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  1. In the US homelessness is growing. They're often one paycheck from losing everything and a lot of them have just been sacked.
  2. He is only after increasing his personal wealth. He'll have shares that will increase when the US companies get hold of all the minerals. Same with Greenland. My guess he'll also hold the Panama Canal traffic to ransom with tarrifs for using it.
  3. The problem with Russia, China, India, EU, and the US, is that a single government overseeing hundreds of millions of people leaves hundreds of millions of people disenfranchised. You live in your small village and are subject to rules that you have no say over. Certain leaders want to be the people who say what everyone can and can't do. Let's call them dictators. Whether they're elected or not.
  4. NATO is not Europe. It's the entire North Atlantic plus a load of others. Then add Austrailia. Probably also involve the Arab Oil states of OPEC+. Putin would back down very quickly. At the moment no one needs to get involved while the Ukraine is holding Russia at bay. The US want to remain neutral? - not for long...
  5. Morrally? 🤣 It's Disater Politics. Although I'm not sure how much cash these billionaires have, or if that matters. Create policies that crash the economy, buy up everything on the cheap, farms, oil, power. Then try and undo the damage with new polices. Appear to be the saviours, whilst controlling and owning everything. Worst case scenario, escape to Russia.
  6. Our left wingers tend to be very vocal. Republicans are seen as right wing and Democrats, not so right wing. They also tend to be very vocal when conservatives are in, and when Labour get in, the Conservative supporters just aren't so vocal. Except for Refrom voters who are just noisey all the time.
  7. And probably Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. It's all a hangover of the start of last century.
  8. Brilliant. Zalenskyy meets Charles. Before Trump... Top trolling gents. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ce98v8mnxm3o
  9. Pubs seem to like it. It's better than facebook for finding local gigs and you don't start doom scrolling news of Trump.
  10. Zalenski has nothing to lose. He's in a no win situation. Trump wants to steal his country. Putin wants to invade it. But Europe are at the most risk, why aren't NATO talking to Zalenski and politely telling the US and Russia to get lost. The US have already said they want out of NATO. They've broken UN deals on foreign aid. Shut down the US bases in Europe.
  11. Covid wreaked havoc on a world that was Just In Time. Old people think young are lazy. The young are disenfranchised not lazy. The food companies are pumping empty calories into people who are addicted to their output. Working in an office is seen as more important and more valuable than being a doctor, nurse, cleaner, cook or farmer. The gold standard measure of being successful is owning a house, with a nice car in the drive and two foreign holidays a year. And Trump is going to solve this by getting people to pray to God and the US flag? People need to get off their Smart Phones, exercise, eat well and protest.
  12. Disaster Capitalism in full effect now.
  13. When you read the reasons Jimmy Carter and Barack Obhama were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, simply stopping the Ukraine war isn't enough. Plus, it's awarded by 5 Norwegians. https://www.nobelprize.org/ And he's going to cause a disaster in Gaza.
  14. Zalenski wants UN Troops in as protection. Putin won't allow that. This has a way to run yet. The Mango Massiah is overstating his role yet again.
  15. TimR


    Exit... Stage Left, is an essential listen. It's basically a live 'Best of' all the songs on the first 8 albums up to and including Moving Pictures. Pre 1981. Then in the 80s and 90s they were releasing an album every 2 years. I agree with Power Windows as a great album to listen to, but a lot of what came after was very pop oriented and possibly doesn't stand up to the test of time.
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