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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' post='972275' date='Sep 30 2010, 01:09 AM']oh i do hate that term 'lift music'!!...its pathetic, and lacking in a knowledge of music.....ive heard Led Zep in a lift aswell as Grover to Steely Dan and many others... its such a blanket term for music like this....!! can you name any other "lift music" you find insubstantial and loathsome?...most of the types of music your poss referring too are some of the best musicians in the world... open your eyes..[/quote] I kind of agree but I must say, it was incredibly bland show to watch and the sound was piss poor. It's the kind of music that wouldn't see the light of day if there wasn't a big name behind it. I used to be a massive Jamiroquai fan and have met both Stuart and Paul and discussed their playing, especially with Paul in detail, both a superb players and very different. But the new stuff is shocking.
  2. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='972081' date='Sep 29 2010, 08:57 PM']He sticks to root and is not very adventurous, but why class him as bad? Explanation please.[/quote] He's not, and I disagree entirely with the notion that anyone, even if they are limited to chugging along with root notes, make for bad bass players. There's a misconception that limited technique makes you a bad player. Wrong. Badly suited for certain music maybe, but not a bad player. What makes a bad player is not doing what's right for the music. That's it, it doesn't matter how good you are technically, as long as your time keeping is good and your ear is good then you are an acceptable bass player. I'm not a U2 fan at all really and I'm sure that this is an argument had a million and one times before but answer me one question... could you do anything to improve on a bass line from something like 'Where the Streets Have No Name' or 'New Years Day'? No, because Clayton's lines are right for what's going on. It' literally boils down to that.
  3. I once left my octave pedal in Stockholm. Guess it's not completely the same thing though.
  4. Why did you not think you'd ever say it? Flea's a very funky player, it's stands to reason. He's been listening and playing funk all his life.
  5. I think it's a confidence thing, I was always bad with this but you've just got to sing like you mean it if you'll pardon the cliche. No pedal can replicate confidence successfully IMO. If you've got a decent range as well then you might find if she's a good alto that it might not be as difficult as you might think to harmonise successfully with her!
  6. Just my opinion however! Sorry forgot to mention just in case the OP takes any offense.
  7. [quote name='steve-soar' post='967190' date='Sep 24 2010, 10:08 PM']God, that is f***ng awful. Measured, tight with technique slop.[/quote] I'm afraid I agree. Sounds like the sort of music they'll be playing during the apocalypse.
  8. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='928781' date='Aug 18 2010, 04:41 PM']also some oceansize[/quote] A friend of mine is supporting those guys for the second time in the next few days. Not my thing personally but interesting music, liked 'The Charm Offensive'!
  9. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='966869' date='Sep 24 2010, 04:12 PM']Not sure I agree but I'm ok to differ on that viewpoint. We've seem the sample maths and I've been there and done that... albeit with guitars not basses. You say you'd consider it, perhaps you should actually do it and tell us how you get on.[/quote] I did, although not quite in the same manner. Went on holiday a few months ago for my 21st to NYC with enough money to get a decent bass but nothing really took my fancy so I left it.
  10. Oh dear. It's actually a lot better than other best bass player polls I've seen but by no means more acceptable. Oh well... it seems people need to have things quantified for them to understand what they should be paying attention to and what they shouldn't.
  11. [quote name='JTUK' post='966852' date='Sep 24 2010, 04:04 PM']Wow, really... It is almost a busking song round here. The type of thing a dep band will throw in. Ditto Money.[/quote] That doesn't surprise me, I just haven't seen it before.
  12. [quote name='goblin' post='966841' date='Sep 24 2010, 03:59 PM']Sledgehammer - Peter Gabriel[/quote] We do Sledgehammer. I must admit I've not heard any other cover bands play it.
  13. Hopefully based on the inconsistencies of their pricing it might fall to £500 soon and then I'll buy it! Wanted an F-Bass for ages
  14. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='966823' date='Sep 24 2010, 03:44 PM']Consider that you don't like the bass and come back without it. I don't think the money (that few extra hundred quid) that you would have spent going to the US would be far from the money you lost from selling on an unheard/unseen bass on (especially as it could probably be sold as new). You'd have to come back with something you could guarantee on making a profit on to avoid being out of profit. That is the thing... making profit on imports is increasingly difficult.[/quote] I think it balances out quite well. It's not cheap, sure, but neither is the bass you're hoping to buy. The point being it is certainly something that I and many other musicians I know would consider doing if I was going to spend that sort of money on an instrument.
