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Everything posted by risingson

  1. [quote name='Antiloco' timestamp='1360217997' post='1966768'] That's a pretty shallow statement but hey, whatever makes you happy. [/quote] You're a gem, aren't you! Bobbass4k is of course bang on the money here, this kind of dynamic cannot go on forever and if you're unable to describe Coltrane as 'entertaining' it's most likely because you're being obtuse for the sake of it. Let previous arguments go and enjoy the music, it's far easier than trying to make some kind of protracted two-day long point about why we should or shouldn't be entertained by the music we love. Coltrane's a master.
  2. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1360162326' post='1965907'] You do realise giving these kids headless basses or ones with one too many necks is just going to trauamtise them don't you [/quote] Haha
  3. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1360108324' post='1965104'] And you are? [/quote] No one IBTL.
  4. [quote name='Inti' timestamp='1360108087' post='1965099'] I asked for this thread o be deleted. I really don't feel like sharing anything with you right now, not after being criticized by people like uncle psychosis and after hearing his band. It gives quite a good picture of the kind of people who likes talking about art as entertainment. Cheers. [/quote] Looking forward to seeing to hamming it up on the Southbank Show sometime, Melvyn Bragg will be quaking in his boots trying to comprehend your mind of sheer musical genius. Hopefully us poor sods might learn a thing or two!
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1360107694' post='1965090'] This thread is awesome! What's it about? [/quote] Dummies, prams, stuff getting thrown etc. The BC usual!
  6. Want to join in the experiment but sold all my psychedelic effects when I decided to go with just a lead in between the bass and my amp! I can get on with Discreet's avatar providing he's the only one who goes 'fractal' on us, any more might well blow my mind.
  7. Great playing and that, not my thing at all but I can appreciate that real thought has gone into it and I can definitely appreciate it. Unfortunately I find your ideas concerning what constitutes entertainment and music to be fairly naive, and actually that would be putting it politely, misguided might be a little closer to what I really think. Furthermore you're devaluing the idea that entertainment can be art (which of course it can) and by extension probably alienating yourself from more than a few people on this forum who will pride themselves on being able to entertain whilst maintaining artistic integrity, myself included. You seem to be unable to accept the criticism being offered to you by numerous people. Whilst you might find this kind of criticism irritating, your replies have read as condescending and pretty arrogant. As a musician that chooses to post his music up onto a forum like this, it's perhaps worth learning the humbling lesson that your ego has to be prepared to take a few knocks here and there, regardless of how ignorant or misinformed you suppose said critics to be. You put the video into the public domain, so however unpalatable it may be for you, you will have to accept that people will want to have their say.
  8. There was a guy from Proship who contacted us about playing a number of cruises, the last one he asked about was from Rome to Rio but we never did it as it was quite a big undertaking and it was right over the Christmas period a few years back. Can't remember his name, a Canadian guy, really very nice. Loads of people I know have worked with them and enjoyed it, got to see the world, got to play etc. Best of luck with it is all I can say!
  9. I can't remember the last time I properly heard a bassist slap in modern music, be it top 40 stuff or alternative and underground. It turns my stomach when I have to listen to demos of basses being slapped to excess, almost always around an E pentatonic because that's all that has been practiced in.
  10. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1360003149' post='1963398'] My suggestion.... be more verbious in your PM's find out what music the fella plays, what he plays currently and so on. Not only is it nice chatting to folk and friendly but it also lets you work out the idiots from the non idiots. [/quote] That's a really good idea.
  11. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out who the timewasters are but unlike in your case I've not been so unlucky with people faffing me around. As a rule of thumb I'm much happier working with the members that have a good selling history and also a bit of a history on the forum, it's a good means of getting the measure of who you're dealing with. Transactions of the past have been almost without fault, and for that I am eternally grateful to this forum. It's excellent.
  12. It's jealousy, largely. The idea that you're able to put yourself up there in front of an audience seems to force some of the more insecure members of said audience to face up to the fact that they could never, ever do what you do because they're far too talentless and devoid of personality. With that in mind, you can play on and play up. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1359812456' post='1960627'] jesus thats awful really sad to hear sadly the cynic in me thinks there may be more to this than the news report is saying people don't just randomly get abducted but yeh in comparison i got off pretty lightly [/quote] Some folk bands in Mexico sing songs about the drug cartels, they're known as 'Narcocorridos'. They obviously like sailing a little too close to the wind as it's fairly unwise to taunt the same people who will routinely kidnap and murder people in large quantities.
