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Everything posted by AxelF

  1. Awesome, thanks - will drop them a mail.
  2. Does anybody know anyone who makes custom cables by any chance? I've edged onto what is probably a slippery slope of wireless with a set of those 2.4G WiFi bug transmitter/receiver things, they're fantastic with one of my basses, but with the other I get a high pitched whine - bizzarely they're both Warwicks with active preamps. I'd already copper shielded the control cavity of the one that is silent, so shielded the other today - it's brought the volume down but it's still not silent. Having a look online it seems like most people's solution to this is to move the transmitter onto the strap and connect it to the bass with a short extender cable, sadly I can't find any the right length/configuration so am looking for someone to make one if possible please. I'm after right-angle male and straight barrel female connectors - ideally good quality - and about 18" in length. Thanks in advance!
  3. So sorry mate.
  4. Wow they make some stunning necks, thanks for the tip!
  5. Interesting, hadn't considered graphite but will definitely check them out, thanks. My brain can't work out how they fit 21 frets with no overhang but it obviously works!
  6. Apologies if this isn't the right forum for this, but does anyone know any companies in the UK who make a 21 fret jazz neck? I've been drawn more and more to the tone of jazz basses in some clips I've heard recently and also really fancy the idea of something I've had a hand in creating, but have zero carpentry skills - assembling something from parts is definitely my limit (and will quite likely exceed it...!) A couple of songs I regularly play live need a high E though so really need a 21 fret neck. With no experience of these things I've specced out a neck on the Warmoth site which although beautiful is running into the $400+ range and that's before shipping and VAT which is a lot more than I'm hoping to spend. I don't seem to be able to find any UK-based builders who offer what I'm after - 21 frets, flat radius. Does anyone know any who offer greater customisation by any chance please? Thanks in advance...
  7. Big fan of his music but damn that's a tough watch... Happy birthday Flea though, he sure can play.
  8. AxelF


    Oh no, glad you've (hopefully!) worked out what it was though - the not knowing why is what really drives me mental! Is it too late to give it another go, I think I read you've moved it on already? Have almost got my board rebuilt with the NUX - had to order a new tuner as I ran out of room for the Boss, and picked up a hub for my SA pedals too, but have to say I'm absolutely loving it so far.
  9. That's so frustrating, sorry it's happening! I can't really offer any practical advice I'm afraid but I would say hang on in there - you'll love it if you can get it working... It'd be worth giving Jon 'Jkos' on Talkbass a PM - he'll almost certainly be able to tell you what you need to do, and he has also written an android editor that he'll send you a link to - if nothing else that will allow you to switch between the pre-installed IRs.
  10. What worked for me was: 1) Plug the pedal in to the PC via USB without it being powered up 2) Open the firmware updater on the pc 3) Connect power to the pedal while holding down both footswitches This meant the pc could see the pedal and I updated it to the latest version on the NUX website (3.7 I think). The editor worked perfectly for me after that. I agree that the instructions/software setup side of the pedal is appalling, but the sounds more than make up for it! I hope you get it working ok, shout if that doesn't work.
  11. AxelF