  15. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='966803' date='Sep 24 2010, 03:22 PM']You tell me how cheap you can get to NYC, stay there, get a bass through customs etc...? I seriously don't think it's worth the hassle. If you happen to be going there on a holiday, business etc then maybe... but certainly not for just picking up a bass. The only cost effective thing going now is if you go over there and buy a batch of vintage basses and have them shipped back... then you can talk about making a little profit.[/quote] Definitely, but whilst that might be the case now it wasn't a few years back. It's also not as ridiculous as it sounds, yes it might be considerably more expensive now to go over and find a place to stay, flights etc. but it's really how much of an investment you consider the bass to be. Buying a guitar blind for that amount of cash is mental IMO if you haven't tried out at least a similar style of bass. For a lot of people I know who have done a similar thing and wanted an expensive U.S built guitar then such a purchase isn't to be made lightly. It's not the most practical thing to do in the world but a few extra hundred quid would sort you a flight and somewhere to stay for a day or two. [quote]At the end of the day, if it will sell, people will put the pricetags on their wares. If they can sell at this price, then good luck to the vendor. As a comparison, you can get Ferrari perforance for less than the price of a Ferrari but if you want that badge, you'll have to dig into your pockets. Similarly Fodera's preamp sells for a bucketload - is it worth the money? Probably not - certainly not in terms of components... but people will buy them to put in their own basses to get the sound of a Fodera. Will their bass sound anything like a Fodera... well, yes... but the bass still doesn't have a Fodera logo on the headstock. Whatever the perception of a Sadowsky, if you want the real deal Sadowsky, sticking their preamp in your bass is not enough. If people will pay the extra for the woodwork, then all power to Mr Sadowsky. He's built his name, gained a reputation for whatever reasons - and as a buyer, if you are prepared to drop the dollar, then get one. If you don't want one, don't open your wallet. It's easy. If you think they are overpriced or whatever, vote with your wallet. I'm sure Sadowsky would get the message if his basses didn't sell. What you have to remember is there is a high cost associated in getting expensive US instruments over here... import tax, vat, dealer markup... it's no wonder these basses end up costing so much. The cost of something being made in Japan is certainly not as cheap as Indonesia/China/Korea etc... and I'm sure that is factored into the final cost too. The comparison to Lakland is interesting... their Skyline range is made in Indonesia /(Korea? - I've lost track) and so the cheaper costs are reflected in their price. Now compare a US Lakland to a US Sadowsky... there's not a lot of difference...[/quote] Honestly, I completely understand. I'd sooner be a flash bastard and have a Ferarri or the new Merc SLS and suffer the £50,000 depreciation as I left the doors of the car dealership over having an Ariel Atom. I'm completely guilty of it myself. As I said before it's all in the eye of the beholder.
  16. 8 pages. I think I hate myself for carrying on talking about this.
  17. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='966788' date='Sep 24 2010, 03:08 PM']I'm guessing because in order to buy an NYC, you have to go direct... and can't really try before you buy when you are on the other side of the Atlantic. Until quite recent years, you had a job to find a Metro to try let alone an NYC.[/quote] But a few years ago people were flocking to the U.S when the dollar/pound rate was so good just to bring back guitars and such as it often worked out cheaper than buying in the U.K depending on the product. Think about it, if you're spending upwards of £2000 on a bass guitar from NYC then it is probably worth considering actually going over there to get it.
  18. [quote name='Toasted' post='966647' date='Sep 24 2010, 01:21 PM']Good to know I'm keeping up to my own high standards. FWIW, I don't currently own a Sadowsky. I had an NYC and I didn't like the tone - but I realise that was more to do with me than the bass.[/quote] You'll excuse me for asking and I don't mean to be offensive at all but why did you buy such an expensive bass in the first place if you didn't like the tone?
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='966707' date='Sep 24 2010, 02:07 PM']..or pretty any J bass with the Sadowsky electronics in it. Don't get bogged down in the mythical Sadowsky snake oil thing. There is no real secret ingredients in getting the Sadowsky tone - it's pretty much down to the pickups/circuit... it certainly doesn't come from the woods or construction (afterall, it's the same as pretty much every bolt on jazz type bass) What I will say is that Sadowsky have achieved the reputation they have through the quality of their constuction and the like... and also through Fender not being able to get their shop in order and get a run of nicely finished basses out there. Nice one for breaking through and giving Fender a run for their money I'd say. Give Mr Sadowsky a selection of seemingly identical wood to build basses from and whilst they may look identical, due to wood being organic, there will be a slight deviation in the sound - especially when run passively. You can never tell what a bass sounds like exactly until it's been built. The second you put a circuit in, the importance of the wood is not as great and the pickups/circuit has a greater influence on the tone than anything else.[/quote] I agree with this completely but it does only serve to strengthen the point that if build quality and the flagship Sadowsky preamp are what people look for from the brand, then it can be done a lot cheaper. I don't include the NYCs in that because if you want a bass built to your specifications then I think arguably they can justify charging you extra for it, that just the way things work, but the price of the Metros doesn't wash, and I think prospective Sadowsky Metro owners could be done a favour by the Japanese factory lowering their prices as they're paying too much for a bass that isn't considerably different to a cheaper Fender/Lakland/etc etc. Jazz bass aside from a reassurance of consistent build quality. That's unlikely to change however as currently Sadowsky are in demand from so many players.
  20. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='965780' date='Sep 23 2010, 04:27 PM']Funnily enough I think more people dislike MTD than Sadowsky basses. MTD are quite player specific. Now...poop on my Ritter and I will be upset! [/quote] Each to their own, eh? I just wish I had the money to purchase that F-Bass BN5 I tried in NYC a few months ago, now that was a sick bass!
  21. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='965760' date='Sep 23 2010, 04:12 PM']When all's said and done....MTD for the win! I have two and they poop on all of your basses! (runs and hides....)[/quote] I don't suppose this would be the right time to tell you about the bad experience I had with a MTD 535 a few months ago now would it?
  22. Used one in Stockholm, it was absolutely superb, completely blew my mind how good the sound was!
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='965719' date='Sep 23 2010, 03:47 PM']Haha, but you are still slightly insulting his intelligence now. Please dont get the nearest copy of the dictionary out! It does seem that you dont even realise you are doing it. Nay mind! Group hug?![/quote] Considering English was always my strongest subject I'm not in too much of a bind I don't think Group hug indeed!
  24. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='965655' date='Sep 23 2010, 02:52 PM']I'm not convinced you know what "hyperbole" is. Here's the last major "blowup" thread on Sadowskys on TB.....TBH I don't really see your point: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=687759"]http://www.talkbass.com/forum/showthread.php?t=687759[/url][/quote] You're good at the patronising thing aren't ya? You've been doing it all thread and it's not particularly endearing. Done arguing though, I think I've made my point and I don't think you've understood it.
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