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Everything posted by barteroo2002

  1. No, its one of the 'Noiseless FET Switching' models. Honestly though - I don't think that was ever an issue with these. Great pedal.
  2. Hi Guys. I'm finally letting go of my [b]EBS UniChorus[/b]. Beautiful sounding pedal. Mint condition - the box has got slightly scruffy, but that's what the box is for! Still got all the paper gubbins with it. [attachment=86520:EBS1.JPG] [attachment=86517:EBS.JPG] I'm letting it go to fund the purchase of an Axe. And funnily enough, I actually mean a real axe - as in 'axe to split wood'! Funny old world... [b]£80 DELIVERED[/b] to somewhere in the UK. Cost more to ship it further. Let me know! Cheers, Scott
  3. Hybrid!? Honestly... This is just an exercise really. I just thought it'd be interesting to actually try to compile a proper list of Valve Bass Amps. I think this has proved fairly successful. Hybrid amps are great - but they are their own thing. Solid state works fine and can give you loads of power - they too are their own thing. I started off a few days ago with basically only knowing of 4 or 5, but being certain that there was more to find out about...
  4. Just BASS AMPS. Small builders are fine I guess. Just want to get to the bottom of what is actually out there.
  5. Is there a comprehensive list of 'Valve Amps still being manufactured'?? Trying to sort New from Vintage/Secondhand. Just wondering because they're not exactly the most common bass amps in stores - but they are out there, aren't they! Anyway... I've just tried making a list from GAK, just to get things going (without prices, although I could add them - I don't know if that's against the Forum rules? Posting a shop's current prices??) - Orange - AD200B Mkiii Matamp – GT200 Hiwatt – Custom Bass 200/400 Ashdown – Little Bastard - DP-200 Drophead (COMBO) Mark Bass – Classic 300 Marshall – VBA 400 Peavey – Tour VB2 Please help to flesh this out - there must be more manufacturers etc...
  6. It looks pink to me, but I have to admit - I like it a lot!! I've always thought a pink bass would be a bit Rock and Roll in tis own little way - now I'm convinced a Pink Bass Rig is the better way to go!? I am in a psych-rock band fronted by a woman so maybe it can work?
  7. [quote name='voxpop' post='1282251' date='Jun 25 2011, 04:37 PM']Looks like a V125b head. I had one only a few months ago. It a fantasic head using four EL34 valves giving 125 watts of nice warm valve sound. You can pick them up or around £300 - £400. Only draw back is the crap eq, so use an active bass with good eq or buy a pedal.[/quote] I'm struggling to find out about these - so you sold yours recently for that sort of price? Seems pretty cool for a valve amp. Funny you mentioned the EQ - I noticed the bassist had a few pedals, an EQ being one of them. I thought it sounded so nice - how come you got rid of yours?
  8. What's this like volume wise? Have you gigged it much (not interested in 'how gigged it is', wondering what it's capable of)? Just wondering about this... Any more info would be great.
  9. Afternoon all. I was invited to see The Coral in Bristol t'other night. First things first - I really enjoyed it! It's wonderful seeing a band doing a kind of folky-pop thing that can elevate into rock and psychadelia during the gig. I've had Magic and Medicine since it came out but haven't listened to it in a while - really enjoyed the set. Secondly - met their manager on the tour bus - ranks fairly highly in the 'Hilarious *That CAN'T BE TRUE!!* Storyteller' list!! Anyway - the bass tone was so nice all night. He was going through a Vox Head, into an Ampeg 810. I can't seem to find any Vox heads really. Any ideas? It was a proper Vox looking head too - you know that Diamond Pattern fabric design. I'm jealous of the tone big time. Anyone know anything about Vox and Bass??? Found this picture on their Facebook Page and the amp on the right was definitely 100% the bass amp. Cheers guys.
  10. Cheers KingPrawn. It's a struggle but we're getting there! We played a few gigs in your area last year - I'll let you know if we're heading that way anytime soon. Thanks for the comment.
