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Everything posted by AxelF

  1. The demos sound great but sadly I can't help thinking that they've scored a massive own goal with the foot switch on this. The tones generally sound fantastic, but if you're running one of these you're probably using it as the foundation for your sound - at a very basic level it seems to take your tone and make it better. What this means though is you're never going to think 'I'm going to switch it off for this section of the tune to make my tone a bit sh!tter for the bridge'. Conversely there's probably way more occasions where you're more likely to think 'I'd love to kick in a bit of saturation/grit for the chorus' or 'I'd love to engage the scoop for this slap section'. It's one of the reasons I love the Capo so much (it's the only non-SA pedal on my board, and I've never used the on/off footswitch on that either!) If the footswitch engaged either the grit or scoop functions (or ideally make this a 2 footswitch pedal with one for each), this would be killer.
  2. Just a bump to say this is now back down to £30 for the Kindle version on Amazon.
  3. For this job I'd go for the Nux Mighty Plug - connects to phone via Bluetooth to play along with songs and has an amp/cab sim app too. Tiny, battery powered, has a built in tuner. It's perfect for travelling and playing with headphones at home.
  4. Greatest female vocalist of all time for me. And Teddy Pendergrass just in case you were going to ask.
  5. AxelF


    Thanks all, I think you're right Al - I/the punters probably wouldn't notice much difference, it's likely just GAS, I'd love to try one though and see!
  6. AxelF


    I'm after some advice re subs please - we're a 5 piece pub covers band playing indie/rock and we run a silent stage (bar acoustic drums) with everything straight into a Behringer XR18 and then two RCF935s for the front of house. It might be just GAS but I'd love to add a sub or two, just for a bit of extra oomph on the kick and maybe bass too, and have seen lots of sometimes conflicting advice on the subject in lots of different places. I've read that having two subs separated and underneath the tops can lead to comb filtering and stacking them centrally isn't an option given the size of places we're playing. Would having just one sub under one of the tops be an option or is that a stupid idea? One problem I can see straight away is one of the tops would be getting a low passed signal while the other would be getting a full range signal. Does anyone do this, or are two subs under the tops the way forward at this level? Thanks!
  7. @KiOgon is his user name, you'll love his looms.
  8. Yeah I have mine in a rack with some channel strip splitters so that even if the venue want to use their own system we can run into our rack as usual, with one of the pair of outs permanently wired into our XR18 for IEM monitoring and the other one of the pair can be run straight into the in house system. Exactly the same IEM mix at every gig is a godsend!
  9. I'm going to need you to have a stern word with yourself regarding your alignment of pedals, it's upsetting me significantly!
  10. Do you mean Huskys near London Bridge? It's still going if so, though more geared to dance groups. There is one 'band room' though. The one in Deptford is likely the Music Complex? It's good. There's also a Pirate studios at Greenwich and a few just north of the river - the Engine Rooms and the Vatican are decent.
  11. Yeah we regularly use three U4s with our XR18 mixer, plus one of the guitarists uses an XVive wireless bug for his guitar too, never have any issues. We use an external router for the mixer though as Woodinblack says.
  12. AxelF

