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  1. The OP said give it a week. It's only been 4 days... If you're young - just do it. See where it goes.
  2. He is definitely on the spectrum and no doubt has ADHD. Which is kind of ironic considering the republicans don't believe that exists. Or the ones that do, blame it on vaccinations.
  3. Pretty sure when the King of England was in charge. Before the French won it off us.
  4. Musk has been selling chunks of his shares in Tesla, he's moving on. He was down to 13% last time I checked. I can't believe he's attending any board meetings at the moment.
  5. There's nothing Intelligent about machine learning. If we knew what intelligence was, we would just program the massive biological computers nature has provided, properly from birth. There will be no artificial intelligence until we know what real intelligence is.
  6. There are Senate elections in 2026 which could switch the balance to Congress. Congress are already making it difficult for some orders to be executed, but that's not mainstream news.
  7. A lot of the MAGA faithful are begining to find out that what they voted for to happen to 'other' people is actually happening to them.
  8. They do. Foreign Aid is a legal requirement. It's set by the UN and the the OECD. As part of the UN the US are required to pay. Trump is breaking yet another legal obligation.
  9. Check your wife hasn't blacklisted it on the Firewall. 😉
  10. Fingernail length.
  11. Have you tried turning it off and then back on again?
  12. There is the problem in a nutshell. Me me me. What about funding the NHS so that OTHER people can work, be productive, live longer etc. So they're not a burden on the social security and long term ill requiring unpaid carers to stay at home away from work? This is the bit the US don't get. They just throw unproductive and ill people to the wolves in some mistaken belief that they should have been born with a better immune system and worked harder. I'm probably a bit niave, but funding overseas aid is supposed to prevent overwhelming migration.
  13. The way it was explained to me was: If you are a shop, your inventory costs you money, you're paying for floor space, you're probably paying for a loan to purchase the stock. If you have an item that isn't selling, its making a loss. You have no emotional attachnent to the gear. You're better off dropping the price and getting rid of it and buying something else with the money, that's more likely to sell for a profit. If you are an individual, you probably don't have a loan on that specific piece of gear (but you may have a credit card bill for other gear) and you won't be equating floor space in your house as costing you money (it is, you are paying to run your house). The costs are hidden and it's not so urgent you clear the space and sell the gea unless you need the space for something else. You also will be emotionally attached to a piece of gear. It only really becomes an issue when you run out of space at home and need to declutter, or the bailifs come round...
  14. Last Saturday, big local pub. Loading the new car took a bit longer as it appears my cabs don't fit side by side, they're about 0.00001mm too wide. So had a bit of jiggery pokery taking stuff in and out to rearrange. Arrived at the venue about 15minutes later than intended (leaving 45 minutes to set up before start time). Parking was a bit of a struggle, but I managed to get lights set up and all my bass gear in with plenty of time to spare. There was no sign of singer, who arrived at 8:30 for an 8:30 start. 🙄 Played really well, we are well rehearsed but quite gig rusty, so some tunes and particularly endings weren't as rehearsed. Audience loved it, some singing along, a bit of dancing. Booked back to do 2 more gigs. Will see if we can move tables to create a proper dance area next time.
  15. The value added refers to the fact that the raw materials/original product have had something done to them that adds value. Whatever that process is. I have no idea why the previous posters are confusing that simple fact with how it is calculated and recovered, paid or not paid. That's a by the by. And I'm not sure why people are coming up with examples of things they don't consider luxuries. VAT IS a luxury Tax, dont shoot the messenger, complain to the government if you don't agree that they are. 🤣
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