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Everything posted by risingson

  1. I’m neither of those things, so where do I fit?
  2. I’m not that sentimental about basses anymore. If it does come to sell then I’d sooner not modify it.
  3. I bought my CS 63 Precision last year. Was horrified when I unboxed it because the set up was abysmal, it had had no love in the shop. Once I had it properly set up to my preference and strung with TI flats I’ve not really looked back, it’s a great instrument, very well made. Some bits of it are insane. The sanding down on the neck feels great but it doesn’t look natural. To get to the truss rod, it’s the old Fender style where you have to unscrew the entire neck. I’d have thought Fender might have considered binning that off at the expense of some of the vintage vibe they’re trying to achieve. But other than that I love it. Do I think it’s £2000 better than the American Vintage series or whatever. Yes and no. I owned a 2014 AVRI Precision which I liked but didn’t love, it lacked character to my ears, and so I do think it’s better in that respect. But my other P-Bass which I recently sold was an old battered Squier, one of the cheap ones from the 90s. That had a phenomenal sound / tone, and that cost me £50 second hand. That makes my CS over 60 times more expensive, which kind of puts things into perspective. I’m a semi-professional musician now, once a fully professional one but no longer - career and all that, and so I’m not at a stage in my 30s where I can afford a bass which I’ve wanted for a long time without having to eat only Pot Noodles for the next 12 months to afford. I get the reluctance around CS from some people who’d prefer to buy something that isn’t artificially aged and that would be perfect for them. But for me I’m very happy to own such a nice instrument.
  4. My experience below, plus a shameless plug as I do actually have my 64 Black Panel up for sale here. On the Black Panel, it’s great on IEMs but of course it depends on what you’re after. I’m going for more of a late 60s / early 70s sound for the most part. It has a really lovely natural compression and is probably the best I’ve heard at emulating a proper old valve amp. Through the DI you get the 15 inch speaker emulation, through the 1/4” out you don’t, and so just the Bassman / Showman amp head. The latter means you don’t get the benefit of the DI signal but I got round this frequently by running mine into a Radial DI. You do introduce a bit of noise into your signal going out the 1/4” alone. The tone stack is a Fender style, not one you can spend ages dialling in as it’s fairly rudimentary but it does it so well. The Bassman side has more of a mid character, the Showman channel is more naturally scooped sounding. I’ve not actually yet played the Super Vintage but I would really love to.
  5. risingson


    This is a ludicrously good price. Please someone buy it before I do.
  6. Reduced to £280 shipped for this week! Sad to see this one go but my Jad Freer has replaced it as my main preamp. Comes with the original box. Not interested in trades at this time EDIT the only exception might be the Bass Rig Super Vintage, like for like. Any questions feel free to reach out.
  7. I’ll drop you a PM. Original finish was a red poly. Not the prettiest.
  8. Thank you! Yes I should have added, the bass weighs nothing at all. Very easy neck profile.
  9. Hi everyone, Up for sale is my Squier Standard Japanese Precision. This is a fantastic bass - 1990, has seen lots of action. I stripped out the original electronics and put all new parts in a few years back and it also sports a Nordstrand NP4V pickup. I’ll include the original pickup in there as well. This has been a workhorse and for full transparency has had a not unreasonable but far from perfect refinish in nitro over poly. The colour itself is lovely but errs on the side of matt. I also put nickel knobs on it and installed the old Fender thumb rest. It’s got flatwounds on it at the moment, unchanged for 11+ years. I’ve lightly sanded the neck on it. I really love this bass but I’m thinning the herd and with a CS P-Bass I now own it’s not getting the love it deserves. I’m Wirral based and would prefer collection. Any questions please shout. To hear it played, here’s a link - https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ6ArT2LibO/?igsh=azViNDl0azVqeG84
  10. Does sounds like the Super Vintage would be the one for you based on your description. I’ve had the Black Panel for 2 years or so. I love it but it’s got its drawbacks. The non-defeatable cab sim on the DI is problematic because I like the tone straight out the 1/4” a lot more. Unfortunately that creates noise in the signal which makes it challenging for recording, and in certain live situations it’s also been a problem. On the plus side, the thing just sounds phenomenal. The tube-like quality of it as you’ve mentioned takes some beating, it sounds amazing just before breakup at gain stage. I’ve also got the Jad Freer Capo on my board which I’d probably describe as more versatile an EQ, but it does not have the same level of quality to the tube emulation. The Fender tone stack in the Black Panel is fairly limited in range but it’s totally unique for the tone I want which is pretty vintage. I’m also a P-Bass player but use flatwounds. Match made in heaven tonally for me. Sadly because I don’t use it as my main DI and just as a preamp, the noise from the 1/4” has rendered it a bit obsolete as of late. I’ve not spent any considerable time with the Super Vintage, but I’d say the cab sim on the DI feels more usable given it’s meant to emulate the 8x10. Would be interested to own one at some stage.
