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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Played here in Sweden last night, just come over for the weekend. A good few hundred people at the warehouse venue, but the guy we'd been working with who was organising the event has been famously bad at providing us in the past with some of the worst backline I've ever had the misfortune of performing with, so I turned up a little worried. I shouldn't have, as he'd gone from the sublime to the ridiculous and gotten me an 8x10 Mesa Boogie cab and a Big Block 750, plus 2 Mesa rigs for the guitar players and a decent Gretsch kit for our drummer and a Nord for our keys player. Absolutely mental FOH setup as well, obviously he'd finally paid a bit of attention! Cool gig all in all, if a little surreal. The weather is absolutely bitter too, dropped to -3 during the gig - luckily inside it was nice and warm.
  2. [quote name='phsycoandy' timestamp='1351111817' post='1847601'] If i knew how to put some iphone vids up I would but probably to howls of derision! [/quote] Rubbish! Just do it, everyone has different tastes on here and you should be able to enjoy what you want
  3. There can be little doubt that Muse put on a cracking live show. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
  4. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1351316184' post='1849977'] Anything above and beyond a bolt standard P bass is just for boy racers really isnt it [/quote] My thoughts exactly!
  5. Not contributed to this at all yet. I'm yet to come across a bass that I truly hate or can't get along with in at least some way. There are a number of basses I can't stand the look of or that play like total dogs, but appearances can be deceiving and I've learnt better than to judge a book by its cover... I tried a very old Hofner Clubman at a store in Switzerland last week that had strings a good inch off of the neck due to a nasty bowing problem, but it sounded out of this world.
  6. Really well written stuff, tasteful string arrangements. very nice matey
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351106546' post='1847501'] You are Royal-Albert-Hall-Sepia-Indie-ElectroProg [/quote] Definitely telling the boys this one! Best description of our music I've heard yet
  8. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1351087963' post='1847157'] What kind of music is it? Not having an internet connection at home is killing me! I've started a list of things I need to listen to/watch once I'm back connected to the outside world. [/quote] Hard to say really! We're pretty harmony-led, or at least I'd like to think so, but I guess there's elements of progressive, electronic with this one too. Overall we're 'Rock' though.
  9. [quote name='Oscar South' timestamp='1351093019' post='1847255'] Saw em in Liverpool earlier in the year, they're SPECTACULAR. Touring in the UK again in November [/quote] In Parr St? So did I! Amazing gig.
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1351084353' post='1847093'] I just don`t like them on Precisions. I find that they "de-Precision" a Precision, by tightening the lows, crsiping the highs, and removing some mids. Now put them on a Jazz, and all that, to my ears, makes a Jazz better. And yes, my plan is to sell, so I`ll have a look see what they go for on here, and first refusal is yours (with bren a close second ) [/quote] Cheers Loz!
  11. Out of interest, why are you looking to be rid of the Badass bridge? And if you get round to selling it could you let me know
  12. It's the day you invest yourself into properly learning your instrument, you don't have to be a competent player, just a passionate one!
  13. Totally unaware of such a thread, could you point me in the direction here? EDIT found it! What a wonderful idea, I'm too busy to get anything together but I'll certainly check out the entries.
  14. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1351022472' post='1846393'] My pleasure mate. Not enough people listen to music on Basschat IMHO, or watch eachothers' videos for that matter. We are like everyone else in that unfamiliar music takes effort to listen to, most people can't be bothered. I try to listen as much as I can, and comment. Really good music from BC members deserves our attention and promotion. [/quote] A great attitude to have, I totally agree! Thank you
  15. Thank you so much for those kind words Silddx, very flattering indeed! And yes, anyone can add music to Spotify. I'm unaware of the ins and outs of it all as I wasn't the one to deal with putting it on iTunes, Spotify etc. but there are aggregators that will allow you to upload to multiple music outlets.
  16. Is now available on Spotify for all to have a listen. I'd love some feedback from you BC'ers out there, do let me know what you think of it all! http://open.spotify.com/track/7F8IGjaJScoHERD9rM3QnA
  17. The thing that amazes me most (and I'm guessing a lot of other people out there too) is that it would outwardly appear like he has little to no technical or musical constraints on his instrument. Quite remarkable musician!
  18. Nope, can't stand 'em personally! Always use standard 45-105's. But it's whatever feels best for you.
  19. [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1350899625' post='1844711'] Young kids dont seem to want to create bands or learn instruments, its much easier for them to just sample music and sing or "rap". Because every young kid thinks he can "spit lyrics" I am old enough to be able to say that the current music scene "for youngsters" has become stale and boring. Endless R&B artists singing about nightclubs and cars! Music moguls like Simon Cowell creating talent shows and practically forcing them to buy this stuff. What happened to angry youth, rebellion through rock & roll! Shame! [/quote] Seems like a blinkered a view if you ask me, it's hardly surprising that a lot of young people get their listening habits from Radio One but there are plenty of young people who are willing to explore music just like I did as well. The rap and sample thing is misinformed also, plus providing that is the degree of a young person's creative output then it is something to be applauded and encouraged, not slammed. Age simply isn't a factor in music, it's equally as possible that your age just means that you're out of touch with what is popular.
  20. In regards to the OP, I think the reason guitar teachers are more in demand is very simple: more people want to play guitar than they do bass. It's seen as far more accessible an instrument and every kid wants to be Dave Grohl at heart. I think lessons from a exceptional teacher are utterly inspiring, and it's a total myth that lessons will somehow detract from your musical personality or stifle your creativity, it's a stupid argument. Having said that, providing you have the capacity (or rather passion) to learn an instrument, there is a lot to be said for sitting down by yourself and just playing as a beginner. Getting to know your instrument as a novice really is everything, and I think there will be occasions where taking lessons too early might well be the wrong thing to do as I think it could well put younger students who are just as keen to learn by themselves off playing initially. It all depends on how a novice likes to learn.
  21. Respect to him, it's an almost impossible thing for me to do to play when I'm that cold.
  22. I absolutely lover Port Rhombus. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSnhXGVTdbk His bass playing doesn't do much for me but his music is absolutely sublime. Hard Normal Daddy and Go Plastic are both up there with my favourite electronica albums of all time.
  23. Nice to hear what you thought. Personally I love Squarepusher, but I can't see me enjoying watching him live, partly because I'm not interested in the visceral act of watching what he does on bass or all those modules but mostly because it's way too avant garde... like you say, an onslaught!
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