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NAS Bass

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  1. it’s either allowed or not. Make it clear which it is then members (particularly supporting members) can decide to leave this forum or stay
  2. Seems there is/was a definite line.
  3. More for the hell hole that is Off Topic than Amps and Cab (wheels)
  4. A real shame he’s had to give it up. Written and played some iconic bass lines and when I’ve met him he has always been a good bloke.
  5. Ha, I didn't think about that! I would have sent them for free. Come to think of it, I don't know where I've put them now.... Pleased to hear it worked out alright in the end👍
  6. Outstanding documentary
  7. I know, I imagined it
  8. I had this issue with my NV215. Jim was helpful but as you say, the costs inc postage are high. See this thread for a pretty easy solution! Hope it helps: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/487626-replacement-tilt-back-caster-berg/#comment-5111458
  9. EVO II's are great. A lot of amp there for the money! GLWTS
  10. Thought I'd said? Never mind, only trying to help the OP with what I've experienced. Guitarists play at different frequencies too.
  11. Nothing to do with watts. I’ve seen and experienced low powered amps taking out speakers, usually the voice coil, because of a distorted signal. I suspect this may have been the case with the OPs 135w tube head. When I’ve seen it happen, it’s usually been caused by a tube head or distortion effect - nothing to do with power handling. I’ve know this happen with an Orange 120 and an Aguilar 412 - two speaker coils burned out.
  12. A 135w Bassman will blow a driver no problem. My money would be on a distorted signal and/or too much bottom end. Burned voice coil?
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