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Everything posted by SumOne

  1. Nice work! It's a decent pedal, I wasn't very creative with it - basically used it as a practice tool to play over chords, but it has a lot more potential. Looks like you wouldn't have much trouble selling it for the same sort of price if you find its not for you.
  2. Winner! That was down to the line nail biting stuff, can see why my aunt spends so much time buying and selling glassware on ebay! Tune in again this time next week for more excitement with the CEB-3 and Pigtronix auctions!
  3. Someone just offered £70 on Facebook and I pointed them to ebay so I expect they will bid. No worries if there aren't other bids, I'll cancel your bid if you want (not sure how though, I don't know much about selling on ebay)
  4. Freeze eBay auction ends at 9pm today ....£63 at the moment, will it get to the BC £75 asking price? or more? Will the buyer actually pay? Will eBay pay quickly or hold on to the cash for as long as they can to gain interest?!? It's about as exciting as things get in lockdown Monday evenings. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electro-Harmonix-EHX-Freeze-Sound-Retainer-Guitar-Pedal-Boxed-Power-supply/224361354626
  5. DSM & Humboldt Simplifier Bass Station. £220. Mint condition, only used at home since purchased from Andertons for £299 in mid-December (one of the newest batch). It works perfectly and sounds great but I have changed my setup so it's no longer needed. Not really anything else out there with all these features, and it's all in the size of a small Boss pedal! DI: 1/4" Jack in: passive/active input switch 1/4" Jack out: output/thru output switch XLR DI out XLR DI parallel out Ground lift switch Phase invert switch Aux in Headphone out (with volume control) Preamp: EQ: Three-band +/- 15dB EQ with 3x Mid Frequency select SVT type drive Preamp FX loop Parallel FX loop Parallel LPF 100Hz/500Hz Parallel/Preamp blend Cab sim: 3x cab size 3x colour cabs Mic position Resonance https://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-dept/bass-guitar-pedals/bass-overdrive-pedals/dsm-and-humboldt-simplifier-amp-bass-station-preamp-and-cab-sim-analogue-pedal https://www.simplifieramp.com/bass-station My selling feedback is here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/446834-feedback-for-sumone/
  6. I'm actually going to return the EBS. It works fine and is good but isn't quite good enough for me to justify £170 considering alternatives like 2nd hand M82 for about £100 which is less versatile (particularly no sweep down) but does the quick 'quack' percussive type bandpass sweep up better and has useful separate clean/wet volumes and decay filter control. Or about £150 for 2nd hand Spectrum for lots more tweaking versatility. .... or the Proton, spatial delivery, funk lite, discumbobulator all seem to be slightly different flavours of the EBS functions for simar new price, possibly they will have the mojo in looking for. Anyone looking to sell any of them give me a shout.
  7. CEB-3 now on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Boss-CEB-3-Bass-Chorus-Effects-Pedal-/224364061367?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292 Pigtronix compressor now on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pigtronix-Philosopher-Bass-Compressor-Micro-/224364069524?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  8. I've only tried the new one. The q control is useful - I think it would be quite limited without it, and switching from full/band/low pass filters gives quite different results so I'm fairly sure it's quite a big improvement.
  9. An EBS MB2 replaced my Sansamp BDDI. I preferred the EBS once I'd figured everything out - there's a lot more going on.
  10. EBS BassIQ Blue Label arrived and it's good, I'd only got it on impulse expecting to probably return it but I think I''ll probably keep it - there's tough competition in this price range though. Compared to the M82: Not much in it between the two but if I was just after a bandpass filter sweeping up I'd probably get an M82. The M82 clean/wet controls and depth control are things the EBS doesn't have, and the M82 has a bit more of an in your face 'quack' than the EBS, I do like the EBS tone though- it's smoother. And the EBS bandpass is okay at keeping the low end without a clean blend because it seems to work a bit differently to the M82 in that the threshold at zero is pretty much 100% clean and it gradually gets blended out, that along with the Q and Attack seem to all interact with each other and the amount of clean blend a bit more than the M82 controls do, so although the EBS has fewer knobs it can still get a similar (or perhaps more) variety of tones just in the equivalent bandpass + filter up settings. The M82 sub type sounds with sensitivity dialled down are also a bit more full on than the EBS - but I quite like the milder (and perhaps more usable) EBS sub. The EBS doesn't have the Decay frequency control of the M82 which is a shame, but the main thing the EBS is lacking is output volume control- it does have an internal pot for that, and it seems to be at unity without adjusting it so it's hopefully not a bit issue, still though - what if I want the sub tone turned down and then change to a more 'quack' setting that I want louder? Seems an important omission for a £170 pedal (but the Fwonkbeta is similar). The big positive of the EBS though is that it also does full range and low pass filters, and a second up sweep setting (internally adjustable range), and down sweep. So 9 combinations in total and all of these can make decent sounds, so for that added versatility I think I'll stick with the EBS rather than M82. The EBS is also in the sort of price range of a second hand Spectrum though which has even more versatility - but that needs phone/laptop tweaking and it only has 6 presets available without buying additional controls vs the 9x EBS settings....and like I was saying with the C4, it's not as obvious that 'green light middle toggle' is, say 'lowpass sweep up' than having it there on the dedicated controls of the EBS. Of the filters I've owned: Helix and Zoom envelope filters I didn't think much of, but the Fwonkbeta, EBS, M82, and Spectrum each have their pros and cons and all are good in their own way. For the time being I think I'll stick with the EBS but will have an eye out for alternatives - my search would probably be over if it just included clean/wet volume controls and a decay frequency control.
