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Everything posted by Bassmanc

  1. [quote name='Golchen' post='372752' date='Jan 7 2009, 09:26 AM']What kind of mad idiot would try to play one of those things?????? Oh yeah, I have two by the way. Some videos in my link below. I actually kind of gave up about a year and a half ago. I just couldn't get to grips with what I wanted to do with it and felt that it wasn't working out to my satisfaction. I've had a few attempts to get back into it but as a multi-instrumentalist I have a lot of other stuff to play with![/quote] Two, That's just greedy dude! I liked your playing - I'm always impressed by those who tackle the full range two hand stuff as I've been too lazy to try it seriously. - I need both hands just to play my basslines!
  2. [quote name='mcgraham' post='372548' date='Jan 6 2009, 10:43 PM']How much do second hand chapman sticks from Stick enterprises typically cost? They are an instrument I'd love to pick up at some point, just for the tonal options and fun they provide Mark[/quote] The cheapest second hand instrument I've seen in recent years was an ironwood 10 string on Ebay. I think it went for around £1200, but please don't quote me on that! The carbon 10-string is about the cheapest second hand buy by all accounts, but they're rare finds.
  3. [quote name='beerdragon' post='372515' date='Jan 6 2009, 10:19 PM']Bugger, if you still have a TE 4x10 in a couple of weeks i will have one of you.[/quote] There are now a few interested parties, but watch this space - you never know!
  4. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='372472' date='Jan 6 2009, 09:50 PM']Pmed and do you have an online manual for the preamp and poweramp or know were i could find one.[/quote] I've managed to download a manual for the MK5 version (which was essentially the same as this, which I belive is a MK 4 except the Mk5 had a fader for the eq to mix it with the un-equed signal. On the MK4 there is a just a switch for eq in or out). It also mentions the RA 500 and some tips on connecting the two (which is all there ever was in the RA 500 manual anyway. Both are really user friendly in any case. I found it here...(if you want to have a look at it) [url="http://www.britishaudioservice.com/trace_operateinstru.shtml"]http://www.britishaudioservice.com/trace_operateinstru.shtml[/url]
  5. [quote name='Matte_black' post='372661' date='Jan 7 2009, 12:32 AM']What's the weight of the "head"? Is it still available? Also interested in the Peavey cabs but I fear they're too big to be shipped down here [/quote] I've had a few enquiries for shipping so I will look into it, but I suspect that we'd be talking quite high costs and I haven't really thought about what I could do to package these to give any reasonable protection. Ideally they need to be crated, but that would cost about as much as the cabs, so I may have to do with some home-made cardboard packaging. I can weigh the head unit for you tonight, but I would suspect its around 25+ Kg. It's a relatively easy single person lift as there are good handles on each side.
  6. [quote name='agoulding' post='372399' date='Jan 6 2009, 08:33 PM']The head has gone. Cabs are still on though.[/quote] Sorry to hi-jack your add, but seing your amp head is sold.... Anyone still looking for a head could do worse than check out my add for a trace rack system (Search adds in this forum with the word CONCERT) with a slightly older GP11 preamp, UV lighting and a 2 x 250w trace RA500 power amp. This is original trace elliot gear, not the later peavey whatever nonsense, and kicks serious ass! Thanks. PS Cabs look mint, well worth £300 the pair!
  7. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='369353' date='Jan 3 2009, 04:37 PM']An ex-pro that's a most welcome new member. A top gentleman, you can trust. And, hopefully, I've now persuaded him to bring his Sei & Chapman stick to the forthcoming Yorkshire bash! [/quote] Yes, hoping to make it with the following basses in tow... Sei Custom Flamboyant Custom headless 6 string Kawai fretted 4 string Fylde Custom fretless 4 string (all as shown in photo of full rig in this thread) and 10 String Carbon Chapman Stick I'll bring a rig along also, but hopefully this leviathon will be SOLD by then!????