  11. No regrets on buying mine. Most flexible preamp I’ve had to date. The interplay between the mid sweep and the J and F circuits is amazing, loads to dig into.
  12. As others have said, service lift at the back - access a bit tricky with a van but you should be able to unload there with ease and then park it across the road in one of the side alleys. Free after 6pm. House amps, they used to have a hefty Orange bass rig in there with so you wouldn’t struggle with level on stage. Wedges at the front around the stage in the back room. Front room more cramped and a bit more challenging sound wise from monitoring pov. It’s not the original venue but I used to play there most weeks and it’s still got some magic about it. Pretty touristy and mixed crowd, a lot of international visitors and always used to have a good feel of a weekend. Have fun.
  13. I’ve owned a 74 Jazz in the past which sounded great but on the heavy side. Any later I’ve found the quality to be inconsistent and seemingly from the late 70s onwards very much so. I think the AVRIs are really good and especially the ones they made in the early 2010s. I’d also consider a custom shop second hand for your budget. I know this might prove controversial but my experience is that if you want an older feeling instrument they do walk a pretty good line on replicating it.
  14. Open to reasonable and sensible offers here. Shipping wise, happy to but would really prefer to insure for your peace of mind. I can probably meet for collection within reason. No trades please, some lovely basses out there but looking for straight sale. Cheers!
  15. I’ve also not had a huge amount of joy with the B side. The A side is great, extremely well voiced / versatile but the B side to me is pretty underwhelming as a drive or for tube saturation type tones. The rest of the pedal I could not fault. I’ve had quite a bit of luck using my Origin Black Panel into the Capo and cranking the gain and mids on the Bassman setting. Expensive solution to having a drive on my board but very satisfying as it does the squashy valve thing a lot better than the Capo.
  16. I had one of these, years ago now. Very thin neck profile. Not active, mine was vol pan tone tone. A totally honest appraisal were the pickups felt weak and the tone a little thin, as others have said they don’t sound a thing like the German built ones. I do remember getting it as a 14 year old though thinking it was the greatest thing ever.
  17. I’m on the Wirral, collection preferred but can ship. And yes got the original case for it.
  18. Very low by Stingray standards! I don’t have a set of scales to hand presently but I’d put it at 8lbs something. It’s the lightest bass I’ve owned in years. Part of the appeal of the Specials I guess. Apologies I can’t be more specific, I’ll try and locate some scales and update the listing.
  19. Thanks - amended the post earlier as I’m not interested in trades any longer, so this would be a straight sale.
  20. I agree, and it’ll be the reason I keep my Bass Rig on the board to keep the valve warmth it gives. The B side feels a little underwhelming in any scenario, which is a shame because everything else about the pedal is a remarkable achievement and so cleverly designed.
  21. Got mine last week. It fills in the gaps of the Origin Black Panel with some of its features, including the post pre loop which I wish the Origin had. Both sound great but in different ways, the Black Panel is tube-like and has a pillowy compression to it which is undeniably great for vintage tones, and the Capo is more direct, faster transients and the added gain stage on the B side is really useful. The ability to sculpt the mid frequencies is something the Black Panel lacks somewhat with it being more a Fender tone stack, again just very different tonally. It’s probably a bit mad to have both but I’d struggle to choose between them. Everything runs into the Capo on the board apart from the Cali which is last and goes into the post effects loop. I played a Noble a few weeks back, great piece of kit but really there wouldn’t be much I couldn’t get out of this combo now and not widely dissimilar tones.
  22. Ha funny, I take mine into a Radial JDI. The Jensen transformer pairing, as you say similarly, sounds incredible. I played a gig through a Noble the other night (not mine sadly) and much preferred the 64 paired with my DI, although I’d be interested to have spent more time in comparing. Just wish Origin had figured the cab sim thing at R&D.
  23. The ‘64 Black Panel is amazing, I really do love the tone but I do wish the cab sim was defeatable. As it stands I only use it as a preamp and take the 1/4” into another DI, which sort of defeats the point of using it as a standalone unit. There is the smallest amount of noise when I use the pedal this way, not enough to be an issue live but when recording it would either need gating or dealing with the noise which isn’t ideal for an engineer. I’ve just bought the Jad Freer Capo. I don’t expect it will replace my Black Panel entirely as I really love the sound, and it does that tube-like compression so well. But the Capo would seem to do more things and with a lot more functionality. Maybe not best or fair to compare them in this sense as they’re not apples and apples but the Capo I think will get me more places.
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