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Everything posted by risingson

  1. I'm also happy to admit I might have gotten a dud pack, but the tension alone was enough to put me off the strings.
  2. Lovely bass, the new Fender Deluxes are just excellent and a serious improvement on their past active instruments. It completely killed a Sadowsky Metro I A/B'ed it with. Just a thought but it might be worth getting some pics up without the ramp as some people might find it hard to see past it if they don't like the look of it. Best of luck with the sale!
  3. A cautionary tale to those who are fans of flatwound strings but like the more traditional feel of La Bellas et al. Invested in a set a few weeks back. I'd played them before on a P and vaguely remembered being impressed but it was a while back, so I went in slightly blind on the expensive string purchase. The experience has been completely frustrating, the tension (compliance?) of the strings is lower than any [u]roundwound[/u] string I've ever used, very loose feeling due to the nature of the construction of the string. Unpleasant if you're into your classic flatwound feel, which generally speaking with flats I am. And the sound across the strings was hugely unbalanced. A mixture of bright on the A and D strings, dull on the G and E, very uneven sounding and because they're flatwounds they take some serious time to wear in to balance out the sound across the strings. Finally, the strings just didn't sound good IMO. Low mids weren't present and accounted for like a regular flatwound, no punchiness to speak of either. Overall the strings just aren't for me and didn't merit the price tag. I understand there are more than a few people here that like TI flats but I'd be weary of buying a set if you're into your traditional flatwound string because they don't deliver the goods. I'm amending the situation immediately by returning to good old La Bellas! On a sidenote, some of the most impressive flatwound strings I've come across have been the Status Hotwire Flats. Hugely affordable and excellent sounding strings for those who haven't tried them before.
  4. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1378742732' post='2204053'] I quite badly want one of these. Shame I'm skint at the moment. [/quote] I'd love one of these too. They look bloody great.
  5. One of the new Bergantino CN212's + the Aguilar TH500, tried one recently, what a rig. Apart from that, a new 5'er, I just don't know which one. And to be honest I'm on the slow quest for a pre-CBS P-Bass to be my prize instrument too. I just need a lot of cash!!
  6. If this was me I would have got in touch to let them know how (in a polite, roundabout way) that they'd wasted my time, had acted less then professionally and had financially inconvenienced a soon to be father. You could invoice them but I doubt you'd get your money and to be perfectly honest I'm not sure it would be the right approach should you want to keep your options open for future dep work (if you're relying on the money that is). Again, personally if it was me they'd get crossed off of my dep list. I'm not up for being that badly inconvenienced.
  7. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1378461276' post='2200545'] I've always suspected that the elephant in the room might be the old green-eyed monster. I'm not sure I'd want a Fodera, but I can imagine that many bassists might like the opportunity or option to procure one, even if they then spent the money on something else. So, are we really rounding on the instruments? Or the individual, and the circumstances which have allowed them to indulge their passion to such an extent? [/quote] +1 this is definitely what it always boils down to.
  8. Nothing completely wrong with playing any instrument in any way you'd like but I would recommend looking into developing what is considered a more 'standard' technique first. If you're keen on being a fingerstyle guitar player then maybe look into incorporating your first, second and ring fingers + thumb into plucking chords, and from there picking individual notes out of chords in repeating patterns to improve your dexterity. One guitar player who astounds me at how good his finger picking work can be is John Mayer. Try and ignore the fact that the guy is a complete douche. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TesSAq6uY34
  9. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1378333076' post='2198940'] I care even less now. [/quote] Yeh reading through some of this has reminded me why I don't know and don't care how my amp works, providing it works well and sounds good.
  10. My TC RH750 is still up there with one of the best amps I've heard for its size. I really like the Aguilar TH500 too, paired with the new Berg CN212 sounded just brilliant.
  11. There are plenty of Fender haters about but for me, I'm completely amazed at Leo Fender's achievements. I must admit to not knowing fully about the back history of Fender, especially in the early days and I think his instruments were as much adapted purely through luck as much as ingenuity and clever marketing, but i won't hold it against him. I've played all kinds of bass guitars, nothing stands up to the designs that Fender as a company put in place. Sonically great (for me, and many others) plus they feel perfect under my hands and fingers. I'll be happy playing Leo Fender's instruments for a long time to come.
  12. Definitely a P-Bass. An old one, pre-CBS.
  13. The annual X Factor thread. I don't like it, hate Simon Cowell, the influence he's had on younger musicians and their perceptions on music. But I also know where the off button is on my TV, which makes things easy dealing with stuff like this.
  14. Only had one experience with him over the phone regarding a question about some TC gear he had in. Couldn't have been more enthusiastic, really helpful, seemed like he wanted to talk about TC stuff forever. Lovely guy, although the store is way too far away from me to drop in at the drop of a hat and I'm yet to meet the man in person.
  15. It really is a good article, truthful and probably accounting for a large percentage of bass players who do make their hobby their vocation.
  16. Seen this already but it really is great!
  17. [quote name='andytoad' timestamp='1377727453' post='2191179'] My Christ, that is the worst thing I have ever seen. [/quote] It's definitely not great. I do wish that Tony Levin would put that bloody stick down.
  18. Very cool!
  19. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1377720851' post='2190947'] No. That was entirely my point but he was on the list. I don't know why i bother at times. [/quote] Give some people the benefit of the doubt, we can't all be walking musical encyclopaedias now can we and he's certainly played with a lot of British artists. This place can be terribly uptight at times. I'm struggling to think who I could add to the list. Dave Bronze is excellent! EDIT - yeh, Dave Bronze, Chris Wolstenholme, Colin Greenwood have to go on too.
  20. [quote name='joegarcia' timestamp='1377648361' post='2189985'] Pretty sure I've posted my rig before but not looking this fine with my RD in front '69/'70 SVT / B25B / GS412 / V4 4x12 / 1979 Gibson RD Artist [/quote] Total rock rig, I absolutely love it.
  21. I saw one up close in the Gallery and it looked kind of cheap.
  22. I've used active and passive instruments recently, I still prefer passive instruments for the most part and it takes a very special onboard preamp to get me excited about using an active bass. P-Basses and Jazz basses will be my staple instruments for a while to come yet, I love simplicity.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukOs3am7CtE
  24. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1377341516' post='2186427'] What? from Synkronized? You got any more info? I'd love to hear those! [/quote] I wouldn't have any idea where to get hold of them now, I used to be part of the Zender forum when I was younger and they did the rounds. Can't remember exact details!
  25. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1377340283' post='2186403'] Too sloppy...I think he hits the beats, but just not in the right way. Never feels right... which is not so critical in his proggie arena. [/quote] I think a lot of people including me will have to disagree with you on that! Collins is a good drummer and I'm not even a huge fan. If anyone was wondering who was conducting, that's the legend that was producer Arif Mardin.
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