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Everything posted by risingson

  1. When we go away to Sweden it's practically encouraged at outdoor festivals. I won't ever get battered in any case and to be totally honest it accounts for a tiny proportion of my gigging calendar.
  2. How to play with a pick, I count Macca, Carol Kaye, Joe Osborn and Anthony Jackson responsible for really opening my mind! Pino opened my mind to playing out of A through to C or even D on the E string higher up the neck, to make for nice access to more melodic passages on the D and G string without drastically shifting position. Jamerson taught me how to nice it is to play out of F using open strings as stepping stones to get to places, Chuck Rainey did this too and took it even further really, using open notes outside of the key and relying on the listener to have a forgiving ear.
  3. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1358696148' post='1943480'] It all starts with your hands. [/quote] +1, that's a lot of what I believe too.
  4. I love my Stingray 5, it fills out a surprising amount and is plenty authoritative, I should imagine for metal playing it would suit very much.
  5. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1358612625' post='1942208'] My thoughts would be that you aren't in need of an effect for this. It would be better to develop bass lines that support the song and fill any holes your guitarist can't cover (if indeed the holes need filling - sometimes less is more). [/quote] Agreed with this. Check out Pino Palladino playing in the John Mayer Trio with Steve Jordan on kit if you've not seen them already. He has a way of really holding together everything between the drums and Mayer's screaming lead parts that would make you think he's everywhere at once but without crowding the place sonically. I should imagine in your position this could potentially be a lot of fun!
  6. [quote name='alstocko' timestamp='1358443516' post='1939326'] Fodera and Class D (tc electronic, epifani etc.) Pretty much all the bass virtuoso's in fusion are using this setup. [/quote] I don't know if it counts when those kinds of people will be paid (or at least get for free) the class-D's!
  7. [quote name='Ian Savage' timestamp='1358603554' post='1942024'] Well, they don't have songwriting credits on any of their output, which is a pretty big clue... [/quote] Recently heard an interview with them saying that they've not had involvement in any writing yet but plan to. That's nothing new, no one at Motown did for example, but then I guess the craft was a million times better. Subjective though I suppose, as far as them being the hardest working band in the UK, it is of course a totally mad statement set to infuriate almost every independent and hard-working group of musicians that still toil and slave around the country in a beaten up Transit and less than 30p in their pocket.
  8. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1358601460' post='1941967'] Years ago when Tony (the man Pino is doing this session for) lived in Belgium I got a call to do a gig with him so I had to learn all the Pino-licks from the excellent live cd "Naked Flame". I did my best but I got fired :-) (I heard an excuse that I was unable to give energy on stage because I combined gigs with a daytime job... maybe I would have preferred that I just wasn't good enough, there's nothing wrong with saying the truth, I can handle it :-)). [/quote] Humbling story, seems a shame in some ways as you're obviously established enough as a player to get the call, you'd think that if they were after a Pino clone then they should have simply phoned a Pino clone!
  9. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1358553295' post='1941488'] They hate him over on TB [/quote] They hate everything over on TB! Fortunately large quantities of the forum consist of hobbyists with a seemingly low interest in actual music, I'd like to think this forum is a bit better in this respect. I was joking of course in my last post, I know very little about his playing but he certainly has influenced a lot of people of a younger generation to pick up bass which as far as I'm concerned is a wonderful thing.
  10. Saw Derrick McKenzie posted this the other day, great stuff!
  11. Have to watch this later as I'm in work, but he's the king as far as I'm concerned. And what a guy!
  12. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1358545906' post='1941351'] He's not a master of his instrument. He might have some good stories to tell. That's not a masterclass. [/quote] Case closed then.
  13. What an amazing way to go out, I'll be trying for tickets with my dad I reckon.
  14. I think he and Peter Hook should both be chucked down a well together
  15. risingson


    Lovely bass Ash. For the rest of you lot, Ash is a real gent to deal with! Great price on a really cool bass, reminds me a bit of Lee Sklar's double P.
  16. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1358375347' post='1938293'] Apologies to his fans, but he's an extremely average player that happened to be in a successful band. [/quote] Seems like you've not started this thread for debate but rather to spark some kind of argument, gain a reaction and to pass off your own opinion as fact. With this aside, BRX said it all in post number #3: [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]He developed a style and pretty much made it his own. IMO he's got a whole load more musical personality than a lot of the players with "killer chops" that get raved about on here.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Providing he's actually entertaining and informative on the day, then its more than enough reason for him to be doing it.[/font][/color][/quote]
  17. That is unbelievably cool.
  18. [size=4]"...[font=arial, sans-serif]if you give me a tuba[/font][font=arial, sans-serif], I'll bring you something out of it." -- John Lennon[/font][/size]
  19. Great guitar player, he nailed the tune. Brutal honesty though, I thought it was tame and when he got to the verse the thing totally deflated. For this kind of thing to work you've got to be able to embellish on an existing song for it to work and he didn't, not close. That was more like watching a good counterfeiter at work with some skills with a guitar, there was no music there to be spoken of as such. Better than the original? Nah!
  20. No zing?? God, mine's got loads. In fact I've never had problem getting top end out of any Stingray I've ever played, even under the most difficult circumstances that preamp [u]will[/u] give you splitting treble if you crank it. Markbass stuff I've tried and gigged has sometimes had a 'muted' top end to its natural sound I've noticed.
  21. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358165527' post='1933965'] Wichita Lineman is one of my all time favourite songs and lyrics. Should be a good doc this. Thanks for the nod. [/quote] +1, incredible songwriting and production!
  22. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1358167454' post='1934023'] No, he is trying to develop a market I think. He makes a living as a musician so I don't think he's got it far wrong, it's a different type of business model. [/quote] Factor into that that he's unlikely to make money from selling his own music and I think it's absolutely fine what he's doing, absolute standard practice.
  23. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1358150695' post='1933719'] I always thought that he was just a 4 string payer? I don't recall seeing any 5 string tabs. What would I know! I love that early Jamiroquai stuff though [/quote] I would say if anything he was primarily a 5 string player during the time he was with Jamiroquai. Don't trust tabs at all, they are usually incredibly misleading and usually wrong!
  24. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1357998228' post='1931585'] The first time I saw Jamiroquai play there was a Warwick Thumb NT on a stand that didn't get used in the set, so he had one of those too. You can see him play it on the When Are You Gonna Learn video. [/quote] Not saying it won't have been his as it well could have been but Andrew Levy from the Brand New Heavies owned a Thumb around that time, probably even played it on When You Gonna Learn so I guess it's possible it could have been borrowed by Stuart as I've never heard of him using one, nor has he ever mentioned it in interview. Also possible Warwick might have leant him one too.
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