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Everything posted by 4-string-thing

  1. Bump!
  2. Underrated: Dave Pegg and Ashley Hutchings. Anyone heard Hutchings bassline on Fairports Tam Lin? Jeez... Oh, and Danny Thompson! Overrated: Me, the singer from my old band just described me on facebook as a "musician" Oh, and whilst on Youtube, came across Mr Wooten doing Norwegian Wood....obviously a very, very talented bass player, and whilst I had to admire his playing, I got bored before the end of the song! Still wish I had a tenth of his talent though....
  3. I am one of the Otway 900! I "sang" backing vocals on his version of House Of The Rising Sun (the B side of his 2002 hit, Bunsen Burner) along with 900 other members of his "choir" Its probably the only time I will get to record at Abbey Road! I also bought Keith Allen a beer once, when he did 3 nights of stand up in Leicester, around 1982. Oh, almost forgot, my last band supported Basil Brush at the Loughborough christmas lights switch on a couple of years ago!
  4. [quote name='bassmansky' post='694801' date='Dec 28 2009, 12:38 PM']theres still a good deal on a mag 600w amp online.£230 i think.good price for 600w imo.[/quote] I've seen that, but would be worried about having too much power for my cabs.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='694198' date='Dec 27 2009, 12:16 PM']If you're keen on Acoustic, I'd get your amps serviced/fixed and just carry a very cheap amp as a backup. Have you seen this site for Acoustic fans? [url="http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic"]http://acoustic.homeunix.net/twiki/bin/view/Acoustic[/url][/quote] Hi, yes, I've been a member on the Acoustic forum for a while. I see what you mean about getting the thing serviced and buying a cheap head for backup. I bought a non-working Acoustic 120 for that very purpose, but it looks like its gonna cost more to get it fixed than it cost me in the first place! Besides, a bit of variety is no bad thing....
  6. [quote name='chris_b' post='694173' date='Dec 27 2009, 11:46 AM']Hi Mark, I think your amp is better than your cabs. I've heard the 220 through an EV cab and it sounded great, so in your place I think I would look to change the cabs first. You'd be surprised how good modern cabs sound these days, smaller, lighter, better tone and more powerful![/quote] Hi Chris, problem is, I'm not looking for something that sounds better (I doubt there is any amp made that sounds better than an old Acoustic) just something that is maybe a bit louder and that I won't find myself wondering if it's going to let me down at a gig.
  7. [quote name='maxrossell' post='694157' date='Dec 27 2009, 11:03 AM']Try a guitar amp head. Might not necessarily be your thing if you're going for a high-fidelity sound, but these days every time I've stuck a bass into a decent valve guitar head I've found a sound I liked about a billion times better than any bass amp.[/quote] Hmmm, in the 70's I used a Marshall superlead, and it was ok but surely a decent valve head is going to be way over my budget?
  8. [quote name='umph' post='693838' date='Dec 26 2009, 05:30 PM']if it's not broken why fix it?[/quote] I see your point, but I look at it this way, it's 30 years old, how much longer can it go on for? And it seems sensible to have a spare amp. The other Acoustic head I have, has blown and doesn't look like its going to get fixed anytime soon. Besides, I have amp GAS!
  9. Ok, here's the plan. My beloved Acoustic 220 head has reached the ripe old age of 30 and I've decided to semi retire the old girl. I'm in the market for something to replace her at gigs, MY budget is around £250 and I need something of around 250/300watts. I have been looking at a few heads and was hoping for some opinions on the following. Ashdown Mag 300, Little Giant 350, Hartke HA2500, or maybe a Warwick? I play Rock or Folk-Rock using a Warwick Corvette and a 78 Precision and want a clean, punchy sound. I'll be using it with my Acoustic 2x15 and home-built 2X10 cabs. All comments appreciated. Mark Kinton.
  10. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='691410' date='Dec 22 2009, 12:20 PM']The last time I tried to audition a female singer the guitarist's psycho girlfriend told him he wasn't allowed to play in a band with a woman in it. I've heard a very similar story a number of times since too.[/quote] Hmmm, when I was trying to find a girl singer for a folk-rock band, I found a likely candidate on Bandmix only for my girlfriend to say "you're not having anyone that pretty in your band"
  11. Prime Mover by Zodiac Mindwarp and The Love Reaction.....
  12. [quote name='fatgoogle' post='684367' date='Dec 14 2009, 07:42 PM']A wouldnt you have to have the transformer changed to compensate for 230/240v of the uk.[/quote] More than likely, unless they have those fancy power supplies that work on any input voltage. I work for an electrical wholesaler, so I suppose getting a transformer like they use on building sites would be fairly easy. Carrying around a yellow box to gigs would be a small price to pay for the chance of having 600w of Acoustic magic though!
  13. Being an Acoustic enthusiast (some might say nut) I'm really keen on getting hold of one of the new heads from the states, either a B200h or B600h. Has anyone tried these? It seems that the only chance I would have of getting one is through Music123.com. It looks like they will ship to the UK, but I've never imported anything before and I don't really know the score. I'm guessing the is VAT to pay and probably import duty? Also, has anyone bought from Music123 and whats the service like? Cheers, Mark Kinton.
