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Everything posted by jonny-lad

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' post='1211730' date='Apr 26 2011, 03:14 PM']Good afternoon, all... I would concur with Garry here; E minor. The last chord is more usually the best indication of the key (resolution..?); although there are, of course, exceptions, they tend to be rare (at least in 'standard' music, death metal may be different, I wouldn't know...). 'Girl from Ipanema', for instance, ends on a Gb7, preceded by an FMaj7. The key is F (1b...), the Gb7 is a sort of musical 'suspension' for effect. The general 'rule of thumb' for me would be the last chord... Hope this helps...[/quote] The Gb7 in Girl From Ipanema is a substitution chord for C7 and works because the diminished 5th interval of the 3rd and 7th of C7 (i.e. the notes E and Bb) is the same as the diminished 5th interval of the 7th and 3rd of Gb7 (the notes Bb and Fb, which is the enharmonic equivalent of the note E)...bit off-topic though!
  2. +1 for setting the EQ flat and working from there - it might not sound as fat on its own but a more or less flat tone generally fits in the mix more evenly than one with boosted bass IME. I always approach EQing with the assumption that if I'm playing a decent bass, it should sound good with flat EQ - any EQ adjustments should be used as an improvement to that basic tone rather than a huge alteration...IMO.
  3. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='1176398' date='Mar 25 2011, 07:19 PM']Glad you could come along, I wondered if you might given who is our Speaker![/quote] Haha- yeah, it's been ages since I've seen Scott! I'd all but forgotten about the bass bash until Phil mentioned it at a rehearsal on thursday after seeing me in the background of a photo on Scott's website!! Looking forward to it!
  4. I should be able to make it!...I've been a bit out of the loop on the forum recently (I don't post much anyway!) so the bass bash slipped my mind! Had right good time last year though, so I'll look forward to it!
  5. [quote name='sk8' post='934720' date='Aug 24 2010, 12:19 PM'][url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_ba5110c.htm"]Thomann[/url] Promethean anyone?[/quote] I found [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?p=9647137&highlight=beta+aivin#post9647137"]this[/url] on the big Ibanez promethean thread on talkbass about the thomann amp. Apparently, Ibanez sub-contracted a company called Beta-Aivin to design the Promethean, and that appears to be the same company who make the Harley Benton bass amps. Bit off topic, but there are also some Roland cube like stuff that appear to come from Beta-Aivin too, like the Thomann bass cube style amp.
  6. It'd make sense going to the jack input as they're designed for line level signals...I guess it's more a case of the soundman being aware that it's not at mic level despite the XLR output socket. The line inputs on mixing desks (or at least every desk I've ever come across) take balanced signals as well, so as long as you use the correct cables, you wouldn't be any worse off than you would if the signal was at mic level going into the XLR inputs.
  7. AFAIK, the DI on the Little Mark II is at line level rather than mic level and it can be to hot for some desks when plugged into the XLR inputs. Nothing wrong with it, but an attenuator could be useful in case the desk you're going into doesn't like it...or alternatively, have the sadowski preamp ready in case you need a different DI. Not sure if using a XLR to jack going into the line input on the desk would help by matching the levels better as I've never tried it, but i would assume with the DI on the Little Mark II being at line level that it might work better. I tend to find myself using a MXR M-80 (which I got when I needed a distortion very occasionally), but I never had any major problems with the DI from the Little Mark II - just got to be aware that it's at line level instead of mic level.
  8. [quote name='tinyd' post='993651' date='Oct 19 2010, 03:21 PM']Yep, I agree. I have a BassMax and it works well, was easy to fit etc but it can sound a bit too much like a Precision bass at times, even with the Fishman Platinum Pro....[/quote] I have a BassMax too and I like it! I heard that it sounds good in a mix aswell, although I haven't gigged it to find out for myself as I've not been playing enough upright recently.
  9. Economy mixer case 12U from Studiospares (seen here: [url="http://www.studiospares.com/cases-portable-rack-/mixer-case-economy-12u/invt/441400/"]Economy mixer case 12U[/url]), fits 19" mixers up to 12U, has a telescopic tilt-up system so you can have your mixer at different angles, and the lid is removable with lift-off hinges. I also have the screws that came with it that I'll include. It is made of moulded plastic and is in very good condition with only a couple of light scuffs/scratches, as it has never been abused or had any heavy items placed on top of it. It's ideal for anyone who needs an affordable way of transporting a mixer, it offers a good level of protection without being too heavy and is a good compromise between a mixer bag and a heavy-duty plywood mixer case. Selling because I've added some rack gear to my PA system so I've upgraded to a larger mixer/rack case. Price: [b]£40[/b] collected from Guiseley, Leeds. [attachment=60473:mixer_case_1.JPG] [attachment=60474:mixer_case_2.JPG] [attachment=60475:mixer_case_3.JPG]
  10. Definitely need a catch-up Scott!...So much seems to have happened since I last saw you...I sing and everything now!
  11. Hey Scott! How's it going?...long time, no see! Love the music - can't wait to hear more as it develops! Hope you're well, Jonny.
