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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Well he's managed to slay one of my all time favourite bass parts in that first vid, although I can't care too much because he's only having fun, probably not taking himself as seriously as we think he is.
  2. You mean the thing where you play all the strings at once and it shows them up which ones are in tune and which ones aren't? The big one doesn't do that on bass either. Tl be quite honest it's completely hit or miss on guitar too! Bit gimicky if you ask me, but overall it's a really great tuner and I love mine.
  3. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1354830001' post='1891098'] I don't care what a 14 year old would think. I just don't inhabit that world. Toughen-up sonny, life aint kind. Sorry, I'm just not standing for this crap where people come on and ask for this nonsense Jealousy, bitterness? well of course, I'm an adult, so I'm riddled with it. But I don't look for others endorsement of it. [/quote] I agree that the premise of the thread is rubbish, but younger generations have the right to explore music without getting hounded. And if you're riddled with jealousy and bitterness then give some thought to if you had a son or daughter of this age, who knows, maybe you do. The trial by fire thing is total bollocks and no, I won't endorse it, it's a shame it is entertained in this context at all.
  4. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1354826542' post='1891046'] Bring this Sprog before me when he has walked in the Desert for a while and I might survey his work. [/quote] That's the attitude that I DON'T agree with whatsoever. This kind of remark would have crushed me when I was 14 years old, luckily now I'm a bit older and understand that youngsters have the right to enjoy the right to play music without older generations stifling and critiquing their musicianship every step of the way with the 'walk the desert' talk. The part of this thread that I disagree with is the format at which he is being presented to me, frankly I think it's a massive downer when I see comments like this one. Whether it's jealousy or bitterness I don't know.
  5. Ooh, Osborn's bass tone, lovely! The rest of it, well... he's only 14. He can grow into music like we all do eventually. I'd encourage any young person who shows a talent for music, but then the video or his music isn't the thing I take issue with here.
  6. Inclined to agree with the rant, not trying to put the boot in either. I'm glad the lad has done well, best of luck to him and to his future tutoring with an all time great but the biggest lesson Joe Osborn can offer this lad is hard work can pay off big time, flash in the pan competitions on FB mean squat. Wish him all the best though.
  7. Did a very good deal for my Stingray 5 with our very own Gusto recently, the bass is almost brand spanking new and it's the 2010 model with the filtered series mode coil tap which was a bit of a revelation for me as I don't use my Ray for the brutal highs that it can be known for! Really happy with it, and yes I've spotted one or two absolute steals in the FS section recently.
  8. Probably have been 'lowballed' once or twice during my time selling on this site, I just work on the principle that I can easily decline these kinds of offers without taking too much offence and just keep on holding out for the person that's willing to pay a little closer to what I'm looking for. It's better to be aware that this is the Internet, people will act like they're not talking to you person to person. Just IMO.
  9. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1354792829' post='1890371'] Actually, Macca was not always on bass, a lot of bass was played by Harrison and a lesser extent by Lennon [/quote] Definitely, but I kind of meant that if he hasn't have been around then a lot of songs wouldn't have gotten written and there wouldn't have been tracks for the bass to have been played on! Most bass players are replaceable, exceptions are the ones with the really strong musical and sonic personalities within the band they play in.
  10. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1354752319' post='1890138'] Jamiroquai [/quote] They've had 8 bass players and counting! The Beatles are probably top of the list, they literally would have been screwed without Macca in many senses.
  11. Good gravy! Too much info, as long as the strings that I buy sound and feel good then quite frankly that's all I'm interested in. I really don't have the capacity to understand the kind of stuff you're talking about.
  12. [quote name='TomRichards' timestamp='1354551011' post='1887242'] And for those who I offended with my X-Factor and Idol quote. Sorry. Wasn't my intention. Bothers me that people here ate it up too. [/quote] I wasn't offended, confused more than anything as the X-Factor and Idol have been massive both sides of the pond! My original post might have made me seem like a bit of a cock, and fair enough I probably was. But I've seen loads of threads like this one, your intentions sound good but I'm not convinced that I know what I'd be voting for so I'm not compelled to cast any vote, let alone join various FB pages that I don't know anything about.
  13. Must admit my new Ray 5 took a bit of getting used to, the neck feels little 'unfinished' having just come straight from playing my Lakland. But I like it and I can get on with it. As for Sterling Ball, to be quite honest from what I've heard and read of him he sounds like he's on some kind of mad power trip.