  8. In my rack system I have a unit that has the inards of a Boss OC2 and a TC phaser side by side, with all the relevent controls on the front panel, remote footswitch sockets and a proper power supply on the rear. It's worked a dream for ages, but I now want to re-work it and swap the OC2 for another unit. I put the original one together myself, but I'm now older, lazier and wiser, so I'd much prefer to find someone, preferrably near me in the Manchester area, who can do a proper job of this for me, possibly in a new blank 1U rack box. Any suggestions? Thanks
  9. [quote name='nig' post='371981' date='Jan 6 2009, 01:40 PM']I had to read that statement twice, then got the point and had a chuckle to myself, as 10's and 12 grande sticks tuning are different to the SB8 and the steinberg hybrid 8 string stick bass, the 8 can be sent back to emmett to be reworked but 4ths from low to high is fine for my head although the span is hard so I do play right hand bass some times, the thing with a stick is...there are no rules, which is kinda hard to get used to but nice. [/quote] Indeed, I play bass on the low 5 strings of my 10 string instrument and don't ever really bother trying to compete up in the guitar, keyboard, vocal range (I get shouted at when I do!). But some of the songs we do (particularly covers) I can play on stick or bass depending on where the song is on the set list and my level of laziness to change instrument! So this is where the problems start, because the hand shapes are totally different to play the same notes due to the inverted strings and the different tuning. It's a bit like driving the wife's car after my own - I wonder why all the cotrols are in the wrong place and why the seat is so close to the steering wheel!
  10. I think you'll find that Tony Levin's distinctive sound has historically been produced using a TC electronics phaser pedal. There were originally two versions, a Bass/Kbd and a guitar, the principal difference being the octave range that is phased. The Bass version is the backbone of the classic Levin Stick sound (along with compression of course) and is also used by other notable 'rock bass' stick players like Nick Beggs (Check out his old band Ellis Beggs and Howard for sound bites) and myself (!), in fact I use both versions for different tracks as I like the effect of the guitar phaser on the stick too. The pedals are studio quality and the original versions are as rare as the proverbial waste products of rocking horses, but bass guitars do sound great through them too, so you might want to look out for one. The new version is around £140 I think but still worth a try.
  11. Thanks for the responses - very helpful - in any case you've pretty much confirmed to me that it's going to be worth $99, even at these attrocious exchange rates. So it's top of my list for next months spending! I may as well start my scrounge for killer patches now then!!???
  12. [quote name='nig' post='370789' date='Jan 5 2009, 12:04 PM']Eek...you get the idea, they can be in dual reciprocal tuning or std 4ths B to Bb.[/quote] Thanks for posting the picture, weird having the bass strings closest to you, seems to defeatthe whole concept of the stick (ie that it screwws with your perception of reality every time you pick it up!!) Lets have some more stick playing pics - I'll dig some of mine out tonight!
  13. I was looking for a little smiley holding a wooden spoon and stirring???
  14. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='370328' date='Jan 4 2009, 08:43 PM']It's a very poorly titled question really, ideally you should have different genres listed, so Mark King would be under pop, and Dave Holland would be under jazz, but Dave Holland still wouldn't win because Lawrence Cottle is tons better. Unless of course the question was 'Who's the best British bassist, currently living in New York, who's 1st name is Dave ?'.[/quote] Nail on the head hear, many people are quick to judge Mark King as a pop artist - sure that's where he made his money, but has no one out there ever hear of "The Early Years", or even the recordings L42 did of "Foundation and Empire"? They started out as an instrumental Jazz group, but made no money doing that....but if you think Mark King can't play Jazz, sorry - he was born doing that (and if you ever see him play the drums live you'll have to re-think your list of the best drummers too!)
  15. [quote name='nig' post='370180' date='Jan 4 2009, 06:26 PM']I got an SB 8 std 4th tuning in july from a guy in NYC, havnt found a band to use it in yet. [/quote] I haven't even heard of an SB 8, though I have heard rumours of a 8-string version where I'd previously thought they only came in 10 and 12 string varieties. Do you have any pics?