  12. Just received an Electro-Harmonix Memory Toy from Paulo. Well packed, perfect condition, original receipt included for the remaining warranty on the pedal, prompt communication and quick postage...Great stuff! Cracking pedal too - loads of fun! Cheers, Jonny.
  13. jonny-lad


    I never knew Si personally but always read his posts with great interest and have learnt a great deal from his contributions to the forum. RIP.
  14. Bump to the top, as last two PM's for payment/delivery details have gone without reply. Cheers.
  15. [quote name='1976fenderhead' post='924343' date='Aug 13 2010, 08:29 PM']Memory Toy sold to the gentleman with the Spector bass and impeccable posture.[/quote] Haha, thanks for noticing my posture - I've spent a lot of time on making sure its good! Can't wait for the pedal to arrive! Cheers, Jonny.
  16. Cheers Dave! Really appreciated your fast response and speedy delivery!...And the pedal is absolutely cracking!
  17. [quote name='SuperMaximo' post='923390' date='Aug 13 2010, 12:06 AM']Haha, awesome I'm starting to become more accustomed to the sound of the amp now, and I'm really starting to appreciate the sound. Very nice and defined, a big difference from my Peavey TNT115 which I suppose is quite boomy in comparison (although the LMII can definitely do boom. 'Tis always fun to crank the bass knob and shake everything ). I also love how harmonics literally jump out at you (the 10" speakers probably help). The Peavey's 15" muted them a lot. I have the tweeter turned completely off, but I think I need to experiment with it more. It opens up the sound of the neck pickup soloed nicely (it sounds be a bit boxey without the tweeters), but can be a bit 'brittle' sounding for my tastes... I haven't played around with the knobs that much actually... I've just been happy with flat I think tomorrow I'll have a good mess around with the tone, maybe see how close I can get to certain sounds from my favourite songs to see how versatile it really is I'm dying to hear how it sits with the band, although it will sound a little different as I'll probably be plugging from the DI into the power amp input of my Peavey until I get a 210 cab (a matching Warwick WCA211 Pro of course!).[/quote] Hehe, funnily enough, I have a Peavey TNT115 aswell, which I quite like with everything set flat!...great minds think alike! I tend to run everything more or less flat on the Little Mark II and then just use the VLE knob to take off however much top end I feel like, and the VPF knob in small doses when I want to sit in the mix a bit more...Normally I set the tweeter on the 411 at around half way, but using the VLE knob on the amp really helps to keep things from getting too brittle sounding. Either way, I tend to find myself trying something a bit different everytime i use this set-up, as my taste in tone varies from week to week!...It is a really versatile set-up in my opinion, although I never really use it's versatility to the fullest - nice to know I can if I want to though!
  18. PM sent regarding Electro-Harmonix Memory Toy.
  19. [quote name='SuperMaximo' post='920722' date='Aug 10 2010, 03:23 PM'] Made October 2008 so it should be okay for a good while! It's a very very clean sounding amp. Sounds great just set completely flat (with VLE and VPF off) with everything on the bass set to maximum. Need to have more time with it and try it in a band situation I think though[/quote] Really great rig you have there...exactly the same set-up as me!...except for the bass. I haven't had the chance to gig mine much recently as most of my work has been on guitar and the bass gigs I've done have required a smaller backline, but whenever I do have the chance to gig it, it always blows me away by how much I enjoy playing through it! Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy mine!
  20. Dave is great!! Super fast reply to my PMs, really fast to post the item, really good price, really helpful and great condition gear (Boss NS-2)...perfect for what I need too! Deal with confidence! Cheers, Jonny.
  21. Pm'd re; Dunlop volume pedal and Fender guitar strap
  22. PM'd re; NS-2
  23. [quote name='bassbloke' post='910341' date='Jul 30 2010, 03:19 PM']Do you have MU membership, because that comes with £2000 equipment cover and PLI. Granted, 2K doesn't go a long way, but additional cover on top is reasonable.[/quote] +1 That's what I use! Other benefits with the MU membership too like free public liability insurance and even some kind of free personal injury insurance.
  24. For what it's worth, I own a Warwick WCA 411PRO (which is the more expensive Warwick 4x10 with a tweeter), and I really like it and would recommend it!...I have no idea how the 410 that the OP has compares to it though, but the speakers are completely different aswell as it not having a tweeter so I wouldn't be surprised to hear quite a difference, although I wouldn't expect it to sound completely rubbish. If the 410 sounded alright when used as an extension cabinet to the Laney, I wouldn't rule it out altogether...or at least not without spending a lot of time playing with settings and getting used to the Eden head. Hope this helps.
  25. IMO, this is a great clip in that it really shows the effectiveness of working together as a unit and laying back with the groove. I think it's something that regardless of your opinion of Jaco's music and so forth, you can still see something special at work - from the band as a whole, rather than just one individual within that band. [quote name='Spoombung' post='868140' date='Jun 15 2010, 04:35 PM']ZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......[/quote] Not really sure of the point that's being made with posts like this though...maybe some elaboration would be useful if it's something that could contribute to the discussion?
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