  11. Yeah I've been recommended the sine effects pedals but not tried them. I've got my eye on the mega para but their prices suddenly jumped up. I had a GEB-7 and it was a bit noisy, but that might have been down to my cheap power supply.
  12. I haven't used these but they look good https://sineeffect.com/shop/micropara-1-band-parametric-e-q/
  13. Yeah, just something like the little screen on the Zoom pedals or Boss RC pedals would really help - and it's presumably pretty cheap to do as those pedals don't break the bank. I recently got a Source Audio Gemini which I think is great as 6 modulation presets is plenty for me, and it's easy enough to tell what preset I'm on (e.g. green light = chorus x3, red light = phaser, flanger, vibe) and as they are all similar enough effects it's fine for the controls to all be fixed the same things across the presets- and 4 controls is enough for most live tweaking. A bit of laptop/phone editing is good to fine-tune other parameters but doesn't need hours of mucking about.
  14. I got the C4 mostly to replace my M82 and Octamizer. Figured selling them would make about £200, then an extra £50 was worth it for the extra synth features. C4 is great and it gets very close but doesn't 100% replicate them, you can play a clean loop and run it through the Octamizer or M82 vs C4 to make the loop sound exactly the same - you could then listen A/B recordings of that loop and not tell the difference. But that's a bit misleading because when actually playing there is a subtle difference, C4 didn't sound quite as good across the whole range of notes and playing dynamics, and it wasn't as easy to do something like the equivalent increasing the 'growl' of the Octamizer as it fed into the M82 with decreased sensitivity - you'd ideally need a C4 preset and quite a long time tweaking to replicate that. The main C4 disadvantage for me was it's lack of 'on-hand' controls so you need to save all the different options as presets- and then it's hard to tweak them via the pedal as it's tricky to remember 'is this synth preset control knob #1 for attack, or bass? or is this filter preset control knob #1 for decay or !?' etc. And to access more than 6 presets you need phone/laptop or controller hooked up or getting a controller like the MC6 (£220) + Neuro Hub (£100) puts the overall cost at £570 and even then it wouldn't have the same 'on-hand' controls as the two separate pedals.....so I returned the C4. Not to be down on the C4 though, it is an excellent pedal, and I was specifically wanting to re-create analog pedals but I think it 100% nails replicating digital pedals like the POG, sub n up, OC2. And obviously it has loads of different synth/filter/octaver sounds so it's doing much more than just replicating other pedals. I'd be tempted to get a Spectrum as I think 6 presets and the additional 'alt' controller functions mean that it would work well as a stand-alone filter pedal without having to spend a load more on controllers.
  15. C4 is great but I found it didn't quite replace the M82 or Octamizer. Very close though. I think it was mostly down to the limited hardware controls for on-hand tweaking. Proton looks good. I had a fwonkbeta for a while and found it a bit too much of an unpredictable speaker breaker!
  16. Yeah, I used them (and a lot of your others) and it's very good. But I guess like you, there's just something that the M82 has that the C4 doesn't - it doesn't fully replace it.
  17. Ah, nice one- I missed your advert. If the I like the Blue label but don't find much need for the filter switch then I'll be in contact.
  18. I owned an M82, sold it when I got a C4, realised the C4 could sound very similar but somehow was missing something (possibly just the hardware controls) and I missed the M82 so I got another one but it seemed to develop (or perhaps I just started noticing) a clipping type sound when letting the envelope play out no matter how much I changed all the controls, one I noticed it I couldn't un-notice it! So playing the filter field a bit now. ......perhaps all roads lead me back to M82 eventually though!
  19. Only one way to tell for sure. I've got no will power, am impatient, and it's payday tomorrow so have just ordered one from Amazon (Not Amazon's biggest fan but free delivery and returns with instant refunds makes testing out pedals quite hassle free, hassle free for me anyway- not so sure the retailers would agree).
  20. Anyone here tried the EBS BassIQ Blue Label? https://ebssweden.com/content2/effects/ebs-bassiq-blue-label/ Seems pretty good with controls for threshold, q, attack, and switches for 2x up modes, 1x down, and Full Range, Band Pass, and Low Pass filter options. Analog, true bypass, and "Trim pots are found inside to set the Gain output level of the pedal, a High Pass mix-in trim pot sets the level of high frequencies from the bypassed tone to mix in with the effect. A third trim pot decides the Range of the envelope effect in the pedals UP-R mode setting. " It's £170, at that price it'll need to be better than things like the M82 and the emma discumbobulator v2, but it's cheaper than the Aguilar Filter twin and Mr Black Fwonkbeta, or EarthQuaker Spatial Delivery. On paper it seems to have more control/versatility than them while also being smaller (perhaps could do with having a clean blend like a couple of them have?).....but how does it sound (and feel to play) in real life? Always difficult to tell by comparing youtube videos. .....or better off spending that much on 2nd hand Spectrum or Wonderlove?
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