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Useless amateur

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Everything posted by Useless amateur

  1. I have heard tell there is someone on here who makes pickguards. Does anyone know who it is please? I am in need of a Pickguard for a Squier CV 50s p bass and can’t find one anywhere Thanks Jon
  2. Will all be posted tomorrow or Wednesday to the 4 guys who asked for them Jon
  3. Yeah it’s a financial problem not a lack of desire problem. Grandchildren come first unfortunately 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Jon
  4. If this was after Christmas I would have that ☹️ Jon
  5. PM me your address and I will get it sorted Jon
  6. I have some copper shielding tape if anyone is in need of a roll? I used some on a bass of mine that was buzzing and after I had done it even with everything turned up as high as it would go it was silence. To say I was overjoyed was an understatement Jon
  7. Hi J have a brand new 5 string P Bass Black Pickguard here for free to anyone who will make a donation to the Royal British Legion. Pickguard still has cellophane on it. If Miss don’t like this feel free to take it down. Jon ps I can’t put it in for sale as I don’t have a subscription
  8. Thanks for the tip Jon
  9. Is there anyone closei-ish to Weston super Mare area that does Bass refinishing or does anyone have any recommendations? I have all the paint and primer and clear coat so just need someone to do it as I will probably not do it as well. If no one is around I will have a go myself and no one wants to see that 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks Jon
  10. How easy is it to remove the bone from one bass and put it into another one? I have installed a new neck but the bone in the existing neck is much better to my eyes Jon
  11. Ok I have removed a truss rod and will buy a new one to replace it, does 580mm sound right? I haven’t searched yet but that appears to be the existing one. What I want to know is IF I can’t cut a fillet and replace the removed timber from the mech is there another material I can use? I might be able to cut the fillet after routing the hole to smarten it up but my hands shake a lot so it would be easier if I could use something simpler. Any help appreciated. the photo is as it is now pre routerered to tidy it up Jon
  12. Would NEVER jump the queue. Others have first crack if it is still available, but would be nice if we new it was or wasn’t available 🤣 Jon
  13. Excuse my ignorance are any of these precision bass pickups? Jon
  14. I am so sorry, what a tool I am. Google is your friend doh Apologies Jon
  15. What sort of musical style are these best suited to would you say please? I’m fairly new to this so any information is helpsful Thanks Jon
  16. Just bought my second wiring loom for a Precision from John. They really are great and he is a nice guy full of advice Jon
  17. That’s so obvious and I’d never thought of it. Thanks Jon
  18. Hopefully you will get this sorted satisfactorily for you and if so well done to the retailer. I always think the best judge of a company is how they respond to a problem. Things can go wrong for a variety of reasons, accidentally or not, but a swift apology and appropriate repair/ replacement/ refund sorts the problem out and makes fo happy customers. Some customers are wan*ers though and try it on and make stores staff lives hell. Not suggesting that this is the case here at all. Good luck with it, it sounds hopeful for you so far. Let us know how it goes Jon
  19. A favourite plectrum is just coming to the end of its useful life. Is it just me that feels a sense of depression at the thought of finding another one you feel comfortable with? After using one for a few weeks it seems to hit a perfect stage where it is comfortable to use and it feels like an extension of your fingers. New plectrums never feel right to start with until they wear in, some of them never wear in or feel perfect. I’ve never managed to break a plectrum whilst playing so it is always down to either wear and tear or I lose them somehow which ends with me looking for a replacement. It doesn’t matter how much you spend on them either, sometimes a cheap one will feel great and a more expensive one will be horrible to use. I have even made a few myself out of various bits, some of which have been great for me, others have been like they have beeen made out of rubbish, which they were if the truth is known 😀 Anyway now to find a new one to love Jon
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