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Everything posted by risingson

  1. This has happened to our band as well. Doesn't it seem telling about their level of commitment? Get rid of them is probably the short and tall of it. 3 months is a long time in a band.
  2. I'm a Fender man myself, got a U.S Jazz w/rounds and an old P-Bass w/flats. Always wanted a Sadowsky but since I got back from Rudy's NYC I've wanted one of these: F-Bass BN5! Don't know many 21 year olds with £2000 lying around though, which is what I need
  3. [quote name='Lenny B' post='835270' date='May 12 2010, 01:40 PM']+1 on The Steve Berry Trio album too, but I haven't heard it in along time as my vinyl player is packed away. I pass by Steve's house nearly everyday and had the pleasure of lessons from him back in 1993 ish. Superb player and top bloke. I had lessons from Steve in 96/97 - Superb player and top bloke indeed![/quote] Steve is a marvelous and truly inspirational character, I got lessons from him at Uni and he completely turns your head inside out with his ideas on music and really gets you thinking, not to mention being one of the most phenomenal musicians I've ever met.
  4. I have had the same problem in the past, my hand would actually seize up to the point where the rest of the band are looking at me wondering what I'm doing because I'd stopped playing. Before warming up you would need to address the cause of your cramp first... no point warming up only to get cramp again. Usually it's a lack of sodium, you could try supplements to help you overcome this. Drinking at gigs should also be avoided, one of my major downfalls in the past but something I no longer do. Then stretch. Scales and arpeggios help, break them up, starting mid-way up the neck, for example on a C major scale on the 8th fret of your E string (if you were to start lower down the neck then you'd be stretching your hand too far to begin with, it's better not to stretch so far too quickly). Mundane and perhaps a little boring but it works well for me. You need to get both your hands working. Progress and work all the way round the neck, it will vastly improve your dexterity during gigs as well. Set aside at least 20 minutes before you go on stage to do this I would say adjust your strap if you wear it too low as well. It might look more rock and roll but I've always found this to be bad practice, it places unnecessary strain on the wrists. I don't claim to be an expert but this sort of stuff has helped me overcome cramp in the past.
  5. [quote name='edstraker123' post='873080' date='Jun 20 2010, 10:38 PM']Completely disagree - of the 3 main music shops in Liverpool I've found Dolphin to be miles ahead of the other two in terms of customer service. Granted they don't have a great bass section but I've always found the staff in Dawsons to be incompetent and Curly's to be arrogant whereas in Dolphin they are always really helpful. You never pay the price on the ticket either if you ask them how much they can do the goods for. Curly has improved of late in terms of the gear they are now stocking.[/quote] This is fair enough. I actually find all three to be questionably priced and stocked, I'm a guitar player as well and find this to be the case. I remember a while back Curly's had a beautiful second hand late 80's Stingray for sale with a nice birdseye maple neck for a steal, the guy let me play it basically all day, it was one of the best Rays I've ever heard. But I hear differing opinions all the time from the stores in Liverpool. I personally now don't shop at any of them really.
  6. [quote name='Doddy' post='871791' date='Jun 19 2010, 03:21 PM']Actually, Louis Johnson is credited as playing 'electric bass' on "P.Y.T.",although it is definetly doubled on synth.[/quote] Louis played the slap passage in the middle 8, the rest was entirely Greg Phillinganes on synth bass. Great bass line
  7. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='871609' date='Jun 19 2010, 11:25 AM']Althought this will go in the "For Sale" section shortly, I am selling my Stingray 5 if anyone is interested, it's in absolute mint condtns, had it from new in 2002, not even a scratch to it, as I keep all my instruments mint. Translucent Red on ash body with nice visible wood texture, maple neck, original MM case and all the trimmings. gives us a pm if interested.[/quote] That's a beauty! Would you consider a Fender Jazz Bass and an X-Box 360 as a trade?? Haha
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='871730' date='Jun 19 2010, 02:16 PM']I spent the last 8 years with the Ernie Ball mate and I still love it dont get me wrong but it took all of 3 minutes of hearing a pre EB through someone elses amp etc to realise the pre sounds better.I think Im wishing I had gone for a 2 band when I purchased the EB but I was a lot younger then and I presumed more is better but it looks as though that is not always the case? Theres a lot of love for the 2 band out there which remains true to the original simple circuit I have in my pre whereas the 3 band has a modern green pcb.I might even swap it and keep all the 3 band bits safe if a cheap 2 band control plate comes my way.What is your experience with the sounds of a pre most people that say they prefer the newer ones have never heard a pre EB. [/quote] It's all opinion, isn't it. I have played some really nice pre-EB's and a lot of great newer models (including a lovely one in Stockholm the other day). I must say having played a friend's old 1978 it sounded quite awful, but there were some dreadful issues with the electronics that he was too lazy to sort out (all the gear, no idea). There really is no right and wrong here, only preference.
  9. [quote name='basshead56' post='871600' date='Jun 19 2010, 11:10 AM']Yeah. Not saying Mr Mounfield is fantastically gifted, but I have always loved hs Stone Roses sound. Some of the stuff is simple, but great nonetheless.[/quote] +1, Mani grooves hard and is severely underrated.
  10. I started out listening to Stuart Zender from Jamiroquai, but now my favourites are: James Jamerson Nathan Watts Pino Palladino Anthony Jackson Paul McCartney Bakithi Kumalo Chuck Rainey Jaco Pastorius Braylon Lacy Paul Turner Louis Johnson Freddie Washington Bernard Edwards Stevie Wonder and Greg Phillinganes's left hands respectively on Stevie's and Michael Jackon's records It's hard to choose! I'm only 21, but I listen more to records without notable bass players (or no bass players at all, synth bass a lot).
