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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='CHRISDABASS' post='965645' date='Sep 23 2010, 02:40 PM']Im finding this thread rather entertaining I love some good old banter At the end of the day folks try before you buy and only buy what YOU like be it a £100 squire or a £6000 Fodera, who cares? What matters is that you find something that inspires you to play [/quote] I completely 100% agree with this, hopefully this has been clear in what I've posted.
  2. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='965615' date='Sep 23 2010, 02:11 PM']Hyperbole FTW.[/quote] Hardly. You only have to take one look at a Talkbass post on Sadowskys to notice any criticism of current trending or popular brands is taken badly, and I do think this thread has become a pretty classic example of this.
  3. So that's it then, Sadowsky once again remains immune to any detractors or any possibility that they are less than perfect I'm a fan of modern Jazz basses, but not Sadowsky, the sound let me down significantly every time. However, I wouldn't profess to tell people how to spend their money and I am in total agreement that if you like a product enough then of course whatever the asking price, it is a justified purchase. My opinion is that the asking price is too much for the product itself, and that you're paying a lot more for a brand as opposed to anything else. Sorry if it's not a popular opinion but it is my opinion.
  4. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='965496' date='Sep 23 2010, 12:32 PM']As I said, I didn't take issue with the rest of your post, I just used your opening line as an example. If that wasn't stated clear enough for you, I apologise, but I am not sure how much more clearly I could have stated it. As for me being a Sadowsky fan, to be honest I rarely play my Sadowsky at the moment, I prefer my other basses based on what I am playing at present. I think of myself more as an "anti-internet sillyness" fan rather than a Sadowsky fan. Its just you seem to see a lot of coincidence of internet sillyness in threads about basses like Sadowsky, Fodera, Ritter etc.[/quote] My reasoning for not enjoying Sadowskys as basses is purely personal, but you used the first line of my post to display an attitude of a few posters that you didn't like, or as you described it, 'silly'. What's silly about it? You might disagree that people have taken exception to Sadowskys being criticised, but there were a lot of people who definitely were in this post and got defensive about it very quickly. [quote]If this is directed at me its just a straw man. I never said that.[/quote] Not directed at you, rather another poster earlier on who said this: [quote]This thread is hilarious. A bunch of people who don't own Sadowsky basses telling those who do and gig them regularly that they're poor sounding basses.[/quote] Snobbish and condescending, also proof that people are taking criticism of a totally the wrong way. It's the problem with Sadowskys. I don't like them but that's just me, I'm sure people like Will Lee or Rickey Minor would disagree with me and I trust they know what they're talking about, but Sadowsky's suffer from internet hype and being the current trend which suddenly makes them immune to criticism on boards like this. Sorry, but having tried in excess of 5-6 Sadowskys now and now liking a single one then I'm as entitled to an opinion as anyone.
  5. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='965468' date='Sep 23 2010, 12:06 PM']Did you read the first line of my post? I was just using your statement as an example. I did read the rest of your post, but wasn't taking issue with the rest of it or you specifically. Hence the first line. I thought that was pretty clear.[/quote] It would seem obvious that I would reply to something you've quoted as me saying. I've read all of your posts now and can conclude you're obviously a big Sadowsky fan. So then if you did read the rest of my post you will have noticed that I actually agree with you, people can buy what they want, and you're right, a few internet detractors shouldn't deter them from paying for something that they want. [quote]Why would a Sadowsky owner be upset if you think a Sandberg sounds better?[/quote] Well clearly they are, aren't they? The last few pages have been nothing but Sadowsky owners getting annoyed that their basses have been criticised by non-owners of Sadowskys. I didn't realise you could only have an opinion on Sadowskys only if you've owned one in the past.
