There is one particular brand of bass I think it is ugly. Someone asked what we dont like about xxxxxxx. I said "it's just plain ugly" the moderator must play that brand!! So, I am banned!!
Same here about talkbass. Finally got banned. Basschat is much better, laid back guys, not snobbed to death. But my British brothers dont quite get Alabama football !!
Practice only amp? I have a Ampeg BA110 latest version. Works great for practice. I even played it at a very small acoustic gig. Not to great for my 5 string
Yeah,, looking at a Yamaha BB734. My 60th b-day is in 2021. Sounds like a good present. I thought about a real musicman, I have a Sterling stingray, not 100% sold on the sound. May trade in my Fender p and maybe the stingray toward the 734. (Yeah, trade in the fender. )
We had just started back at our once or twice a month standing gig. Then hurricane Sally damaged our gig joint. So it will be closed for a while. We are looking for another