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Everything posted by fatgoogle

  1. Hi again. Im still looking for a double bass, and need one sooner then later, as im not sure how long i can borrow my teachers. I suppose more than anything i need something that will last till i can afford something really decent or good. My price range is around 600 euro's plus postage. So ive been looking heavily at stenton. They look really nice,and apart from the horendous shipping arent badly priced. Anyone play one. I asked on TB and theyve just about said that e vrey bass ive looked at is sh*t. Ones from thomann ebay, cremona and palatino. But i really need something that will last and decent projection. Any help from all youse. Thanks Sam H
  2. [url="http://www.janetdavismusic.com/bass_cremona.html"]http://www.janetdavismusic.com/bass_cremona.html[/url] heres another couple of bass's for you, i just saw them, the lasst one looks good. A local person has one for sale, so i had to go look em up.
  3. Stenton make a fully carved double bass, for a bit over a grand. Im still looking for my first Double bass and times running out. They also do a Hybrid for around 700 i think. Check out normans.co.uk. Any advise for me aswell, people say thomans ones arent that great mediaocre, but there a good price and look nice. Also there s that ebay shop in germany that sells decent enough ones.
  4. Ive only played a legend, but it was still pretty great, at times i found it a touch sterile, but it was still great and really comfortable to play for me. I love that steamer shape aswell. i feel you cant go wrong with one sorta like a fender
  5. Im really liking this new range of squiers more so then the VM's, really great stuff. Go and get one, i tell you you could nearly buy one without trying it. I know bad advise but still.
  6. heres a progress pic id thought id through in here.
  7. Hey scott, nice ATK, good luck with the sale. Have a free bump
  8. I started building to day, and 1 problem, after the wood has been planed, it ended up at 3/4" by 1 3/4" instead of 3/4" by 2", so this leads to a problem, the cleats are 2" high, so im 1\4" of, the easiest thing im thinking is trying to plan down some 2 1/2" wood to 2". I took this into consideration when cutting the rest of the frame. But can i use it like this and have it 1/4" inch to short or should i make sure the rest is the right hieght. Are their tuning problems hear.
  9. Fugly, havent played one so i suppose i shouldnt really comment, but you it looks off.
  10. Squier was made in Indonesia and my Jazz 24 in Korea
  11. Does this also have the graphite reinforced neck.
  12. THanks i suppose its down to delibiration then, i put an add for bass and ill see if someone will take it.
  13. Thanks ill get learning, im really getting into learning classical stuff for bass, i got a whole book of bachs stuff transcribed for bass, so il get learning this one.
  14. Any more thoughts, in this, what did all you people do when you wanted something different.
  15. Shield it completly with copper sheilding its a long process, but it should work.
  16. Ive got an ashdown Mag 600R, bein having alot of fun with it, and its great. I play a huge amount of rock and funk and rap which are the main ones. Im currently in a band thats quite heavy rock with rapping think POD, Rage against the machine(were doing covers) etc and have been moving a bit into more dancy stuff. Tones i really love are ones like Runaway by Jamiraquai and Timmy C's tone. I also love JPJ and the fellas tone from alien ant farm. Theres a mix of passive and active there i know. At home i play alot more solo stuff you could say, alot af classical music, Bach, handel(im wierd for 16) and other ones. I suppose what i might be saying(denial) is im bored of the jazz to an extent.
  17. Well hi there again, im still wondering about my tone and were its going you no. Im going to build this new cab of mine, and hopefully that will help alot. But my bass, A fender Jazz 24, hope you know of it, really nice my first proper bass after my squier, cherry sunburst, quilt maple top, you know, i could have bought it on looks. But again, i either bypass the active eq, or leave it pretty much flat and just use the blend knob. Hope you get me i feel im not using it, and could be doing something else and easier to get my tone. So Ive been thinking for the price i bought it for here, with a case, i could sell it for around 700 euro, and its in amazing condition, excellent neck you know. And for that price second hand i could easily snag a second hand American jazz bass of eBay or a nice bass of here if their willing to post to Ireland(Lakland 55-02, Warwick streamer guys, hint hint) So i want your advise on weather i should stick with it, battle it and see what happens, or should get something different. With an American jazz if it came to it i could always put a preamp in it, john east or similar. So what do you guys and gals think i should do? The main problem if i do sell it is my mum, it took alot of convincing to let me buy this bass, even with my money, and selling it or trading it on over a year later, might not float her boat. I suppose i wouldnt come out of this with a huge loss. Thanks Sam H is this even in the right forum
  18. Oh ,how much i want this.
  19. So whats the average price of a 4 string Musicman stingray.
  20. Thanks very much for all your help, ill head to the co-op tomorrow and get wood for bracing, and then start cutting out the wood. Should get rid of some summer boredom, , I think i know what i will do for extra bracing but might come back with extra questions. Thanks Again everyone Sam H
  21. Ive been reading over that, reading over the Electro voice sheet and looking in the shed. Just to make sure i have plenty of 1/2" ply in the shed, but on the cab specs, it says to use 3/4" i reckon ill be grand just making sure. Yep and reading it blocking of the middle square port at the bottom will give me 1 1/2 octave extension in the low end i believe. It would easier for me to do the diagrams build with the square ports as my routers not great so the more round ports the more likely it is to go off. EDIT: its not going to be specifically for a 5 string, im selling my current 5er so ill only have the 4 string tuned eadg, except i hope one day to get a musicman stingray 5er, and that will have a low B, so i would like to have something usable even then.
  22. So i could make the same size box as in the diagram, and then just use two ports, sound ok, If you have time to work them out that would be great and i can decide which one to go with. Is the Electro voice one already tuned the way it is, so you make it and plonk the speaker in, or does some self calculations have to be done after building.
  23. [url="http://archives.telex.com/archives/EV/Builders%20Plans/TL606%20Builders%20Plans.pdf"]http://archives.telex.com/archives/EV/Buil...ers%20Plans.pdf[/url] Is this the electro voice cab you were talking about steve, it looks grand, will it handle a low b. Thanks Sam H
  24. So it would be fine to copy the trace cab, i really like it, im not a fan of ashdown cabs, but i love their amps. Does any one know were i could get internal sizes of the trace cab and its ports, I checked the discontinues pages of the trace elliot website, and didn't have any specs. Also i hear alot about bracing being important, i dare say mine wasn't the best, so whats the standard way of bracing. I did a square brace sort of thing.
  25. But arent these things defined by the speaker, doesn't the speaker need a certain amount of space to move, so wouldnt building one based around a trace elliot cab, be sort of wrong. Im not sure though.
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