  6. [quote name='Mark Latimour' post='965445' date='Sep 23 2010, 11:46 AM']Not to pick on you specifically, but this is the same silly assumption that comes up time and time again in these type of threads. Have a think about this: Why would a Sadowsky owner be upset if [b]you[/b] think a Sandberg sounds better? Anyone whos be playing music for 30 minutes knows that everyone has different tastes in what they think is the "gold standard" of tone. The reality is that Sadowsky owners (like the owner of any other type of bass) probably think that the brand of bass they play is the best one for [b]them[/b], but why would anyone in their right mind assume its the best one for everybody else? That makes no sense. Think about it, if there was only one "right" bass, then everyone would play that single brand and it would cost millions. I have rarely, if ever, seen a Sadowsky owner get upset because someone thinks another bass sounds better. In fact, for most Sadowsky fans, its better that other players don't "get it" (so to speak) because it keeps the prices of Sadowsky basses down and the quality up. Most Sadowsky players covet the quality of the construction, the consistency and the tone together. If demand keeps increasing you will either see longer waiting lists, higher prices or a drop in quality. None of them are desirable to Sadowsky owners. Quite frankly its better that more people think they are overpriced parts basses. What is silly is the stupid comments like "silly money for a production bass" or "its not worth it". Why? Because they are completely subjective values. You'd have to be pretty self absorbed to think that you have some kind of insight into the universal worth of any bass. The value depends wholly on what the market and any individual play is willing to pay and whether they think its best. People put different values on different things. I don't personally see the value in AC basses - not because they arn't just as well built as Sadowsky's, but because I prefer the more modern active jazz tone and AC basses go after the vintage jazz vibe. I have tried a number of Sandberg basses and while I found the sound to be fine, I wasn't as impressed by the quality as I have been with the basses that I own. Now, thats not a dig on those basses because the basses I own are more expensive than Sandbergs and I expect them to have better quality and attention to detail. At the end of the say its all relative, is a bass "worth it"? It kinda depends on how much money you've got. There are people out there who can buy a Sadowsky like someone can buy an SX. OTOH, if you are saving up for a bass you want to get the best one [b]for you[/b]. If its a Sadowsky then buy the Sadowsky, if its a Sandberg then buy a Sandberg. It would be stupid to play a Sandberg, think it was better than a Sadowsky and buy the Sadowsky. OTOH, it would be equally foolish IMO to not buy the tool that works best for you (if you can afford it) jsut because someone random internet dude thinks something "isn't worth it".[/quote] Did you read the rest my post at all or just the part where I said what you quoted me as saying?
  7. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='965125' date='Sep 22 2010, 11:35 PM']Did he sell them all at car boot fairs [/quote] Yeh, I had to sell my VW Polo straight away after I saw he was conducting the carboot sale out of an old Focus
  8. [quote name='Phil-osopher10' post='965047' date='Sep 22 2010, 10:05 PM']Would you be interested in markbass stuff?[/quote] Yes, absolutely. PM me if you'd like to talk.
  9. Looks like someone left a Mars Bar out in the sun too long!
  10. Frankly, I should think he wouldn't care too much about a few detractors on an internet forum arguing why he has so many basses after selling millions of albums worldwide and becoming one of the most successful British recording artists ever. I think Chris Wolstenholme had the misfortune of becoming one of those cult bass players who's sound became one of the most widely imitated in current years. I've seen a few people go out and buy Pedullas, then sell them and get Rickenbackers because that's what he did, and then buy a Zon or whatever etc. etc. he probably must just laugh to himself and count himself lucky that so many people care about a sound that he created in the first place.
