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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='bubinga5' post='928196' date='Aug 17 2010, 11:30 PM']i cant see what s ground breaking about L42...what has he done that is new? hes been doing the (great) same thing for 30 years... Julian, Lawrence, Randy are session musicians, they can play anything. Why do you think im dissmissing him????I dont think you understand what im saying..Im not saying hes an average player in his own right...but among a world of bassists and i mean hundreds of great bassists, i dont think hes special....like i said UNIQUE, but no better.. IMO for example, Victor Wooten is special because hes breaking new ground, trying different things there are lots of bassists as good as MK, but because they werent in L42 there not heard of.. by the way i have lots of L42 and was listening to them when they first arrived on the scene and do love them..[/quote] He inspired a hell of a lot of people to start playing bass, I can guarantee that much, loads more than the likes of RHT, Julian Crampton etc have inspired. And that can never be a bad thing right?
  2. [quote name='BassMunkee' post='915898' date='Aug 5 2010, 01:10 PM']Four Tet - Hands.[/quote] Nice. Love Four Tet. Been listening to some great music from Luke Abbott and Bonobo.
  3. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='928064' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:45 PM']Agreed. The Tal bashing was pure stupidity. Regardless of her gender, she's an amazing player, and we should aspire to be like her.[/quote] Ahhh that's the part I really take exception to! It's fine not to enjoy a bass player but because Tal is female it suddenly becomes acceptable for some idiots I've seen to become incredibly sexist and suggest her level of success is somehow related to her gender. Bollocks. You're either good or you're not. I'm not an avid fan of her music particularly but people like Herbie Hancock don't pick any old bass player to play in his band. I've got to say I've read all of this thread and can't find one 'awful' bass player. It's just too vague a description
  4. Looking forward to hearing the new album, been a big Jamiroquai fan for a long time. Had a masterclass with Paul Turner a while ago and he really is an incredible bass player, and a top guy to boot.
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' post='928042' date='Aug 17 2010, 09:25 PM']How can you possible know what Tal is capable of??.... Shes young, and could no doubt could blow most away on here...she deserves a lot more respect that what you are giving her... Tal certainly does not plod along???? what were you thinking when you wrote that??..Or maybe you think your qualified enough to out groove her...i doubt it...Do you actually think Jeff Beck, Chick Corea, are that un professional, to hire some one they didnt think was up to the job?? You cant compare her to the likes of Victor Wooten, Feraud..[/quote] I think this post was made with a view to polarising people's views on stuff like this. I can't see what the Tal Wilkenfeld bashing is all about, I actually find her to be one of the few solo bass players I enjoy listening to, conversely I find Hadrien Feraud to be woefully boring to watch and listen to... more to the point though, neither of them are technically or musically challenged players, so neither of them are awful bassists. It's easy to say 'I don't like Peter Hook or Mark King etc.' if you don't like their music either, but it doesn't mean that they're not right for the bands they play in. Basically it's all nonsense, innit!
  6. Lovely! Want to do something similar myself really.
  7. Don't like DRs that much at all, although they do frequently get put up there as the best you can possibly get, they're more expensive than D'Addarios for example which I prefer quite a bit more. Just me though!
  8. Hearing Jaco Pastorius play Donna Lee after around a year of playing bass guitar. I couldn't believe someone could do that with an instrument I was so new to... didn't even think it was a bass at first!
  9. Ahh that really hurt a lot of my sensibilities to watch! In the words of Alan Partridge, 'sorry, but that was just a noise!'. Jimmy Johnson and Alex Al are brilliant players, Flea has a humbleness to him that I love and I find him an entertaining and down to earth musician to watch, but the rest of it was mostly rubbish. Brian Bromberg should really buy a guitar and be done with it. It stopped being music pretty quickly and became mostly nonsense for the duration. Hope none of this offends of course, it's just my opinion.
  10. Saw this bass being played by a guy on the old Celinder site. As far as I'm concerned this is the bass I've wanted for 4-5 years now... beautiful
  11. Wow, what a terrible excuse for a managing director of a company. It's really frustrating to read as I'm a big fan of Ernie Balls and would have looked at getting one in the next few months, certainly, but honestly I'd think twice now. As far as I'm concerned, if you can't take a little criticism or speculation from prospective clients, then stop surrounding yourself with sycophantic arse-lickers and get out of the kitchen.
