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Everything posted by 4-string-thing

  1. My 78 P is a sort of custard yellow, I've never liked it (the colour) It's sort of patchy now too, gone dark where I rest my forearm and faded in other places. I'm loathe to have it re-finished though as its all original. Talking of re-fins, why does this reduce value? I mean, if I bought a 30 year old Ferrari that was covered in dents and scratches, had it repaired and resprayed, it would increase its value!
  2. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='723344' date='Jan 24 2010, 05:48 PM']To be fair this doesn't do David Dyson justice. The slap sound is obviously tinny on YouTube, but he's a monster player and groover. Check out his playing on Me'Shell's live gigs on YT...she wouldn't use a slouch as her bass player. And his dad invented a mean vacuum cleaner, too. [/quote] I didn't say he was a bad player (he obviously has talent) just not my cup of tea. If you like that sort of thing, then fine, good luck to you. The world would be a very boring place if we all liked the same things. Why is the sound tinny on youtube? I played it through a mixing desk and a pair of JBL studio monitors, it still sounded tinny, thats the way "slap" sounds, isn't it? Again, fine if you want your bass to sound like that.
  3. I have no kids, so no one to leave things to. So, I'm seriously thinking of having my coffin built as a replica of my Acoustic 402 cab (only bigger) and having my P Bass in there with me when I'm cremated.
  4. [quote name='witterth' post='723254' date='Jan 24 2010, 04:28 PM']thats not a particularly "humble" opinion though is it? IMO (assuming Ive got what IMHO means!!)[/quote] I always thought it meant "In My Honest Opinion", could be wrong though as I'm not a big fan of abbreviation or Txt spk, lol!
  5. Everything I hate in bass playing, can be seen here.... Slapping, horrible tinny tone, coffee table basses with more than 4 strings, musical masturbation. The drummer is good though!
  6. Fairport Conventions "Tam Lin" Ashley Hutchings is vastly underrated, but his fluid lines on this always blow me away. Danny Thompson on "Cooksferry Queen" By Richard Thompson, what can you say about Danny, except pure class! Dave Pegg, on Fairports "Dirty Linen" And just to prove that I don't just listen to folk-rock..... Greg Lake on King Crimsons "21st Century schizoid man" Perhaps I should buy some modern records now?
  7. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='722833' date='Jan 24 2010, 08:22 AM']So this is turning into one of those "I can learn an Oasis line in 3 seconds without even listening to it" conversations . I've covered loads of Oasis songs over the years and they're not *that* simple. There's usually enough improv throughout a song to keep you on your toes if you want to get it right all the way through. I suspect that almost getting one verse and one chorus right and that will do will not do. Learn the song properly and also think how you are going to get a similar sound. You *might* even have to look the part (unlucky), so that's something to think about too.[/quote] No, I've never said that they were so simple I could learn them in 3 seconds. I reckon I will struggle to learn them note for note in 3 days! If I can remember the chord changes before the audition, I will have done well. Getting a similar sound and looking the part should be easy enough, I'll take my P bass along, and I already look like an anonymous, ageing, indie-boy!
  8. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='722370' date='Jan 23 2010, 05:47 PM']Reminds me of a story I've told on here before. In the 80s, during Mark King mayhem, a customer we knew came into our shop with a face like a slapped arse. He was an absolute King fanatic - same bass, same rig, gaffer tape on his thumb, everything. We asked him what was up. He said he'd just been sacked at a band rehearsal for slapping 'House Of The Rising Sun'. [/quote] Ha ha, point (s) taken, I will be sticking as close as I can to the original basslines, unless they tell me otherwise!
  9. [quote name='Marvin' post='722244' date='Jan 23 2010, 03:30 PM']Agreed, very eloquently put. [/quote] To be fair I'm probably no better than the guy on the records anyway, so I doubt me "overplaying" would be likely! I'm not really a fan, so don't know the songs that well, I have til Tuesday to learn 5 songs. I will do my best to get as close as I can to the original and see how it goes.
  10. [quote name='tarcher' post='722208' date='Jan 23 2010, 02:47 PM']Whenever I buy something for myself I usually get something for my wife. The last time I bought her a new bag and belt. I was happy,new bass. She was happy and the Hoover works really well too. [/quote] My g/f wants to know if you're still married?
  11. I think my problem is that I've never been one for learning things "note for note" I'll probably do what I usually do when playing covers, play something thats pretty approximate and add, or subtract, bits when I feel the need without going OTT. Its an Oasis tribute, so as long as they have a Liam and Noel, the rest of us can be pretty anonymous, I suppose (no wigs needed then)
  12. [quote name='teaser360' post='722036' date='Jan 23 2010, 11:33 AM']Im looking for a courier to collect 2 basses from the Uk to Ireland, and the same courier to collect 1 bass from the same address and return it to the uk, any ideas people?[/quote] At work, In Leicester, we use Fastway, they seem ok and cheaper than most, not sure they go to Ireland though. My g/f reckons you should google "send it now" and there are some cheap couriers there.
