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Everything posted by fatgoogle

  1. Do you have a smartphone?? it would help if you could put up a video of your bowing.
  2. Its really difficult to help without being able to see and correct. It's probably annoying to hear as it comes up so often but get a lesson or two on basic bow use. It's going to be different from violin and cello and im not sure how much can be carried across. But if you do want something to practice to help improve the sound. Really slow bows on open strings till it sounds even all the way across and the bow and up and down the string. Once you feel like you've got an even tone, go even slower. 15-20 mins of the this before doing anything else in your practice schedule. And don't move onto anything else until this is happening even if it takes a year. Got have the fundamentals down to a tee.
  3. Legs!!!!!! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvBUgJhaASA"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvBUgJhaASA[/url] And some good playing.......
  4. Looks beautiful man. Congrats on the bass. How did you find sitting in the shoppe knowing there where bass's there as much as a house?? Very weird for me.
  5. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Anyone got a case thats first of all comfortable to carry and secondly lifts the bass high enough so it doesn't hit the back of your knee's or legs for that matter. I've got one of those gedo-musik bags which is well padded but the wheels broke and its really awkward to carry on my back.[/font][/color]
  6. This is very cool. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xUo7g5CQbs#t=32"]http://www.youtube.c...xUo7g5CQbs#t=32[/url] and [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBZa7-2bG2I[/media] Junjo and Esperanza are my two go to albums.
  7. The yita bow is good. I have and used the same one your getting for a bit over year before upgrading. It's a long bow, not too heavy and it does have a good attack. I found it bad for spiccato and similar things. The real turn of through was the balance. It weighed a lot at the tip and would get tiring to play after two hours or so. But for the price it is great and with a rehair it will be great. Maybe try some black hair for the extra grip on the strings. But to put a bit of perspective over the whole thin, while i was trying bows over the summer i would have taken the yita over a few bows coasting thirty times as much and a few that made the yita bow feel like a crayon. Very happy though with my bazin bow that i picked up but that was 15+ more expensive. It's very much down to personal preference. Edgar Meyer uses really really cheap bows for instance and he loves them.
  8. Have you compared wooden to carbon fiber. I have a CF endpin at the moment and it really opened up the whole bass. I'd be interested if it could open up the sound some more.
  9. I'd just go ahead and order a finale french ow from the states. Nothing but good reviews.
  10. If anyone is going, ill be wearing a green coat and a green jumper so come and say hi. Sam
  11. It takes a huge amount of experimentation. If im playing solo stuff i like my bass a bit higher. If plain up orchestral and jazz i go for my standard height. If im ging to going up to thumb position a lot i'd prefer to have the instrument higher and concentrate on getting my hand right in lower positions. Also i have little adjustments depending on what shoes/boots im wearing.
  12. This is making me quite jealous actually. I wouldnt mind 5500 to go spend on a bass. Anyone feeling rich.
  13. Wow! amazing work. < as you can see im a big Lafaro fan.
  14. ^pretty much all there. A fully carved bass may very well crack up a bit over the winter, especially if your a student and can't afford heating. It's fine but just leave it to settle and repair in april/may or so. Be careful of the bridge through doors same as your current bass or even crowds of people.
  15. Anyone using guts for bowing on here?
  16. I believe bassace has a Martin concert bass. Maybe a pm would be in order.
  17. [url="https://www.musicalchairs.info/double-bass/sales"]https://www.musicalchairs.info/double-bass/sales[/url] There's a bass for 6000 which might be quite nice.
  18. What about extending your first finger a bit further down the stick.
  19. I cant imagine it will cost that much to get to germany and back with a bass. Fly to the nearest airport and ive got direct trains from berlin to amsterdam and back. Ferry across. easy. Also Tony in the contrabass shop is great to deal with. I bought a bow of him over the summer and it was the easiest thing ever. go for a couple of hours, they'll be coffee and biscuits and plenty of bass's. Explain your situation and im sure he'll have something to suit or know some way.
  20. [quote name='SevenSeas' timestamp='1380196649' post='2222138'] Hi Fatgoogle, it's a nice idea. The problem is my current bass is literally on its way out. The bottom part of the bass, has sung in. (where the endpin is) which apparently means one of the four block of wood has slipped out of place. (apparently) Meaning that probably at some point it will (basically collapse? no idea)... well don't really want to think about it. As the bass was so cheap (all I could afford at the time) the cost of repairs would be more than the bass. So thats why in December i'm planning to get a new double bass, originally I was going for one of the Bryant basses. (which I still am but i'm keeping my options open) and I was going to pay half upfront say (£2500) then the rest over 12 months. What i've done instead is taken some money I was saving for university (12 month contract) will be finished in December (so thats why I can't buy until December), so I can use the money. So I'll have about 5k. But the problem is £10,000 is so much money, understandable double basses are expensive. I earn about £5500 a year. (time i've taken lessons out of that) a lot less maybe £3.5k. So i've been saving for this current bass for 18months and I'm pretty good with money. (don't waste it) so... if I was to borrow £5000 (i'm planning to start music college next year) i'd have all that money hanging over me which would be horrible to pay off, as i wouldn't be working as much. If that makes sense? [/quote] I understand this completely. Im in uni doing music at the moment and funds are always tight (luckily i get a government grant to help with expenses) and the problem is i cant practice and hold down a job as well and go to uni. Just not enough hours. Luckily i do get seasonal work in a chocolate shop which helps a lot. And im getting more paid gigs slowly, hell i did a mime gig on tv last week but it pays. I was just putting the idea out there as im using an old Romanian bass about €1200 or so and it's doing the job for uni, ive had work done on it, new bridge, endpin, fingerboard redone and rounded, neck slimmed and all that. But from talking to my teacher who incidentally uses two bryants as his main bass's that if i do end up going the classical route (which im hoping to do but keeping all my options open) that i should wait till I can get a bass that really matches to a section and in general most of those cheaper bass's (cheap is the wrong word right ) just won't have that depth. It's an idea, i was going to do the same thing but decided to hold off if i would be selling it in 4 years or so at a loss. Uni and especially arts is all about the teacher and what you want to get or achieve from the course. Something to keep in my mind. And to keep everything in check a Bryant would be more then fine for college. I have a friend (maybe more acquaintance) who has been accepted into the Berlin philharmonic academy (yes the Berlin one) who plays one of the more expensive thomann bass's. A thomann bass, he even did his audition on it. Just puts a bit of perspective on it.
  21. I was just thinking about this this morning and was wondering maybe if i would be a good idea to wait until you can double the amount you have and have an instrument that you'll have forever very possibly. Maybe not that but if you had more to play with (and i know its very difficult im just throwing an idea out) you wouldnt have to limit yourself if there was say an amazing instrument for 7-8 thousand. I played some great bass's in the 10,000 range in the contrabasse shop and i mean they were stunning. Im sure some kind of bargain could be stuck.
  22. Belcanto's. Thinking of changing to Kaplan lights though.
  23. Brilliant. Funny thing is it's cheaper to fly to london and go to this then pay for a lesson. weird.
  24. Anyone going to the Dan Styffe masterclass? All booked and ready to go now.
  25. The 3 Bryants i have played have all been exceptional bass's. Huge sound and a very complex i would nearly describe it as. They're all used by profs over here. They also all needed work when they arrived. Everyone who i've met who owns one or has one has said they're rough when they come in. Repair seam splits, put on a right sized bridge, plan the fingerboard all that stuff. You could end up doing all that with any bass by any maker. This is just what i've heard and from the 3 i've played. Saying all that though, i would love to own one and as soon as Paul completely stops making them the prices will shoot up.
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