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Everything posted by SumOne

  1. Cheers. Yeah I'm now thinking a mixture of pedals is probably my best option: Start with something fairly cheap like the EHX Green Russian which has a great tone for just Bass then perhaps add an LS2 for some clean mixed in to help definition and thump, and EQ pedal for the mids when it needs to cut through the mix. This does man my shopping list is now 3 pedals rather than one! But it's about the same price as getting the Hoof, and has the added flexibility of potentially being able to use the LS2 and EQ for other pedals.
  2. ^^^^ Thanks for that, very helpful. The issue of the EHX Green Russian working in the mix is what I was worried about. I think the tone is pretty much exactly what I'd want if just listening to Bass, but would want to also be able to enhance the mids to cut through in a mix. It's a shame the deluxe doesn't have the same tone. It's good to hear that the Way Huge is decent, that possibly makes the £125 price tag vs EHX £75 justified. I couldn't make out much difference via Youtube between the two but it's difficult to compare without playing them yourself. I've sent a message to Cog to see about Tarkin availability, at £130 it's probably worth it at £5 more than the Way Huge to have mid switches. Possibly they could do something custom like add a sweepable mid (but that probably starts getting too expensive). The Hoof seems decent but at £160 I'm not sure that's justified. For that price I could get the EHX and an EQ pedal after it to boost mids. The Orange Fur Coat (£110) also seems interesting, but loses low end when the Octave (up) is used.
  3. Nice one. I think I might be overthinking it a bit, obsessing over fuzz while I should be working from home during lockdown! But yeah, the EHX deluxe Sovtek might be what I need for my slightly OCD pickyness about fuzz (also ideally trying to keep pedals small to have as many as possible on my board though!). I'm interested in 2nd hand so give me a shout if you sell any, I'm considering anything in the list above, or possibly others.
  4. I've had the EHX Bass Big Muff (and deluxe) but am looking for something a bit smother and fatter sounding, warm fuzzy harmonics without being synthy or farty- which I think leads me to the Green Russian. My search has led to: - EHX Green Russian - Earthquaker Hoof - COG Tarkin - Way Huge Russian Pickle EHX sounds good but is it too muddy not having mid control? Same with Way huge. Because of that I'm leaning towards the Tarkin with its mid switches, but it costs nearly double the EHX and has at least 6 week wait time. Or perhaps the Hoof, but that costs even more. Any other suggestions?
  5. Something about the Aftershock didn't do it for me. I bought it to replace a big muff and an overdrive but I found it wasn't quite as good at either of them - very close though. It's a good versatile pedal but perhaps jack of all trades and master of none? Possibly that's me being unfair and its a mental thing: I might have been put off by too much choice and endless fine tuning - too much mucking about via laptop and phone when I'm trying to get away from them when playing Bass. It gave a feel of being clinical rather than soulful/musical analog pedals that you learn idiosyncrasies and what works with them in a way that feels more like learning a musical instrument than how to programme software.
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