    Jad Freer Capo

    I received mine at the end of Feb and wanted to wait until I'd done a few gigs with it before posting a review to try and avoid that 'new toy' bias. I've now done 7 or 8 gigs with both it and an incredible jazz bass that Dan @d_g built for me and I've just been blown away by the tone from this combination, it's easily the best sound I've ever had. I'm going straight to the desk via the Capo and using in ears with RCF935s as FoH and it sounds equally amazing to me through both. I have the A side set to have just a bit of saturation with the B side then giving a bit of a boost to both volume and hair when needed. Below is some raw audio straight from the desk from a gig last night, majority are just Capo A side but the 5th clip (Somebody Told Me) I think I kicked in B Side about halfway through the clip. The last one (TIRO) starts with Capo A side plus C4, then goes into Capo A side plus Aftershock, then Capo B side plus Aftershock. In short, I absolutely love it! Capo.mp3
  13. That's a good shout, thanks. Wonder how resistant that would be to repeated use though?
  14. I'm using RCF 935s as PA mains with these stands https://www.ultimatesupport.com/collections/telelock-series-speaker-stands Despite the pole and socket both being stated as 35mm diameter (although separately also listed as 1.375" and 1.38"), there's a slight size difference and resulting wobble. I've been looking for a sleeve for the pole but can't find anything that looks suitable, I guess because the sleeve would probably need to be less than a mm thick. Does anyone have any suggestions for stabilising them please? The RCFs don't have a tightening screw on the bottom like some tops I've seen, and I'd rather not screw anything into them. Does anyone have any experience with these Hercules adaptors? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Hercules-Stands-SS100B-Speaker-Adapter/dp/B00521KBTC
  15. I'm using the 935s and haven't found any need for a sub. I'd recommend upgrading the speakers and switching to in ears so you can ditch the monitors too. Probably get it all in one car then.
  16. We're looking for a lead guitarist to dep for a gig in Cheltenham on 1st April. It's indie/rock covers - Killers, Arctic Monkeys, Foos, RHCP, Muse, etc. We're based across South London and are also looking for someone who's also happy to dep semi regularly as the guitarist is away with work a lot if anyone's interested. Can send over audio files of all the parts.
  17. AxelF

    Jad Freer Capo

    Haha I've succumbed and ordered one - I was desperately trying to hold out but lasted about two weeks.. 😂 That's pretty much what my board will be - I think it will replace my current pre and my Aftershock so I'll likely be running mini Polytune, Capo, C4 and Atlas. Can't wait!
  18. Fantastic thanks - will check it out.
  19. I'm after suggestions for suitable places to film a live promo video for a covers band in London (ideally south east) if anyone has any ideas please? Either a rehearsal studio with a live stage we can setup with a backdrop etc, or a decent good looking smallish pub/venue with a stage we could hire. Grateful for any suggestions!
  20. Stick up a load of photos here and I'm sure there'll be someone who can tell you immediately what model it is.
  21. Really pleased you're enjoying it - it served me brilliantly and like you said it's got a ton of controlled bottom end and doesn't know when to quit!
  22. I had a pair of 935s arrive yesterday - only used them individually at low volume with the bass direct into them last night to try and stay on the neighbour's good side! They sounded fantastic though, I plugged in direct initially to see how they were, expecting them to be a bit harsh on the top end maybe but they sounded great. I then put my normal pedal board in between which has a NUX NBP-5 preamp/cab SIM and it sounded fantastic - very punchy with a ton of low end available. I had them on the linear mode, will try the stage and boost settings when I can run them at a decent volume. Will use them in anger at a gig on Friday night - we stick everything through the PA and have a silent stage so it'll be a good test for them, I can't wait to hear them.
  23. Have a look at the John East J Retro, I have the Uni Pre in one of my basses which includes a push/pull passive/active pot, but the passive tone knob works even when in active mode. Thoroughly confused me when I first got it but Is actually really useful. Having a quick look at the J Retro I don't think the same will apply, but it sounds likeone of the knobs acts as a passive tone control in passive mode. They're pricey though so there may be a cheaper option that does what you need.
  24. Yeah there's not really many videos around that demonstrate what the filters and the eq can do, I've recorded a quick video to try and show some of the range of tones available - please ignore the shoddy playing! You can get a huge range of tones from just the 'Enchance' and 'Timbre' controls alone, or together, or you can just ignore them and use the semi-parametric eq to tune exactly the frequencies you want. The video is recorded with a Warwick Streamer straight into the amp and then out of the 'post eq' DI into my PC. No editing or tone shaping on the DAW. https://youtu.be/FgaWmeUh0NQ
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