  11. I'd love to see the pictures of this when you have them... 60kgs - Proper old kit. Love it!
  12. Cheers ShergoldSnickers!! That's quite nice of you...
  13. Just an update (and a Bump! hehe...) but the page now operates under nifemusic.co.uk and nifemusic.com. I think this is much better and we're now working towards fleshing it out for it being our main public interface. We're actually going to ditch facebook (as Nicole Fermie band) as our main point of contact and will switch to just updating the website with upcoming gigs and hopefully having regional mailing lists. Any thoughts would be great guys - there are some really knowledgeable dudes on this forum! Thoughts on the music/business/anything!? Scott
  14. Damn it! Ne'er mind. Hope you got a good deal for it.
  15. Just PM'd you regarding possible trades? Cheers, Scott.
  16. Cheers for checking it out, Oggy. I'm quite pleased with how the end of Information Overload sounds, so I'm glad you dug it! Scott
  17. Cheers for emssaging me when this thread went live - you obviously noticed that I just narrowly missed out on one on here a few weeks ago! Unfortunately, since then I've booked a holiday to Barcelona (long overdue, seriosuly) so I can't take this off your hands right now... Although it is an amazing price! Anyway, at least you get a Bump? Good luck with the sale - maybe talk to you again in a few weeks if it hasn't sold? Scott
  18. [quote name='Jimmyp28' post='1246101' date='May 26 2011, 07:20 PM']I really like the production on all the songs and the content is really good as well. Every thing sits so well in the mix, not normally my sort of music but i will be listening to this for a while now. All the best and hope every thing works out for you.[/quote] Cheers. Our producer is a freelance mastering engineer - Tim Oliver - we're one of his first projects that he's completely overseeing and producing. He really is the man! (Seriously...) If he can't make it sound good, there's no hope! Glad you picked up on that - he'll be pleased.
  19. [quote name='Mykesbass' post='1246103' date='May 26 2011, 07:21 PM']Hi Scott, nice page and music sounds great. The only point I would make is, OK, so the URL is for a page on the management companies website but there are no links if someone has gone directly to your page for contacts etc. Sure, you can, as I did, edit the URL to get there, but I would have thought this should be made more obvious for potential bookers or anyone who wants to be in contact. All the best with this, Mike[/quote] Cheers for your feedback. I think the idea of this page is that it is only accessed by people that we are already in contact with. eg - TopCat is emailing a contact, say A&R guy from RecordCompanyXYZ, saying "Remember the band I told you about? Well, check this page out for details..." It's not accessible if you don't know the URL - Google won't get you there. We thought about linking to our MySpace/Facebook etc but both of those are a bit sh*te cos they're under our old name "Nicole Fermie"! Thanks for saying though - really appreciate that you wanted to tell me.
  20. Hi Guys. My band are currently sorting out management and distribution and possibly record label stuff. To achieve this, we've got this webpage as a sort of 'interactive business card' - make any sense!? We've got a publishing and recording agreement with our producer - he's been involved with the band even longer than I have - but we're trying to move things forward. [url="http://www.topcatmusic.co.uk/nife/"]http://www.topcatmusic.co.uk/nife/[/url] Anyway, I felt like breaking with Band protocol and just getting some fellow musicians to check it out! Any thoughts are welcome. Don't judge the bass playing too harshly!! Haha! And if anyone wants to talk about the 'industry' side of music, please feel free - advice/questions/anything. Cheers for checking this out. Scott
  21. [quote name='bob_sixer' post='1239337' date='May 21 2011, 02:19 PM']PS What does a bump signify?[/quote] Hey man - lovely rig and I must say I think that's a great price! A 'Bump' relates to how the threads are ordered on the main page. The threads with the most recent post are at the the top of the list, gradually getting to older posts. So, if by tomorrow this thread is on page 2 and nobody has posted on it, you can just say 'Bump' to get it back on page 1 for people to see again. Make sense?? It is something that you can only do once a day though (I think??). Hope that's useful - I can't spend that much money at the moment, but seriously I think this looks great. Scott.
  22. Wow - Manufactured in Portland, USA. Distributed to Australia. Bought in UK. Sold on to Greece. Tis a funny old world!
  23. Damn It!!! I hate eBay - I got sniped in the last 6 seconds! SIX SECONDS!! Ah well. Would've been simpler keeping it on BassChat. Ne'er mind! Take it easy Jimmy - atleast you got some bidding in the end. It was looking fairly sparse all week. Scott.
  24. [quote name='fraff' post='1215193' date='Apr 29 2011, 06:26 PM']And I might well be wrong but I thought forum rules meant you had to state a price.[/quote] I'm really interested in this and if there was a price stated, I'd seriously be considering taking this off your hands. Not really too keen on going down the eBay route, I'd rather sort this out over BassChat. Cheers, Scott
  25. PM'd regarding price etc.
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