  14. There is a cab on ebay at the minute which I am sure is a 402 (2x15) It has no blue strip but other than this it looks identical to mine. The drivers have been replaced with Fanes and its rated at 300w. Its in the Leeds area, and I think its the second time its been listed within a week. Might be a bargain for someone? Here's the item number: 230408829503
  15. [quote name='thebuckets' post='676167' date='Dec 6 2009, 09:32 PM']Many Many thanks to all who responded, not one condesending remark and lots of helpfull ideas- i love this forum! Despite playing bass for the last 16 years in 'the buckets' I still consider myself somewhat of a novice having had no formal music training, my sight reading is still slow and i dont fully understand my way round my EQ! But man I do like to rock out with my bass and am finding a new found love of funk (wanting to slap and pop at every opportunity) so its great to have questions answered in an encouraging and inclusive way (what else could i expect Bass players are the gentlemen/ladies of the music world) I think what most of you are saying is right, after gassing for another P in the past I might regret getting shot, I also have to echo others on the forums in that I Ithink the new USA Fenders are quality instruments. I dont think i will mod my P as I I like instruments to stay stock, they are what they are and I like em for that. If i want a j pick up at the bridge sound i will have to go for a J bass. But i have to concede Warickhunt's modded P has a lot of charm and looks to have been modded expertly. 4 string thing- strange you say that yours only sounded bad twice and once was through a peavey tnt (the amp i have used for the last 15 years!) so I think looking at a new amp might be a good idea-any sugestions folks? OTPJ my strings are quite new they are the original rounds supplied on it just replaced, i switched to flats immediately after purchase hoping to get that Jamerson sound, so i dont think they are the source of my poor sound. indeed acoustically it is bright and resonant with lots of sustain. I having been in the same band with two extremely loud guitarists coupled with standing next to the drummers ride cymbal for the last 16 years so like you probably have lost a little top end! this might be why to me the stingray seems to cut through the mix rather well. anyway think i will keep the P look at some new amplification (suggestions please) whilst saving for a J Many thanks to all who responded Bri[/quote] Hmmm, I did say bad, didn't I... I should perhaps say, not so good. We used to use a rehearsal room that had a large TNT combo, it sounded ok through that, but we switched rooms and the new place had a smaller one, which didn't sound too good at all. The Behringer just sounded bad, really bad! I would try it through a couple of amps, both old and new, but hang on to it, you won't regret it.
  16. Yup, once again have found myself without a band, so here goes.... Bass player, wrong side of 40, East Midlands based, looking for interesting band (no HM, run-of-the-mill blues or funk) Good gear, transport, contacts etc. Mark. 07799326158
  17. I would also say go and try a few amps out, I've had a P for 30 years (the strings have been on it for at least 15) and it has only sounded rubbish twice. Once through some poxy Behringer amp, and once through A Peavey TNT combo (both rehearsal room amps) In fact, when I tried it through a Markbass stack, our drummer declared it the best sounding bass he'd ever heard, and spent the next week telling anyone he met just that! I may even try some new strings at some point, but am worried that it will just sound twangy!
  18. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='674847' date='Dec 5 2009, 11:49 AM']When I said 'kinda poor' I meant in comparison to modern drivers, seeing as this is the Barefaced thread and all, the Eminence kappalites pull pretty far ahead of trad stuff. I'm fairly frustrated that I can't fault them. Further research has told me its a square magnet Eminence in there.[/quote] some of those old Acoustic cabs were designed to "throw" the sound further, thus making them seem louder 20 feet away than close up. I'm no expert (clearly) but I suspect this is what they called a "W" design. Again, the Acoustic forum is full of people who know an awful lot more than me... One things for sure, I'd love to know how those old cab designs would sound with modern drivers.
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='643993' date='Nov 2 2009, 11:12 PM']Think its same idea as the Schroeder cabs with the sideways speaker. Cuts the highs from one, so you get a bassier balance, cause the speakers were kinda poor. Doubling up surface area, if they were all front facing, would give you more highs than you want. If you put modern speakers in, could probably block up the other hole, and port it.[/quote] not sure what speaker you have in your 126 to be classed as "kinda poor" but as far as I know, Acoustics came with either Eminence or JBL speakers. Neither of which could be described as anything other than top quality. My 220 head (175 watts) and 402 cab (2x15) are louder (and better sounding) than any modern amp I've tried, including Ampeg and Markbass!
  20. I've finally got round to having someone look at the Acoustic 120 I bought (non working) a couple of years ago. They've had it over a week and haven't even looked at it yet. So, does anyone know of a decent tech in or around Leicester? As this would only be a spare amp and cost peanuts, I don't want to travel too far or pay too much! Cheers, Mark.
  21. Original and best! I've owned mine for 30 years, and never, ever felt the urge to sell it. How many of you can say that about your fancy/exotic, 5 and 6 strings?
  22. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='664903' date='Nov 25 2009, 11:53 AM']Ha ha! Sounds like our drummer....and our singer come to that. I f***ing love rehearsals. Its just one huge piss-take of each other in-between songs. Nothing is sacred, no holds barred. We're still productive but the piss-taking is merciless.[/quote] This sounds like my band, and to be honest it really pisses me off! The singer and guitarists spend more time insulting each other (and their wives, mothers etc) than we do rehearsing. At first it was mildly amusing, but you soon get fed up of hearing the c*** word shouted down a microphone. I'll be moving on soon, I think.
  23. I bought a Corvette standard ash in August and I can say its lush! Why people say Warwicks have thick necks is beyond me, it feels like a matchstick compared to my precision, and its a lot lighter too. Passive j type pups are pretty versatile too. A good buy brand new at just over £600. Can't comment on your other options though
  24. We're not gonna take it, Twisted Sister & Everything about you by Ugly Kid Joe.
  25. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='658576' date='Nov 18 2009, 09:16 PM'][/quote] Best looking and best sounding, I reckon. Probably not best for your back though!
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