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Everything posted by fatgoogle

  1. Thanks everyone well ive found a buyer and will buy a poweramp as soon as its sold. Ive got a 6u skb rack that i never use so i reckon this gives me the excuse to eventually fill it.
  2. Well what i have been doing at the moment is splitting my signal completly with a splitter and the mixer, bass on its own and distortion into another and modulation into the 3rd. And then into my amp. Well even if iots quiet would it work?? I can sort the line levels out later but need to free up money at the mo, for my double bass.
  3. I have a small passive mixer, would that be able to raise line levels to a more desired voolume till i can get a nice preamp.
  4. Hi I was wondering if its ok to plug my bass straight into a power amp and then into a cab. Ive found that i never use the EQ on my ashdown and just have it turned off all the time, simply using the onboard EQ on my Ibanez, and it was the same with my jazz bass before i sold it. I also need to free up money for my double bass and theirs plenty of cheapish poweramps on Ebay. So is their anything, if i can just go into a poweramp, that i need to look for in a poweramp. Also to add a second part of this, i do however like the character i get from the ashdown and the same with the ABM's and Trace elliot amps, but i dont ever use the EQ, i just dont like transparent amps. So is their a Like a preamp or something similiar that i could buy after ive sorted out my double bass to give me some character to my sound like a tube in the preamp or similiar. A Simulator you could say of these sounds. Thanks Sam H
  5. I was going to get one of these, but had no way of carrying it from ireland to England. ow im stuck with a bass that rattles. Very nice looking though. For 750 and what you get it seems a bit of a steal. Can you keep me updated though, im planning to get ma second student DB to learn nicely on so if this is good, it might be worth the travel over.
  6. Dont make the mistake i did And buy a cheap double bass, it will ocst you alot more in the end. Ideally for a first double bass i would say between 1500-2000 ideally which is what im trying to save to get my second learner double bass you could say. You could buy from america from the likes of the string emporioum and get a nice laminate or hybrid double bass between 1000-1500 and then shipping is like $250 to here. Im just over 6' and a 3\4 size is fine and is the standard size anyway unless your a 7 foot plus guy a 3\4 is fine. I think evah pissatio's or soemthing a good bowing strings and around a 100. And yes defiantly get a teacher no doubt about, youll probably never be able to play a double bass well without a teacher.
  7. Id love to have it, my double bass is so sh*t its inbelievable. Now if you could say lower the price by three grand or so, ill travel and collect it.
  8. Really want the big muff, can i justify. Interested in a Ashdown overdrive at all. Come on Spaz you cant resist.
  9. Are you still trading this? and are you able to split. Would be very interested in the head
  10. Thanks very much for that, i havent tried it but it looks right humming it, bloodaxe. Thanks every one else. I keep forgetting to check threads ive made.
  11. We;l its closer to the elvis one, its just in a music book that i got and sice the guitar chords for hit the road jack were the usual, i presumed this wa too.
  12. Just wondering if any one has a chord progression sheet for fever or were i can find one. Need one for someone to back me on bass while im playing trumpet. Thanks Sam H
  13. So many lovely bass's on BC at the moment, so little money. Oh why cruel world. Lovely bass have a free bump.
  14. If oyu feel like selling the bass big muff, give me a pm.
  15. Lovely can robbing old ladies be justified for this.
  16. Thanks very much Im doing grades so moving along the music for them is a bit dull though. so far ive made a list Bach's third cello suite bourree 1 and 2 bottesini's concert for double bass in b-minor(something to inspire to i think) Schumann's 3 fantasy pieces op. 73 Bach's 6th cello suite Bach cello concerto in c minor and simandls Etudes
  17. I just thought it would be even more portable to have it slotted in the back And thanks again for all your help.
  18. fatgoogle


    Played a couple of these in waltons, the only bass's they would let me play. Loved them, very comfortable to play.
  19. Thanks you very much Steve just what i was looking for. Just to confirm if i make internally 18"x16"x18" will give me 51 litre cab. Now im thinking if i wanted to mount a power amp in the back of it i would need to extend it so maybe if i made it 18x16x19, to give a bit extra room. Or will a standard 2u preamp not take up enough room to make a difference. Also front or rear mounting the speakers, does it make a difference. Ive only front mounted so far.
  20. Looking at the Fane, it seems to want a very big cab if i see this correctly. Vas Litres 104, i would have though it would closer to 80 maybe 70. Also the 98db sensitivity looks good.
  21. Ive had a mess with WinISD but as you said i didn't know what the graph corresponds to. The fane specs give a recommend size but i cant see anything on tuning.
  22. Does any one have a link to ishabishi, i can never find an englishy version.
  23. Lovely bass, im hoping to find one when my birthday comes around.
  24. Hi Im going to build a 1x12 200 watt practice amp with an extension, ie im going to put a small power amp in the back of one and use a tech 21 Vt or aguilar tone hammer as a preamp. Now from other cabs ive built with help on the design, i understand to work out size you take its recommended cubic space for a vented enclosure do the relative sums and get the measurements for HxWxB. But the tuning i still haven't got, ive been meaning to get vance dickinsons book on cabinet making, but its quiet expensive and i haven't got around to getting the library to get it in for me. So how do you work it out. Im intending to use A fane sovereign 1x12 as i liked the 1x15 400 i used in my first few cabinet experiments. Thanks Sam H
  25. I would be for a really nice practice amp, how loud would a 5-10 watt valve bass amp be? I would prefer a simple preamp myself, maybe gain, bass, mids, treble, master sort of like those fender tv combo's. Would the ohms be 16,8,4 or similar?
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