  13. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1359827010' post='1960888'] seriously? I am, like many others here, in both Talkbass and Basschat. In Basschat since 2010 and in Talkbass since 2007. By far this is the friendliest of the two. There are great people over at TB, but there is more of a sycophantic attitude when it comes to "respected long standing members", and a more aggressive discussion where opinion and fact are often treated as one and the same. I can only think that if someone starts here and as a newbie has "bad experiences" it's probably down to their attitude. Some people come here guns blazing (inti, where are you? ) and then get upset that people here don't like their attitude. My observation here is that if you are cool and treat people respectfully here, you get treated the same way. Oh, and mods are not some kind of power hungry wanna be policemen over here. Like I said, I am still on TB, but I only check it once in a while. I don't really like it there that much, but it's big and it can be a good source of information, if you are well equipped to filter the crap (like in any other forum, really). [/quote] This is a much, much friendlier place than TB, without question, the mod and admin team over here are considerably better too and have way more patience in dealing with things. TB seems to be populated by fads and half-truths largely, although the second thing can be an issue here too people on the whole seem a little more open-minded. I have no experience with buying on TB so I can't comment but this is by far the best trading post for basses that I can think of that I've used on the internet.
  14. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1359723318' post='1959366'] In most flats/rounds threads, I very seldom come across people who claim to like both. [/quote] Love 'em both, use 'em both although I can't do a whole gig with a bass strung with flats as there isn't any replicating a roundwound sound with a flatwound string, at least not for me. The other way round I find it easier to get close to a flatwound sound with a roundwound string, but there will always be something missing.
  15. Fairly certain BRX will be along in a second to say that you're only as old as you feel, which is kind of what I think as well - even though I'm 23! If you like the bass and have got the money then get it, it's a cool looking instrument.
  16. Anthony Jackson always cites Jack Casady as bringing roundwounds into fashion, at least partially. Guess Entwhistle will have helped eventually when he did the old switcharoo as well. Most bass players and producers were too worried about them sounding too much like guitars.
  17. [quote name='nobody's prefect' timestamp='1359590937' post='1957374'] Chaka Khan is pretentious metal these days? Andrew Gouche is one of the hardest grooving cats you'll [i]ever [/i]hear and he mostly plays an MTD 635... [/quote] He and Anthony Jackson are slight rarities nowadays though mostly because it has become far, far more popular to play 4 strings again, mostly because of Pino I reckon. I have nothing against good 6 string players but I'm convinced that most people will roll their eyes at the sight of one still.
  18. [quote name='matski' timestamp='1359647822' post='1958198'] Nick Fyffe: ex-Jamiroquai. Some of his basslines are easily up there with Staurt Zender's and Paul Turner's. [/quote] Dare say there would be a few die hard Zender fans that would kill you for saying that! I liked Nick's playing, doesn't touch Zender for me personally but he was and is still a great player.
  19. Absolutely delighted playing bass! Couldn't have picked a better instrument for me, although I do play guitar as well.
  20. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1359615550' post='1957475'] Jeff Pocaro [/quote] Great shout! Would love to play with Sting. Drummer wise, Steve Jordan, Keith Carlock and Abe Laboriel Jr. would be amazing guys to play with.
  21. Never really owned anything really terrible since I bought my first Fender Jazz about 10 years ago. Had a bit of a dog of a P-Bass, looked amazing, played like an old 60's P which I personally loved but the electronics were totally shitted and the coil wrap in the pup was broken and intermittently cut in and out. Fixed it up fine and got rid.
  22. As has been said a million times before, literally, your playing and your overall musical identity rapidly overtakes any tonal characteristics of bass, amp and all the variables unless you're really going at it with effects or extreme differences in EQ etc. I have never actively purchased a bass guitar or amp based on the hope that I might define my own sound or 'tone', I just buy what I think sounds nice, or rather what I hope I can make sound nice in a band or studio environment. I'm just very aware that from venue to venue and from studio to studio or whatever, my sound is going to vary uncontrollably so by extension trying to evolve a specific sound too much is kind of a waste of my time.
  23. I'm such a sucker for this kind of stuff. Sunburst for me please!
  24. This, in its entirety, at the most rundown, smallest pub we could possibly get a gig at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz8iEJeh26E
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