    I've just picked up a NUX MLD preamp too - not had chance yet to really play with it so will post my thoughts later, but @SumOne drop Jon 'Jkos' a PM on Talkbass - he's made an android app for using the editor when not connected to a pc. You need a USB micro cable to whatever USB your phone takes, usually C. It's not been updated for the 3.7 firmware yet so looks a little bit odd at the moment, but works great for switching between different IRs. I'm not sure I'll need to at a gig, I'm hoping to find my favourite and use it as a 'set and forget' type thing, but using your phone you could easily swich between every song.
  12. Active or passive would you say? Seems to me that it has a lot more low end than I usually associate with a jazz especially when the preamp is set flat. Possibly has other effects/tone shaping before the NUX do you think?
  13. Was listening to a video for the NUX preamp today and was blown away by the tone. I had one in my basket ready to pull the trigger and then the boring rational inside voice realised that the pedal is off at the start and it's the tone of the bass that I'm loving. Sadly there's nothing in the description to say what the bass/signal chain is - to my very inexpert ears it sounds unlikely that that's just a dry bass signal and that there's probably some low end eq boost and maybe some compression on it too? In the futile attempt to describe sounds with words, to my ears it sounds deep and fat, yet articulate and punchy - exactly what I'm after! If I had to guess I'd say maybe jazz pickups, active, bass boosted with compression? Probably waaaay off though - what does anyone think, is this a fairly standard tone/easy to replicate? Thanks in advance..
  14. I've clearly imagined it but I'm sure there used to be a sticky about not being that **** who posts about being that guy 'who doesn't need effects' in the effects forum... 🙄
  15. Source Audio C4 and Aftershock. The range of options, even just using other user-generated patches and never having to touch the editor if that's not your thing, is just staggering.
  16. I can't see what version of the pc software you're using, but you'll need to update to the 0.8.32 beta version to edit the Ultrawave if you haven't already done so?
  17. Wow that Ray is stunning! Love the dark green and gold though too.
  18. If you don't already I'd say ask/persuade your band to switch to IEMs asap. With the availability of cheap systems these days, the ability to hear yourself and everyone else perfectly, and adjust your own mix on the fly from your phone is an absolute game changer. Suddenly you can hear every nuance of everyone else's playing as well as yours, and you can lock in much tighter, bounce off each other, and just generally enjoy yourself so much more. And when you make a mistake, your body will make you automatically beat yourself up about it, but only allow yourself one beat to do so, then force it out of your mind and move on. It's the same mindset you hear professional sportsmen talk about, one mistake can ruin your whole game (gig) if you let it; the measure of a real professional is not someone who never makes a mistake, it's someone who can drop an absolute howler and then immediately put it out of their mind, move on and play brilliantly for the rest of the game before scoring the winner in stoppage time.
  19. AxelF

    Like lomenzo

    Yeah, though to be fair you might be able to replace several of your distortion pedals with it!
  20. AxelF

    Like lomenzo

    I've not played with the Lomenzo, but if you want to distort just a specific frequency range check out the Source Audio Ultrawave.
  21. We're looking for a drummer for a pub covers band in the south London area (London Bridge/Greenwich/Dartford kind of areas). It's a 5 piece male-fronted band playing Killers, Arctic Monkeys, RHCP, Muse, Foo Fighters etc etc. Our drummer went home to Ireland at the start of lockdown and doesn't know what he's doing this year - it might be that we need someone to stand in for 6 months or so, it might be that he never comes back and we need someone full time. We're all between about 30 and 40 and are very relaxed and easy going - we're playing for the love of it, but are keen for the band to sound as good as possible. Age is much less important than finding someone who's easy going but dedicated. We also play with a click. Give me a shout if you want any more information
  22. Obviously should have used his maple neck guitar
  23. My, that's a tough listen.
  24. Step 1) Pick a highly contentious topic that has been done to death already, and with vast swathes of people heavily entrenched on opposite sides. Step 2) Give the thread a suitably condescending title, suggesting that anyone who disagrees with your position is a moronic fraud. Step 3) Throw a hissy fit when when not everyone immediately sees the error of their ways and dares to continue to disagree with you. Step 4) Suggest that most people are disabled and lack your skill and nuance in relation to a field that everyone here is extraordinarily passionate about, again because they dare to disagree with you. Step 5) Who knows, is there a point to all this? Can we please put this thread out of its misery?
  25. I've used Thomann 3 or 4 times over the last couple of months, all for bits and bobs that were under the £135 mark each time and they've just arrived as they used to. I appreciate some people are having problems with couriers, especially since they're now collecting VAT and fees on items over that mark, but to be honest most of that seems like the usual general incompetence from the couriers rather than Thomanns fault.
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