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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='benzies123' post='920205' date='Aug 9 2010, 11:42 PM']Yeah I do agree with you, but at the same time in this day and age I feel that a lot of people forget the fundamental reason we are educated - to learn. I am going more to learn then anything else, I'm sure if I really persisted I would eventually be able to join the music industry on my own accord, but the way I see it, attending a conservatoire or college would be the best way at my level to really get my abilities and musicianship up there and give me a chance of following my ambitious aspirations. Again, that wasn't meant to sound like a rant , just my humble opinion.[/quote] I absolutely agree. As long as you're willing to work for it which it sounds like you are then it's worth doing. Good luck with the audition process.
  2. I think if I was going to offer any advice it would be to keep in mind that if you're going to do course like Music at uni then you're doing it for the right reasons. It's 90% for the contacts and experience and 10% for the degree. If you want to work in music for the rest of your life then you need to bear in mind that you can do it without spending the money on the degree. I went to LIPA in Liverpool and finished early because I was already a working musician and found it hard to keep up with work, plus because I already had my connections to musicians I never fully connected with my fellow course mates completely. Don't overdo it at your audition, be frank and thorough with your answers but do something that will set you aside from the other guys that auditioning.
  3. Take it easy, remember that there will be a lot of people auditioning who think they're bigger and better than everyone else and that you don't have to be one of those people. What criteria are they specifically looking at in a prospective student?
  4. [quote name='ironside1966' post='910641' date='Jul 30 2010, 08:30 PM']Bass player [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDsyF2nzMh0&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDsyF2nzMh0...feature=related[/url] Musician [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK#p/u/90/6vQa6PjEX1E"]http://www.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK#p/u/90/6vQa6PjEX1E[/url][/quote] I get your point, but actually I reckon they're both bass players until they're in a band. Then the first one will still be the bass player... and MarloweDK would be the musician that ties everyone else together.
  5. Depends on what your definition of good is and as I'm guessing you're about to find out, this is a topic no one is ever going to agree on! Here's a few ones I reckon are notable. - My Generation - The Who... John Entwhistle - Scorpio - Dennis Coffey - Bob Babbitt - Alright Now - Free - Andy Fraiser - Donnie Hathaway Live 1972 - Voices Inside (Everything Is Everything) - Willie Weeks - Do I Do - Stevie Wonder - Nathan Watts To name a few from the past few decades of popular music. In jazz there is so much more because the bass has much more free reign. That leads you on to players like Jaco Pastorius who, like him or not, was pretty much the first person to have explored the full range of what his bass could do, and then put it down as an album.
  6. No way! Nothing that is a 'feel' like funk can be taught, that's why it's called a 'feel'. It's natural, you either have it or you don't. And there is nothing worse than someone trying to be funky and just not getting it. You can get better at it though. If you listen to D'Angelo's rhythm section in this clip [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygCeBoYD9ps"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygCeBoYD9ps[/url] for example, ?uestlove and Pino just have got it, they sit on it and just groove hard. What's obvious is that it's just in them to play like that, it's not forced whatsoever. It becomes very obvious a lot of the time when I've seen some bands play that they just don't have that feel in them. [quote]Why is it whenever you look on youtube at a trade show or bass gathering ever one is a slap monster.[/quote] It's boring to me, really dull and uninteresting to watch. To me slap bass has become synonymous with over playing, and not funk. I watch these solo guys play and it's hard not to think that you sound like a hundred other different players. I still appreciate people like Marcus Miller and Victor Wooten because they're very musical, but in reality I'd much prefer to sit back and listen to Pino Palladino, Braylon Lacy, Raphael Saadiq, or Paul Jackson play with their respective artists. Listen to this 1:50 in and check out Braylon Lacy's bass section with Erykah Badu. You can't teach feel like that. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3AZaZZXg2s"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3AZaZZXg2s[/url]
  7. Liked Incognito's bass players in the past, particularly Randy Hope Taylor and Julian Crampton, but not mad on the music as much as I used to be! Still, tight band.