  11. I like a lot of synth bass parts that aren't played on bass at all. 'P.Y.T' and 'All I Do' by Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder respectively. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9Pa41KJjM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9Pa41KJjM[/url] [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='871045' date='Jun 18 2010, 07:01 PM']I really like the bass sound on [url="http://vimeo.com/201778"]this[/url]. It's compressed to destruction but strangely... good.[/quote] Gaspard from Justice does a lot of his own bass. You'll like this, check it out from 3:16 in: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nWnLxYzuBE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nWnLxYzuBE[/url]
  12. [quote name='Shambo' post='870759' date='Jun 18 2010, 01:23 PM']Dolphin is overpriced and rubbish for bass guitarists IMO. Didn't the Liverpool store have a Classic Vibe Jazz up for about £450 the other day? Same bass in a store not twenty yards away for £320... Who are they kidding?[/quote] This I couldn't agree more with, overpriced, terrible stock and inexperienced/poorly informed staff as well (despite knowing two members of staff that have previously worked there, who couldn't stand the job anyway). I only ever pop in every few months to see if they've cleaned up their act. Dawsons is very much the same. Curlys across the road provides a nice service but don't provide a good level of professional gear, although this is just my opinion.
  13. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='869956' date='Jun 17 2010, 03:24 PM']I've never got on with them, the necks feel too chunky to me and they tend to have quite obvious dead spots. Keep meaning to try a Sterling but I've still never even seen one.[/quote] Never tried a Stingray with 'obvious' deadspots, I would argue with this particular point. I don't think how a bass plays is contingent on whether it's a Stingray or any other brand, it's either been a good setup or not IMO. burno70, was it the LTD edition Stingray Bass with the mint green/powder blue finish? Because if it was I'll be over to Dolphin like a shot!
  14. Love, love Brian Eno and actually it's an interesting take on a tune that would otherwise to my mind be un-coverable. I like the production of it as well, the bass is too far out in the mix though for my tastes (but I guess that's the point). Not something in reality I would ever find myself listening to though, it's just not my thing
  15. Yeh this does seem like an old thread but it's interesting, my favourite slap tones have always come from the likes of Freddie Washington, and more recently Alex Al as well. I like Marcus's tone but I think he's become a bit of a parody of himself... I like his playing but I could see how he might be assumed as a one trick pony. If this were true of course he wouldn't have got any of the session work in the past. The guy is a monster player. I'm not a huge slap player myself, but I have noticed that the bass if often not as important to creating a good slap sound. I hate the slap sound from my Eden rig but I loved slapping through an EBS rig I gigged out recently, and it took a lot less effort to coax a decent slap sound from it (no time at all in fact). [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='783948' date='Mar 23 2010, 09:34 PM']Well, more to the point there were other more palatable slap sounds - Larry Graham, Louis Johnson, Norwood Fisher, etc. Less of the ear-splitting treble content that Marcus likes to injure his listeners with.[/quote] It's funny you mention Marcus having an ear-splitting sound and then you say Louis Johnson has a more palatable tone. To be honest it boils down to opinion, but Louis Johnson used a murderous amount of treble and had a much less controlled slap sound. I love his playing and tone all the same, but I think it's pointless arguing something that you're probably aware isn't true. Sorry to unearth an old post! Just my two pence.
  16. Mark's a right gent to deal with! The P-Bass is sounding huge, if I had anymore money I'd snap this up in a second! Good luck with the sale.
  17. Heard the Spotify advert for this particular album... went something along the lines of "Plan B - the gritty update to Marvin Gaye and Curtis Mayfield". That alone made me want to hit my head against the wall. Not a great fan but agreed... some rather cool bass lines.
  18. Playing non-stop in Sweden for most of the summer it's great over there! Supposedly supporting Steppenwolf!
  19. I'd have the shell pink Jazz please. Takes a real man to play a pink bass!
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' post='862552' date='Jun 9 2010, 07:53 PM']I realised the past few months that you can get an awesome motown thump from a Stingray 2 or 3 band EQ. The key? Careful EQing, fingerstyle, and if you want to go the full hog, flats [/quote] Ohhhh yes Just got back from Stockholm, played a rather lovely Ray over there with a stupendously great tone... it's got me itching for one.
  21. Agh, I really love MM's but the clip is one of the reasons I'd always think twice about buying into one... to me it sounds way too top-heavy, and pretty clicky, I don't find that there is much depth to the sound of this particular clip, and for what I'm doing I think it would get lost in the mix. It serves it's purpose, but it's not my thing. Then again, horses for courses... I love my P-Bass with flatwound strings but i guess again it's just not for everyone.
  22. They look great, and I badly want one now, but I think the asking price is completely insane for what is essentially a standard Stingray. Just my opinion though.
  23. With my Jazz I usually like a lot of low end, with a little boost in mid/high mids. I don't like a lot of top end at all,it sounds wrong to my ears, and I never slap much anyway. Recently acquired a P-Bass as well so I put flatwounds on it and it sounds huge with my Eden rig, but it only works on certain R&B stuff, not so much on others. I'd basically play it for every gig we ever did otherwise.
  24. [url="http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?f=data_fender_japan_new_guitars&a=2"]http://www.guitaremporium.co.uk/index.php?...guitars&a=2[/url] I think this guy stocks some good stuff, although I've noticed a marked increase in the prices recently. Nice selection of P's and Jazzes!
  25. Yep. Load of nonsense! Opinion is one thing, bandwagoning is another
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