  14. [quote name='TomRichards' timestamp='1354487774' post='1886662'] Because it is a Social media based contest, it's no different then those two pieces of rubbish, X Factor and UK Idol, [b]that you exported here. [/b] [/quote] I'm guessing you think that response to your thread has been less than favourable, but try and avoid tarring a forum full of bass players from being solely responsible for an export that has been as equally well received in your home country as it has in ours. Not the greatest of moves!
  15. Looks like a great way to improve left hand dexterity! I love exercises like this, they get me sufficiently warmed up before gigging with just the right amount of stretching in the left hand without being ridiculously strenuous.
  16. ^^ In one. Joe Osborn is a living bass legend and a hero, but I don't know squat about his student and don't feel like I should have to jump through the necessary Facebook hoops to land him some opportunity that has been explained to me vaguely at best. Sorry if this seems uncaring in anyway, but I simply don't know or care enough to follow the links any further, I'm guessing a lot of other people will feel the same way.
  17. [quote name='Angel' timestamp='1354437572' post='1885855'] No way is it decided before. You could never get away with that when the public are paying to vote. The S*** really hit the fan a few years ago when they figured that 'some' people voted and they weren't counted on some shows. I don't watch the show, but I have seen Jahmene's first audition and I have to say that I loved it. Not sure what else he's done though. [/quote] I think (rather, I'm convinced) it is decided, but rather than them manipulating phone votes which is completely illegal, they will manipulate everything else aside from the voting.
  18. I was made to watch this last night by by girlfriend, also last week's episode too. I had to leave the room a couple of times to avoid me spouting off about the lack of quality of essentially all of the acts and what they'd been made to dress up in, but that Jahmene guy really can't hold a note. Considering the show will have some of the best vocal coaches in the industry working for them, they could have at least done something about his catastrophic pitching, after all he's at least got a bit of a voice to work with.
  19. Sounds really cool, Lee Sklar playing obviously helps of course! Is it just me or does he have a tendency to endorse everything under the sun nowadays??
  20. Strange, I've replied to your post, but above the post I was replying to
  21. Pretty much the sole reason I picked up the bass instead of guitar was because I thought it was infinitely cooler than the latter. I had the choice of either, ease of play or relegation didn't even come into it. I now play both regularly.
  22. Interesting, cheers although I'm sure I've played basses that were swamp ash that very very heavy, but who knows! It's easy to get lost in semantics with instrument specs, what's important at the end of it is how good the thing sounds and plays.
  23. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1354198668' post='1883436'] My interest is more than just academic in so much as I am looking at buying a Jazz Bass and am weighing up my options regarding body woods . The problem is one of weight as well as tone as I dont like very heavy basses , and if I go for a bass made of swamp ash there is more of a chance of ending up with a bass that is lighter in weight , but alder is what I am most familiar with and I know it gives a good all -round tone , generally speaking . I like my basses to have a bit of heft to the sound , and a lot of modern basses sound a bit too polite for my tastes nowadays , and whereas I know that there are many factors ( pickuops ect . ) that can influence the complexion of the final sound , the wood is surely where it starts . Get that choice right and you have hopefully got half a chance of ending up with a decent sounding bass . So my conservative side says alder , but ash would be lighter and might sound just as good or better . I've got to make my mind up soon , so I welcome anybodys input on what I should choose and why . My main cocnern is whether lightweight ash will sound as powerful and as forthright as alder in the midrange . [/quote] I'm not sure about ash being the lighter option. My old Lakland DJ 4 had an ash body and was nice and light, but my current bass (a Stingray 5) is weighty. Very weighty, and whilst I'm aware that this is a Stingray trait I've also owned another ash P-Bass that again had a very heavy body. It might well be luck of the draw, a case of trying out a few instruments. Whilst I'm saying that ash sounds like this and that, I'm more keen on just using my ears to judge what sounds good. Fairly certain I've played alder basses that sound aggressive as well as ones that sounded mellow, pickups, preamps, build quality, a lot of stuff to take on board. One thing I am confident about is that the weight of an instrument to my ears indicates little if anything at all to with what it's going to sound like. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1354203370' post='1883550'] When I had my Sei bass made I wasn't really bothered what woods Martin used so long as they looked nice and the bass ended up sounding how I wanted. [/quote] +1, this is the framework I'd work to when getting a new instrument.
  24. Too many threads on whether or not body wood makes a difference, that's not I'm sure what the OP had in mind. It's getting boring. Personally I think I hear a difference in body woods, although what do I know! I prefer ash bodied jazz basses, they do seem to have a bit less of a low-mid that you get with alder IMEO (in my ears's opinion). Prefer alder in P-Basses. I've owned both and both are great.
  25. Looks like a lovely bass, I've never played a bad Sandberg and I'd love to own one. Congrats!
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