  8. Potassium from bananas and suppliments and sodium choride (salt) as well as good warming up. I was prone to it when I first started gigging!
  9. [quote name='witterth' post='909106' date='Jul 29 2010, 12:16 PM']Pino?? no way!!?? we all know hes' doing The Who, but Queen as well? eh? really? never knew that.[/quote] Yes, briefly. Quick bit of research and it turns out Danny Miranda (Blue Oyster Cult) played on the Queen + Paul Rogers tour.
  10. [quote name='yorick' post='909230' date='Jul 29 2010, 01:49 PM']I was in a fight in LA with a certain ginger haired singer who was in an obscure band with some top-hatted guitarist from Stoke.[/quote] That's amazing! Hahahaha Paddy McGuinness was at one of our gigs a while ago. Also supported the Beach Boys (minus the most important member, Brian Wilson) and Ace of Base last summer. Tedious? Absolutely
  11. [quote name='witterth' post='909080' date='Jul 29 2010, 12:00 PM']Oh dear, ....wake up Mr S !! oh, but.. I suppose you mean nowadays though, dont you? I think its some american session guy (name? I don't know) who fills John's shoes when they do gigs now. Paul Rodgers? (I think Fred would have approved BTW)[/quote] Pino Palladino for a time. Not sure who it is now.
  12. [quote name='Lord Sausage' post='907656' date='Jul 27 2010, 10:30 PM']Who? [/quote] I think he played with Iron Maiden for a time.
  13. [quote name='wombatboter' post='907307' date='Jul 27 2010, 04:52 PM']Funny enough I get the impression whenever I'm visiting bass-chat as a "foreigner" (I'm not from Great Britain) that in general people aren't that "proud" of McCartney (this tread is again proof) which surprises me since he's part of the British culture, if you like it or not. There are various treads which show that no one is favouring him or putting him on a pedestal (like 'favourite bassplayer" or "big influence"). I don't get the impression that he's "God" whenever I'm around here so I don't get that "fascism". He's got his fans (I'm amongst them) but not to the extreme. Actually I feel that around here (Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, etc) people are showing much more appreciation for what he's achieved (as a bass-player or as a singer) than in his own country but I could be wrong.[/quote] You're right, in fact you're bang on the money. I think people on the continent are more accepting and willing to put personality to one side and actually appreciate what McCartney has done for music. He is technically a well established figure in British popular culture and history but there is just a different attitude to music as a whole in the UK. I don't think it's as well appreciated as it is elsewhere in Europe. I visit Scandinavia often and you can't help feeling like their passion for music outweighs that of our own sometimes.
  14. [quote name='wotnwhy' post='906920' date='Jul 27 2010, 12:05 PM']Usually these sort of statements have to be taken with a pinch of salt, but having owned a Metro combo (only a 2x10 and less watts) for a few months i can say for certain that this borders on understatement! Good luck with the trade.[/quote] Thanks for the kind words wotnwhy! [quote]is this a 4 or 8 ohm xlt? how much do you want for the amp and cab???[/quote] It's an 8 ohm, but both are specifically for trade, ideally as a pair, thanks [quote]I have a EBS TD650 head in 3u flightcase, would trade for your WT800 head?[/quote] I'd be very interested in the TD650, but as with the post above I'd really be looking to trade the pair as opposed to just the one for a similar powered head and cab combo in this case.
  15. Yeh even I'm bored now. I love McCartney. If we are going to start listening to music based on the assumptions of an individual musician's personality then my record collection would consist primarily of Kylie Minogue.
  16. Hammersound Birkenhead. 0151 652 7454. Don't be fooled by the slightly awful interior of the shop. Ask for Dennis.
  17. Lee Sklar is an amazing player. So's Jimmy Johnson for that matter!
  18. You could speak to a number of pro audio shops who will be able to help. There is a superb guy near me on the Wirral that does my stuff, although I must admit it would be a bit of a hike for you to get over. Best of luck in your search.