  16. A very interesting discussion and perhaps one that has been predictably tainted by people voting for their favourite bands and just adding the guy playing bass to the list. I accept that great bass paying means putting the right note in the right place and even in musical genres where the skill required to do this is not comparable with rocket science or brain surgery, there are still exponents who demonstrate unmistakable skill. This is the list with Sting, Paul Macartny, John Paul Jones, Roger Glover and many other more recent examples in there. Then there's a group who innovated above and beyond the cause, who pushed bass playing out from skillful feel and foundation territory and up a notch into the limelight. This group is a wider span, staring perhaps with the like of Jack Bruce and including so many others, John Entwistle (OF COURSE!), How about Flea anyone?, Mike Rutherford, yes etc etc You need a group for the pure technical excellence brigade - just put in all the Jazz players here! No lack of respect intended, just that I'm, well out of touch and listened to mostly american jazz players myself and missed all the UK fusion stuff and much that followed. Then you might need a class for people who created a whole new sound, but the problem here is knowing how original they were, I mean, was Palladino not heavily influenced by Mick Kahn? But you can probably put him in here for the influence he had on British bass playing. Then I have one class left. There's a guy out there who simply reinvented the role of the bass in music, and developed an entirely new way to play it by adapting skills from many that had gone before and pushing the boundarieds to new limits. He had better technique than anyone who ever went before and in a live concert many a time included 'tribute's' to the greats (Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller, Jaco Pastorious etc etc) and proved he could match them all. I don't really care what you think of Level 42's pop songs, but best bassist in Britain? Be serious, there is no contest!
  17. I'm just curious as a search in a few forum topics for the "stick" leads me to believe there are a few fellow Chapman Stick players out there and a good number of curious bass players interested to learn more about them. I've had one for about 12 years. Its a 10 string graphite model which I've used Tony Levin / Nick Beggs style as a bass only instrument in a band. At the time of purchase I was playing only 4 string basses (Fretted and fretless finger and slap style). I agree with comments I've read on here that you can't just pick it up and expect to sound like Tony Levin, but after a little investment (a pair of 1x 15 cabs to accompany my 4 x 10s, a studio spec compressor, and most importantly a TC Electronics phaser!) and a lesson from the very excellent friend and loony, Nick Beggs and I had the basics sussed! I used to use it regularly on stage with "Touch the Pearl" in Blackpool and the NW, including appearances at the Band on the Wall in Manchester and various other venues and supporting appearances with ELO, Edwin Starr and others. I'm dusting it down now and trying to get back into playing, so finding some fellow stickists would be great!
  18. [quote name='7string' post='337876' date='Nov 26 2008, 11:37 PM']As they only build to order, the string spacings on a Sei can be anything that the customer wants. Personally, I would base your string spacing on the bridge which you want to use.[/quote] The big issues are how many strings you are building for, what style you play and of course your personaly preference. Many years ago I spent a couple of days playing every bass in the Gallery before I could fix the spec for my Sei. The hardest part was choosing the string spacing. I have a standard 4 string, but when I played 6 strings with the same spacing they were just too huge to get my hands across. In the end I went with a completely custom spcing, which meant cusatome wound pickups and a one-off BaddAss bridge, But hey, If you;re going to have a bass made to measure you want it right eh??
  19. [quote name='Silent Fly' post='368943' date='Jan 2 2009, 11:05 PM']I used to have a PODxt + bass pack. In my opinion is an interesting upgrade. In practice, it adds a PODxt-bass to the PODxt. I prefer the PODxt+bass pack to the PODxt-bass. With the PODxt+bass pack you get true stereo and it sounds great with guitar as well.[/quote] Hi,I was just contemplating the purchase of the Bass expansion pack myself as I have a podxt pro for my guitar and wanted to use it in my bass rack for delay effects etc.Can you tell me if the bass expansion pack effectively turns the Podxt Pro into the Bass Pod xt pro? ie can it mimic all the controls and settings? I have a mate with a a Bass Pod and he has loads of patches. Could I copy them and upload them onto the guiotar version if I have this bass expansion pack? If that's the case then it sounds like a great deal at $99, even with the attrocious exchange rate! - it's still cheap compared to buying a bass pod!