  12. [quote name='yanto' post='924251' date='Aug 13 2010, 06:59 PM']No one's biting tonight-some of my faves [/quote] Ahh I'm just not on the ball tonight
  13. [quote name='yanto' post='924194' date='Aug 13 2010, 05:50 PM']There are some shockers out there but ones that spring to mind are the bloke out of the Stranglers,him from Rush and the bass "player" from Lead Zeppalin-all crap[/quote] Eek. John Jacques-Burnell, Geddy Lee and John Paul Jones all panned in one sentence. Each to their own of course, but you couldn't have picked three more revered and highly emulated bassists if you'd even tried
  14. [quote name='skej21' post='924151' date='Aug 13 2010, 05:10 PM']+1 This is also true of Punk bassists. They (Punk acts) were employed and grouped together to enhance the D.I.Y, anyone-can-have-a-go mentality of Punk. This was a perfect way to rebel against the clean, technical, solo-orientated Rock that had come before Punk. Therefore, what some people may call "awful" playing (such as Sid Vicious' bass playing) is actually perfect in a certain context and can enhance the musicianship/quality of music within a specific genre. I would also prefer to listen to Sex Pistols or Buzzcocks or ANYTHING rather than listening to more than 10 seconds of Michael Manring and an E-Bow![/quote] Precisely. I also appreciate that Michael Manring and an E-Bow might float some people's boat, just not mine. I vaguely remember Cliff Richard getting interviewed a while ago talking about how the Beatles sounded sloppy on record. As far as I'm concerned, that's what makes music timeless. Perfection is uninteresting to listen to, but it's the smallest of idiosyncrasies that make music brilliant. Lennon couldn't play piano that well, Keith Moon might not have been the greatest drummer, and Bowie DEFINITELY cannot play a saxophone to save his life, but that is what is brilliant about their music!
  15. Best of luck with this endevour, our drummer has just finished up building his own studio from scratch and it is a great, great place to be. So expensive but worth it. He spent about the same as you intend to spend and he's stretched it a long way.
  16. I don't think I've ever heard a really awful bass player who hasn't been right in a band situation. Sting springs to mind. Hugh Padgham who engineered a few of the Police's albums said that Sting was a really sloppy player (there was even a stage where he was recorded playing bass whilst jumping on a trampoline, much to the engineer's frustration). But still his bass lines were right for the stuff he played. Sloppy, yes. Awful? No way. And I know it's an age old argument, but I'd sooner listen to Sting playing whilst jumping up and down on a trampoline than listen to more than 10 seconds of Michael Manring and an E-Bow. Technical proficiency isn't synonymous with musicianship, so it's too hard for me to say if someone was truly awful or not.
  17. [quote name='SpinalTap' post='923038' date='Aug 12 2010, 06:40 PM']Some fair points, but don't forget the Celinder is a 'copy' of a early sixties Stackknob Jazzbass. Now that I have an original stackknob Fender that I even like a bit more than the Celinder, it would be a shame to use this bass for backup. So the next few months I will think about de-fretting, or selling this bass.[/quote] I'm actually going to start saving in anticipation of you selling it. I've wanted a Celinder for so, so long now!
  18. I shall ask Eddie next time I see him. Want to know myself now!
  19. Usually hate slap solos etc on Youtube, but the guy's very good indeed.
  20. Ahh screw the haters, I love Fender, they're the one of the reasons I love coming back to my bass time and time again. Each to their own of course, I see this turning into a Fender love/hate thread
  21. Oh my god, why couldn't this have come up in a month's time when I had the cash, this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for! Best of luck with the sale, that's an incredible bass.
  22. [quote name='Faithless' post='921034' date='Aug 10 2010, 09:54 PM']Do you? Here you go.. Well, can't say it sounds worse with P, just different.. Fodera's more defined. And, it seems, that, in Letterman show, Janek needed to count it for those bloody horns, hehe.. [/quote] That's better! To be honest I'm just not mad on Foderas, nothing gets better for me than a good Fender Jazz or P. Must say I was a bit ignorant to the fact that Janek did anything else aside from his solo stuff, which I'm not mad on, but the guy is obviously a great player.
  23. Dare I say it... I would have preferred to have seen and heard the P-Bass!
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