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Everything posted by SumOne

  1. Edit- meant to send a PM



  2. Dubstep at it's dubby best (before the agro screechy stuff took over what everyone associates with the genre....which, perhaps ironically- was also pioneered by Coki with 'Spongebob').
  3. SOLD OmniCabSim Deluxe: £160 Tweakable cabinet simulator and DI (with aux in, headphone out with separate volume control, balanced XLR, ground lift, and 1/4 'through' and 'output'). Perfect working order, very good condition, boxed. RRP £259, and being from Chile with only one UK distributor that is out of stock these aren't the easiest things to get hold of. Postage via special delivery £7, or collection from Twickenham. My seller feedback is here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/446834-feedback-for-sumone/ Will consider a trade/part exchange for an amp head, ideally >300w with FX loop, aux in, headphone out, XLR out. Something like the Ashdown RM 300 or 500. .................... Info from: https://www.dsmnoisemaker.com/omnicabsim-deluxe/yh0m9 A cabinet simulator is a device designed to emulate the frequency response of a speaker system. Guitar and bass speaker systems have a very pronounced filtering effect, rolling off the low and high frequencies very sharply due to their physical and electrical properties. Things like cone size, material, impedance, enclosure size and type, even distance from a wall, affect these filters very noticeably. Features: The Philosophy behind the design is to allow the user to CREATE their own cabinet response settings, moving away from the typical preset cabinet simulators in the market. This approach let the musician to define his own sound and getting an accurate reproduction of it when recording and playing live gigs, without depending on mic placement, amplifier or cabinet availability..Just dial in your favorite tone, tune your cabinet response and go straight to the PA or recording gear!! Mic and Line output. Compensate levels with the gain control. Tunable high frequency response emulates the steep low pass filter that different speakers produce. Tunable Low frequency response that controls the low end roll off typical of speaker of various sizes. Tunable low frequency resonance lets you dial the resonance of the low end roll off point, reproducing the effect of closed or open back cabinets, and anything in between. Mid control lets you dial “modern” or “vintage” responses. Punch control boosts the 800 Hz band, that lets you cut through the mix with warmth.
  4. Withdrawn: I have decided to keep this and sell my OmniCabSim (see other advert)
  5. 9pm to tonight the ebay auctions close for CEB-3 (currently £34) and Pigtronix compressor (currently £39) so you might get yourself a bargain.
  6. I've also gone through a big list of od/preamp pedals looking for the same thing (including sansamp, darkglass, ebs). The tc electronic spark is quite cheap and small and good for some mild tube type overdrive. But the best I've used is the DHA VT1 EQ, that's where my search ended. It's massive though. But if you want genuine tube like grit you still probably need something with a genuine tube - so that's usually quite a big pedal.
  7. Yeah, I like the look of the Proton, 'down' sweep is a big thing the M82 is missing....so I'm not completely settled yet.
  8. I bought a Spectrum, it's very good but something about it I didn't get on with, not sure what specifically but it just didn't do it for me so I returned it. I then ebay bid on a spacial delivery but lost, bid on an M82 and unexpectedly won.... So I'm now onto my 3rd M82! Its a bit of a toxic on/off relationship - it's a bit old, not very flexible, but we've got history and it's got personally and can get quite dirty!
  9. Fat Mike chooses a few here:
  10. Will consider a trade/part exchange for an amp head: >300w, with headphone output, FX loop, and ideally DI out and aux in. Something like: Ampeg Portaflex PF-350 or 500, Ashdown RM 300 or 500, Tech 21 VT500.
  11. RIP to these two greats:
  12. Nice work! It's a decent pedal, I wasn't very creative with it - basically used it as a practice tool to play over chords, but it has a lot more potential. Looks like you wouldn't have much trouble selling it for the same sort of price if you find its not for you.
  13. Winner! That was down to the line nail biting stuff, can see why my aunt spends so much time buying and selling glassware on ebay! Tune in again this time next week for more excitement with the CEB-3 and Pigtronix auctions!
  14. You could sell it to the bloke on Facebook and make a tidy £7!
  15. Someone just offered £70 on Facebook and I pointed them to ebay so I expect they will bid. No worries if there aren't other bids, I'll cancel your bid if you want (not sure how though, I don't know much about selling on ebay)
  16. Freeze eBay auction ends at 9pm today ....£63 at the moment, will it get to the BC £75 asking price? or more? Will the buyer actually pay? Will eBay pay quickly or hold on to the cash for as long as they can to gain interest?!? It's about as exciting as things get in lockdown Monday evenings. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Electro-Harmonix-EHX-Freeze-Sound-Retainer-Guitar-Pedal-Boxed-Power-supply/224361354626
  17. DSM & Humboldt Simplifier Bass Station. £220. Mint condition, only used at home since purchased from Andertons for £299 in mid-December (one of the newest batch). It works perfectly and sounds great but I have changed my setup so it's no longer needed. Not really anything else out there with all these features, and it's all in the size of a small Boss pedal! DI: 1/4" Jack in: passive/active input switch 1/4" Jack out: output/thru output switch XLR DI out XLR DI parallel out Ground lift switch Phase invert switch Aux in Headphone out (with volume control) Preamp: EQ: Three-band +/- 15dB EQ with 3x Mid Frequency select SVT type drive Preamp FX loop Parallel FX loop Parallel LPF 100Hz/500Hz Parallel/Preamp blend Cab sim: 3x cab size 3x colour cabs Mic position Resonance https://www.andertons.co.uk/bass-dept/bass-guitar-pedals/bass-overdrive-pedals/dsm-and-humboldt-simplifier-amp-bass-station-preamp-and-cab-sim-analogue-pedal https://www.simplifieramp.com/bass-station My selling feedback is here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/446834-feedback-for-sumone/
  18. I'm actually going to return the EBS. It works fine and is good but isn't quite good enough for me to justify £170 considering alternatives like 2nd hand M82 for about £100 which is less versatile (particularly no sweep down) but does the quick 'quack' percussive type bandpass sweep up better and has useful separate clean/wet volumes and decay filter control. Or about £150 for 2nd hand Spectrum for lots more tweaking versatility. .... or the Proton, spatial delivery, funk lite, discumbobulator all seem to be slightly different flavours of the EBS functions for simar new price, possibly they will have the mojo in looking for. Anyone looking to sell any of them give me a shout.
  19. CEB-3 now on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Boss-CEB-3-Bass-Chorus-Effects-Pedal-/224364061367?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292 Pigtronix compressor now on ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pigtronix-Philosopher-Bass-Compressor-Micro-/224364069524?_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49292
  20. I've only tried the new one. The q control is useful - I think it would be quite limited without it, and switching from full/band/low pass filters gives quite different results so I'm fairly sure it's quite a big improvement.
  21. An EBS MB2 replaced my Sansamp BDDI. I preferred the EBS once I'd figured everything out - there's a lot more going on.
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