  20. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='365019' date='Dec 28 2008, 06:19 PM']Do come. Plenty of free parking around the venue, no stairs and there's a bar! [i]I think if Carlsberg organised Bass Bashes ... [/i] Sunday 15th Feb 12 noon to 5PM. The Manhattan Club, Harrogate. Map etc on their website [url="http://www.manhattanentertainments.co.uk/index.php"]http://www.manhattanentertainments.co.uk/index.php[/url][/quote] I'm now trying to organise an appearance and may bring a bass collecting friend. If I haven't sold my rig I may bring it along to see if anyone wants it (or parts of it!). Otherwise it could be my cheeky 'new' Berg practice amp!
  21. Nice looking Bass, but are they, er, wearing tassle shirts!!!???
  22. Please note that I will split this rig up any way you like (within reason), so if you're after a classic 1 x 15 and 4 x 10 set up then I'll do a deal with you for that. The Peavey Cabs are the most compact punchy ported 15 inch cabs I could find (trust me I tried them all!) and I would recommend them over the trace elliot versions that are huge, bulky and no where near as good on the ear!
  23. [quote name='neilb' post='367393' date='Dec 31 2008, 07:38 PM']Love the new Imac on top!! Great computers.[/quote] I'd just bought the TC preamp and it had a connect for a monitor to help when programming it. Sadly the connector was still current in Holland (or whever TC are from), but over here I had to find a really old monitor for the job. In fact I bought two for £10 and this was the good one!!! (Still have it too cause it's really useful for setting up the graphic)
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='367405' date='Dec 31 2008, 07:53 PM']F*cking hell thats huge.[/quote] Sorry tight jeans were in fashion back then
  25. PLEASE NOTE: photos of rack and 1x15 cabs added today! 4x 10s to follow. TRACE ELLIOT 4x10 CABS NOW SOLD! Finally downsizing. This gear was the core of my concert rig for a couple of years but around 8 years ago now. Since then it's been in heated storage just gathering dust (which has been wiped off!) The items for sale are as follows [b]Trace Elliot[/b] amp Rackmount GP11 Preamp (2U) Rackmount RA500 Stereo (2 x 250 at 4ohms)(3U) (Bridging switch for mono operation and built in Bi amp bi-pass filters) UV lighting strip (1U) All Mounted in an SKB lightweight 6U flight case with all sockets duplicated on the rear [b]Trace Elliot [/b]Speakers Two 4x10 ported speaker cabs (200w each 8 ohms) (these are not perfectly matching as one is a couple of years older than the other. Both are vinyl covered with canon and jack sockets [b]Peavey[/b] Speakers Two 1 x 15 Bass Flex ported bins (150w each 8 ohms) (these were initial part of a bi-amped PA system and have pole socket on the top for mounting top cabs on a pole above. The internal passive crossover that was originally fitted has been removed and these cabs are now full-range) I'll even throw in a home made pair of piezo tweeters that I added to brighten up the top end when I started playing Six String I would be happy to split the system as follows:- Amp Rack (complete) £300 (it's a lot of power for no money!) Older 4x10 £120 Newer 4x10 £150 Peavey cabs (pair) £150 Horn Box £30 Or the entire 500w stereo rig for just £650 (I'll even throw in some speaker leads!) Sensible offers considered Can deliver in Manchester Area or a little further for a small fee I will post more detailed pics shortly, but in the meantime, here's a pic of this gear stacked with some other items which are not included (sorry about the pose!), but there's a bit of bass porn here for you too! No I'm sorry, the Sei custom flamboyant 6 is not included or for sale separately (Are you kidding!!!)
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