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  1. Thanks for the heads up but I'm already well-stocked on the TK-421 front. It's a lovely pedal though so I'm sure someone will get joy from it!
  2. Hi @Arnoldas, I'll DM you but I can record a video for you as I'm not aware of any demos either. It's basically a noise box that emits a drone and the knob on the pedal allows a limited spectrum of control over it. It's good fun at the front end of a chain but it's musical only to the extent it feels like being musical. I'm a sci-fi nut and took a chance on IdiotBox's mystery sci-fi noise box. It lived up to its name on all counts but I wouldn't consider this an effects pedal in the usual sense. Thanks very much @LukeFRC!
  3. I’ve had a few sales threads on here recently but have been put off adding more by the file-size limitations. Throwing caution to the wind (or at least compromising with the breeze), I thought I’d put up a single consolidated thread instead. All of the pedals are in good condition and I’d be happy to supply further details to those interested. I’ll post using Royal Mail Special Delivery. Broughton Calamity (boxed) - £175 £160 – One of the top three muff pedals I’ve played. Like the Utility Knife, I had this on the same two boards and I’m selling the spare. Wrought Iron Leather & Effects Kaiburr (boxed) - £325 – This was a custom run of one by Wrought Iron (and cost a princely £400 or thereabouts after taxes). It sat as the centrepiece of my sci-fi board but has been replaced by something more sith lordy. This has been recently checked over by Michael Aitken at Aitken Audio and is on top form. COG Custom Solid Snake Blender (boxed) - £90 – bought it because I love COG pedals and because I love Metal Gear Solid. Unusually, it works left to right but I forgive it because it looks cool. It works similarly to an LS-2 and is configured so that the pedal can either run the A Loop, B Loop or A+B Loops. It also has phase switches. Lone Wolf Audio Left Hand Wrath 2.5 (boxed) - £140 £125 – Similar to the Throne Torcher, also bought for a shoot-out. ON HOLD Barefaced Machinist (boxed) - £185 £160 ON HOLD– Bought on here and listing it for what I paid. Bought on the strength of Tim Commerford using it on his demo for his StingRay signature bass and Tom George at COG being involved in its design. COG Custom CMM00 - £250 £220 SOLD – Exceptional dual-amp monster aimed at assisting with obtaining a Royal Blood tone through two fuzzes and a re-housed POG. Outputs for bass, guitar and a combination for those running a single channel. Recently given the once over by Michael Aitken of Aitken Audio (and neighbour of Tom at COG) to replace a scratchy switch so it can purr for a new owner. Works thunderously. Source Audio C4 (£170) SOLD and Disaster Area Micro Pro (£90) SOLD (both boxed) - (or £250 for both) SOLD – A Basschat classic. Includes a USB cable and the Disaster Area Ghost Adapter. Idiotbox WTF (boxed) - £75 SOLD – Easily the maddest pedal I’ve ever played. A more or less uncontrollable noise box that used to sit at the front of the chain on my sci-fi themed board before a rejig. Southampton Utility Knife - £275 SOLD – One of my favourite pedals. A chorus, flanger, phaser and tremolo in one small unit. Josh Broughton had a hand in designing the algorithms. They are extremely difficult to find and I’ve had to import both I own. I had one on two boards, one of which I recently disassembled, so I’m selling the spare. Sushibox Slampegg Bee Pre X - £150 SOLD – A familiar pedal on this sales forum. I’ve sold it a few times. It self-oscillates at certain settings (apparently this is inherent in the design) although I use it behind a buffer and at 12v and it behaves itself for me. I recently sold it on here but the tube became faulty on arrival. It’s visited Michael Aitken and is sporting a new tube. COG Custom F-2 HPF – £90 £80 SOLD – Lovely dual 30 Hz HPF. The static frequency is well chosen and my basses sound great. Having two is a cool and interesting feature. COG TK-421 Mini (boxed) - £348 £250 SOLD – Tom's take on the RAT distortion in mini format. The T-16 and Tarkin are, for me, the best octave and fuzz pedals of this size and I think the same of this distortion. I bought this for £348 in an eBay auction so hopefully someone else will get more of a bargain. Abominable Electronics Throne Torcher - £120 £105 SOLD – A nice HM-2 clone I bought for a shoot-out. I’ve gone with an HM-2 variant I waited over a year for, partly on the strength of the wait, so I’m selling the others. Thanks for reading!