  13. OK, after a couple of months without a band, I've got myself an audition for a tribute band this week. I have never been in a tribute band and to be fair, it's not really my cup of meat, but a gigs a gig, right? And they do get some pretty well paid gigs. The bass lines on the original bands records are to be fair, pretty simple (some might say boring) so how do I approach things? Stick to the recordings and get bored out of my brains, or embellish things a bit to show off my chops (such as they are)? I suppose I could ask the guy what they're looking for, but I don't want to sound too keen/stupid. Suggestions, much appreciated, as always! Mark.
  14. I told the guitarist, in the pub after a rehearsal. It had been a funny rehearsal, fiddler moaning about me getting them "the same old rubbish gigs" when I was the only one who actually got any gigs! I told them I was looking forward to doing the gigs in 4star hotels that she would be getting from then on. Only the guitarist could be bothered to go to the pub that night (usually we all went) he asked me to reconsider coz they would fold without me. When I asked why, he said " coz you do all the work, and without you we don't have a P.A system" The rest got a multiple text the next day! The singer and drummer both left within a week..... Mind you, I regret it now, cos we were a pretty good band, and nothing anywhere near as good has come along since. I'm sure you have thought about it a lot, but be absolutely sure you are doing the right thing.
  15. [quote name='richardrickenbacker' post='718405' date='Jan 19 2010, 09:04 PM']I'd say that the Proclaimers 500 miles is a bad area of the covers set.[/quote] The folk-rock band I used to be in spent hours working on arrangements of trad songs, none of which went down as well as this song that we did for an encore! Bloody typical!
  16. [quote name='7string' post='717358' date='Jan 18 2010, 11:37 PM']That what ex's are like. My ex-wife still has my coveted Trace Elliot baseball jacket. I'd rather lose the jacket than still have her around....[/quote] I'd rather lose my testicles than have my ex around!
  17. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='718317' date='Jan 19 2010, 08:00 PM']Why not start your own band if there's no bands YOU want to join?[/quote] Yes Sarah, have tried that too. It's just as hard to find individuals as it is to find a band. I started a band a few years ago and spent the next 4 years doing all the work! Which is why I am looking for a band that is already up and running.
  18. [b]oops - thats hilarious - you're as young as you feel I suppose. Anyway, great your still rockin grandad! Wow someone's older than me. Slightly.... 46 [/b] Er, thanks chaps. I suppose I might as well sell my gear after all then. I mean, it's only a matter of time before arthritis sets in and my fingers stop working!
  19. Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated! I guess you're right, giving up and selling my gear would be a pretty stupid thing to do! I will probably try the open mic night approach, as I find trawling through the "musician wanted" ads the most depressing thing ,doesn't anyone want to play anything other than metal or blues? As for the guy who said, wait til you're middle aged, I had to laugh, I'm 47! (nice one, though) Mark.
  20. I quit the band I was in about 8 weeks ago, coz I didn't like the guitarist and was fed up with him abusing everyone (his idea of humour) Now, I'm depressed because there are no suitable bands out there and I'm sick of playing at home alone. So depressed in fact, that I'm thinking of selling all my gear and giving up music altogether! Anyone else ever felt like this? If so, how did you get yourself out of it?
  21. [quote name='Linus27' post='712504' date='Jan 14 2010, 01:05 PM']I've ordered a Corvette in Ash. I think it looks yummy but no different to the last whever amount of years.[/quote] Excellent choice sir!
  22. In Leicester there's a really good guy called Jacob Bonner, who plays in a few bands. The Splitters, Pig Iron Joe and Jiggy are 3 that I know of, he's well worth a look. Big tall dude with dreads, never looks at his bass while playing, just stares ahead into space!
  23. I dream of being in a blues band called Little Willy & The Slip-ups, except I hate the blues.....
  24. I doubt very much that Adam Clayton gives a toss about what people on here think about him, his playing or his bass. He's probably too busy touring the world and checking his bank balance! Good luck to him.
  25. [quote name='rjb' post='706387' date='Jan 9 2010, 11:05 AM']Knowing BC I can already see how that would work out. Uncool: Warwick, Spector Cool: Fender, Musicman Sub Zero: Celinder, Sadowsky [/quote] Thats me screwed then, as I own a Warwick and a Fender and think they're both cool! Mind you, anything Ampeg is seriously uncool! (ducks and covers head with hands)
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