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Everything posted by TheLowDown

  1. Treat the 5 string as a whole rather than as a 4 string with an added B string. What I mean is, it's useful to understand how each of the 5 strings relate to each other in terms of intervals. This allows you to get a more flexible mind map of the fretboard. Floating thumb is a must, and I think it's the best way however many strings are used. And to keep your thumb approximately on the centre of the back of the neck
  2. I don't see any issue with the headstock in the OP.
  3. The shape of the headstock is pretty low down in my priorities. Unless it's impractical in any way then it shouldn't matter IMO, and I don't really see anything impractical about it.
  4. Actually, it's a significant cost to create content. For example
  5. The former. Spending more doesn't necessarily give you more, and the law of diminishing returns of price against quality is pretty low IMO - around £300-500 being the sweet spot - because of cheap labour and CNCs. Basses are simple modular things. The only practical advantage of buying one pricier bass rather than several lower priced basses is that of choice for if you have absolute specific requirements for a particular model, for whatever reason. Ideally I would prefer a more middle ground of 3 or 4 basses because it's highly unlikely that I would ever want to have only 1 expensive bass. Tastes change, situations change, requirements change.
  6. Good job! Seems like a pretty decent bass 👍. I noticed them at Thomann recently, they seem quite new.
  7. Hate is much too strong a word, but I'm unlikely to buy a BC Rich-style(don't find the designs practical), greatly overpriced brands(eg Rics, Fenders, etc), boutique basses, thunderbirds(terrible ergonomics), lined fretlesses(the side dots in the 'wrong' place really throws me), or a jazz(tend to be on the heavier side and doesn't offer anything that I need).
  8. I have the fretted HB 550 and it's lightweight(it's around 8.5lb) and comfortable. The fingerboard on the fretless version(I have the 4 string) is similar to the HBZ and feels nice to me with enough mwah, if that's important.
  9. I learnt to make and fly paper aeroplanes.
  10. 👍it's been a long time for me too, but can't ever remember having to use the median in real life.
  11. Great band, Incognito. Love the likes of 'Dark side of the cog' and step aside'. I didn't know until recently that it's less of a band and more of a front for Bluey's songwriting.
  12. The poll is best to include multiple choice because a lot of people use more than one. I mostly use YouTube because it's free with ads, but I've used Deezer and Spotify in the past. Deezer because it was free with my network tariff at the time.
  13. So sorry to hear about this, my regards to his family. I hadn't been aware that he was ill.
  14. Can't beat a good diet(strangely overlooked by many), regular exercise, and light gauge strings with good technique. I tend to steer clear of any medicines unless forced.
  15. I voted 34. I find 35 a bit long to be comfy and don't find many real world improvement. While 30inch offers lots of advantages for ergonomics, I find that they're outweighed by the restricted availability of affordable strings, and they seem to tend to go out of tune much more quickly than 34 inch. Multiscale I don't seem to have got on with.
  16. Black. Looks more harmonious that way.
  17. I definitely wouldn't have agreed to Letts making a bass because it will be a begrudgingly made bass rather than one made with care and attention. Instead, I would have taken steps to get my due money and then never have anything to do with him. Lesson learnt.
  18. Simplicity is best I think. Rather than adding more notes, add a ghost note or replace a note with a ghost note of 2 as well as experimenting with different rhythms and note lengths with a drum pattern. A good exercise is to put on a metronome or simple drum pattern and try to be creative with just one note.
  19. The more strings the higher it goes. Not a great deal from 4 to 6 though. In all cases, low enough while keeping wrist as straight as can be.
  20. lol that study has been doing the rounds since 2017, and it doesn't actually suggest that there is any best band member. It just means that timing is best being done by the rhythm section.
  21. I bought a multiscale from them and found their customer service helpful where they've responded to my concerns and feedback. I don't see any reason not to buy from them again.
  22. I love Sire basses but none of those inspire me.
  23. -heavy and bulky FSO headstocks. -heavy basses. -black side dots on light coloured background. -basses that don't have a neck pickup. There are probably other small niggles but they're the main ones.
  24. My target is 3: a lightweight 6 string fretted, 4 string fretted, and either 4 or 6 string fretless.
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