  4. I recently sold a pedal to Hywel. The whole experience was an enjoyable one: Hywel was very patient, communicated well and spoke passionately about pedals. Recommended based on that experience. Thanks!
  5. Absolutely phenomenal bass. Good luck with the sale!
  6. It’s kind of difficult to say. I think some is the likeliest answer. The studio pedals impart a bit of subtle sweetness that I find quite pleasing. I put the tone in a similar bracket to the Caveman BP1: kind of studio sheen rather than beefy heft or overdriven/gain-fuelled. I’ve placed it where I have here to give the envelope, phaser and tubes to get stuck into. A lot of the folks on the Talkbass Broughton thread like to use it with the Messenger as almost a DIY Studio One. The Studio One is a great pedal and crazily good for the price. The BP1-C is about the closest comparator for the price I think in terms of tone that I have used, although I’ve heard a few people compare it to the JHS Colorbox.
  7. I've had a board of Broughton pedals for a long time and, after a recent flurry of succeeding on releases, I decided to make a bigger board. It's sorely missing the flanger of the Utility Knife (which Josh Broughton helped design) so maybe that will go back on the board with the Omnicomp sneaking underneath. It's an absolute monster though and weighs a ton. It has comp, EQ, fuzz, OD, distortion, envelope, phaser, boost, PLL, tubes, preamps and DI and headphone out, so it covers a lot of ground. I've tried my hand at putting together a few more manufacturer specific boards which I expect will see the light of day here soon. I know that doesn't float everyone's boat but I've still got my main board, clean board and headphone amp boards that do most of the work so the manufacturer-specific boards are just ways of enjoying the pedals I've spent forever F5ing for rather than keeping them in boxes. I really like fuzz into octave and realised there are a lot of competing dirt pedals so I've tried to vary them so that I can various combinations e.g. fuzz into distortion into fuzz into OD into distortion. Not pictured: there is a Broughton BBA and a Studio Boost Mini on the back, along with two Cioks DC7s and two DC8s.
  8. That Mu-Tron is an absolute beast! How does it sound?
  9. Absolutely brilliant pedal. The functionality on it (not to mention the routing flex) makes it easier than some of the alternatives to make part of a set up too. I’ll message you on Saturday about some of your wanted ads.
  10. I bought an Analog Music Company SHSL at the same time as the Source Audio Reflex that was sold on here recently. I’d been holding off on getting an SHSL until I’d figured out how to add effective expression control as it looked like it would be relatively inexpressive (if you’ll pardon the terrible pun) without it. I tried them together recently and they are a powerful duo. I’ve been looking to get Tim Commerford’s tone from Calm Like a Bomb and I think this may do it. I bought a fuzz and a distortion I really like but I’ll hold judgment on those until I’ve played them more. The other pedal that really sticks in the memory is the Doc Lloyd DLA-2A. It completed my main board and is a truly fantastic bit of kit.
  11. As an update to this topic, I had a belated birthday gathering at the weekend and my wife had arranged for a birthday cake that hit the centre of my Venn diagram of pedals, basses and Star Wars. It's one of the more over the top things I've seen but loved all the more for it. The bass even has the Dingwall logo on it!
  12. Thanks for the heads up (and the assumption that the verb is ‘need’ - you know me well)! I already have a Locust Star but I’d highly recommend it to anyone. It’s a brilliant RAT designed for bass by a guy who’s at the top of his field. Great form factor too. Good luck with the sale!
  13. Good question. It sounds like the controls from the short scale basses. Last time round there were active and passive short scale options too.
  14. I wondered when they’d do another run: https://www.music-man.com/instruments/families/basses/tim-commerford I have an active full scale from the first run and it’s a lovely bass. It’s very light and I love it being string-through. The other distinguishing features are string gauge, adjustable ramp and mutes, so not exactly show-stopping, but it’s as close as I’ve ever gotten to Timmy C’s sound (and I have tried!). There is again a passive option.
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