  19. Bit of a feeler here, and by no means set in stone, just curious. Wondering if anyone out there would look at trading with me for this marvelous rig: [attachment=55067:n5154411...318_3123.jpg] [attachment=55068:n5154411...321_5392.jpg] Eden WT-800 World Tour with the classic Eden 410XLT. This thing sounds just epic. Two channels, when bridged giving you 880W @ 8Ω or single channels giving you 440W at 4Ω, and the 410XLT is an 8 ohm'er. The This is a serious monster rig which shifts the most air of any bass amp/cab combo I've used, and is equally great at quieter application also. Was looking towards maybe an Aguilar rig ideally, but I'm open to suggestions. No Ashdown, Ampeg (apart from Bluefaces) or Trace Elliott stuff, not anything against the gear but just not my bag! Open to suggestions and offers. JUST TRADES THIS TIME PLEASE, not ready to sell outright yet. I'm based in the North West. Cheers, Liam
  20. [quote name='Wil' post='906544' date='Jul 27 2010, 12:18 AM']Its been ages since I've heard that - used to listen to that album a lot when I was into hip hop. I love the drums when they pick up the pace at about 3.40![/quote] Love ?uestlove and Erykah Badu, what a tune.
  21. Nice posts... here's one of my favourite synth bass parts for your listening pleasure.
  22. [quote name='scalpy' post='906425' date='Jul 26 2010, 10:46 PM']All these people saying Macca's a bell-end as if they have to work with him. Obviously I haven't either, but I know a man who has who can't praise him enough. He has endless tales of Paul rolling his sleeves up and getting involved, never ever mentioning his wealth and giving to charity on an epic scale. For somebody to live through what he has without any semblance of precedent would put any personality to the test, and you could argue that only George got close to being truly humble about it all. Musicians as a breed are proud of what we do or we wouldn't put ourselves in the position to communicate our ideas to an audience in the first place. Paul is quite rightly proud of his accomplishments and a lesser man would be even more boastful or whatever characteristic you wish to choose to describe him. If I had played bass in the Beatles I'd probably find it a little tricky not to mention it once in a while. Musically I believe the word to describe his playing is eloquent. Always the right turn of phrase at the right time. One of the few bass players the average punter will do "air bass" to when he drops a fill in- I'm thinking "With a little help from my friends". I can't believe there's 7 pages of this stuff and I don't believe anyone's mentioned him playing and singing at the same time. There's a video from the Magical Mystery Tour period where you can see him miming away admittedly but the bass line is bang on. I must remember the song. The earlier stuff maybe more simplistic but he rips through it. And as to all this business about Entwistle and Jamerson. McCartney was doing a very different job for those songs. Most of us have played in more than one band and know that you just can't always do your thing. It's back to the right thing at the right time. The Beatles were about the lyrics, the melodies and the textures. Paul did what he needed to and considering the variety of material demonstrated an imagination way beyond what most other musicians are capable of to suit. Entwistle was effectively the lead guitarist in his band and Jamerson developed a niche for another equally fantastic way of playing, again very specific for the audience. I'm staggered that so called musicians can't recognise what McCartney has achieved, especially as in many ways he has defined commercial bass playing.[/quote] + a billion to this post. If I'd graduated a few weeks ago instead of dropping out, McCartney paid a visit to my year at LIPA and sat down one on one with a lot of my friends and listened to their music, praising a lot of it and getting really enthusiastic. I was completely gutted I wasn't there.
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' post='906203' date='Jul 26 2010, 07:04 PM']OK. I don't really move in those kinds of musical circles.[/quote] Honestly, I don't either, although I must admit as a 21 year old trying to fill a gap it pays better than work 9/5 at Tesco.
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