one of these before? It's super super cheap.
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