  11. [quote]This thread is hilarious. A bunch of people who don't own Sadowsky basses telling those who do and gig them regularly that they're poor sounding basses.[/quote] [quote name='EBS_freak' post='965063' date='Sep 22 2010, 10:24 PM'] Here, here. Well said that man. Oh, and next time you are looking at Sandbergs also check out the daylight under the frets....[/quote] It's also natural that a load of Sadowsky owners (which I'm guessing you are) would take exception having shelled out a fortune for a bass, only for people then to say Sandbergs as an example sound better. I must say the build quality of both Sadowskys and Sandbergs were both very high, but sound wise I expected a hell of a lot more from the Sadowskys I tried and consistently it didn't deliver to my ears. This is purely personal preference and not a slight to Sadowsky owners. It's not just Sadowskys either, I've tried Pensas, MTDs, Dingwalls, Suhrs, Seis and other high end basses that IMO just didn't sound like the asking price to me. The only bass I've ever played that to my ears justified its price tag was a particularly beautiful F-Bass I tried in Rudy's NYC and also a Celinder Update 4 which was just incredibly good. You probably shouldn't take it to heart, I keep reading time and time again on here how bad P-Basses are designed and how terrible they sound, but to be honest I couldn't care less, I love the sound of my old P-Bass w/flats more than anything else and from my experience nothing beds a track better. It's all preference. I think Metro asking prices are ludicrous but it's all in the eye of the beholder innit
  12. [quote name='Chris2112' post='964394' date='Sep 22 2010, 12:47 PM']Although the Sandberg California J basses sounded and felt much better than the Sadowsky Metros through the same amp for considerably less; perhaps there is something to be said for A/B'ing these things! [/quote] Late to the argument here, but every Sandberg California Jazz 4/5 I've tried have actually sounded consistently better than any Sadowsky NYC and Metro/ultra Jazz I have ever tried, and I have now tried a lot of Sadowskys. The Sandberg sounded better sonically to my ears and is a lot cheaper as well. I really wanted to love Sadowskys but I just didn't, and I also think the Metros are stupidly overpriced IMO. The sound is a personal thing and the Sadowsky sound just doesn't do it for me. Also, the whole in/out of the mix thing is pretty ridiculous. If you don't like the sound of a bass then why would you consider having it in the first place? What's the point in picking up a bass and taking it to a gig if you can't get excited about playing it by yourself? It makes absolutely no sense.
  13. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='962691' date='Sep 20 2010, 08:31 PM']He had to give up playing drums due to back problems. He's a highly under rated drummer, awesome feel.[/quote] Agreed. Check this out, great Big Band sound. Not even my thing at all but worth seeing. Nathan East on upright as well.
  14. James Jamerson Pino Palladino Paul McCartney Anthony Jackson Nathan Watts
  15. Chester Thompson who I saw drumming on this Motown clip Phil Collins has got going on currently cannot play Motown to save his life IMO. He's just not got the feel right in the clips I saw.
  16. if I listened to all those twats and what they had to say I'd be angry basically all the time. You can probably take some solace in the fact they're all living in their mum and dad's basement and will probably never achieve success?
  17. Not selling, just for trade as the pair only for a similar rig.
  18. Sick setup! That Jazz is ridiculously good looking.
  19. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='959644' date='Sep 17 2010, 04:36 PM']To be honest I think a mercy killing of that 'bass' should take place.[/quote] Huge +1.
  20. [quote name='tredders' post='959082' date='Sep 17 2010, 07:50 AM']Thanks for the replies. I've now got terrible GAS for one of these! I've noticed that there's a Contemporary series Club bass for £450 or so.... wonder what that's like? :-)[/quote] Terrible, very badly made with massive design flaws, avoid at all costs. I had one briefly, seems strangely ironic having praised Hofner so highly only to slate them but the cheaper models are pretty terrible and are definitely worth avoiding. Just IMO.
  21. Superb, and proof there's good music out there still to be had. Agreed on the great tone also, took an old 67' Hofner Club bass into the studio a while back with flats on it and it sounded so great on record. I like some modern basses, but there's nothing better than a cool hollowbody like a Hofner.
  22. Still around guys, I've had some interesting offers so far but nothing concrete just yet. If you're interested in a trade, a rig for a rig, then let me know!
  23. I think dynamics are the first thing a drummer should concern himself with. Bad dynamics = bad technique as far as I'm concerned. Telling him might offend him but it's probably the only way round it, either that or find I new drummer I reckon.
  24. [quote name='alansanderson' post='958210' date='Sep 16 2010, 12:31 PM']Hi mate I'm in Manchester with my EA iamp800, and the matching 2x10" and 1x12" EA cabs. Cabs are superficially a bit battered but they're very robust and solid little things and they still work 100% fine. PM me or email [email protected] if you're interested at all Cheers Al PS head is flightcased in a swanflight 4u, I still have the original EA soft case too.[/quote] Hi Alan, PM'd!
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