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Everything posted by risingson

  1. Ahh yes! Classic rock band get back together for a few more shows only get criticised for doing so. Sounds about right!
  2. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1347476544' post='1801448'] Totally agree with you, could often be just anyone when he's playing a Precision. I bought this thing as an alternative.. [/quote] I tried one of these out recently, I was really impressed and it sounded great! The neck is much more 'accessible' to players more accustomed to a slimmer neck like a jazz.
  3. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1347471838' post='1801361'] Interestingly,I prefer his more recent work on a Precision with guys like D'angelo and John Mayer than I do his fretless playing. [/quote] +1 definitely.
  4. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1347471500' post='1801353'] I'm a huge Pino fan. Always have been. But this does absolutely nothing for me. I find it too busy with too many notes and quite uninteresting. If I heard this and didn't know who was playing it, I wouldn't give it a second thought. Sorry - just being honest and I'll probably get flamed like crazy, but it just goes to show how different people hear things differently. When Pino played fretless through an Octaver, you could tell a mile off with HIS inventive melodies, and sliding double stops and sliding double-stopped harmonics, that it was HIM playing on some new album when you heard it for the first time. You looked up the credits and hey presto, there HE was. Really sorry folks. Awaiting incoming. CB [/quote] It's perfectly acceptable for you to things from the other side of the fence! Whilst I do like Pino's fretless bass playing, overall it doesn't really do much for me even though I respect him carving a sound out for himself. It was very 'of its time' though and as a younger player maybe I don't get as much out of it. But it's when he carries through his melodic sensibilities to fretted bass that I become really interested. There's no denying the indulgence of the bass playing in the clip but I just love his groove, his choice of notes and the fact that all that's there is an organ, bass and drums and he bridges the gap between everything so well.
  5. Note to self - vet everything I ever write on this site, ever Back to the OT, this clip really sums up for me why I love P-Basses. It's been posted before, but it really does showcase the talents of the extraordinary talents of Pino Palladino and Meshell Ndegeocello. Wonderful stuff, and props to the organ player for a solo that literally rips your face off! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F-rTyBzZN0
  6. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1347403504' post='1800496'] I think you'll find it's "pedants". CB [/quote] Quite right! Thank goodness I have someone watching my back when it comes to my grammatical inaccuracies.
  7. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1347392031' post='1800247'] That and they're relatively simple to bed into a mix, and sound great once you've done it. [/quote] Exactly! [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1347397717' post='1800377'] Everyone must have noted that Precisions seem to be on a massive come back? I know they have always been popular but recently everyone seems to be converting haha. [/quote] I don't think they've ever disappeared, although genres and such have dictated what bass gets used where over time I guess. I can't figure out whether bass guitar design in general is all a bit retrograde in this respect, or whether nothing truly a lot better has come out over the years (by better I mean the real blueprint of the P-Bass as opposed to build quality and such). I know there are some people on here that really want to push past Fender and get onto something new, which I can understand. For me though, I don't see the point just yet as nothing captures my imagination in quite the same way as a good quality Fender bass guitar.
  8. [quote name='Grant' timestamp='1347391340' post='1800227'] Just think about some of your favourite basslines. Chances are it was played on a Precision bass... [/quote] Que the pendants and Fender critics giving you their alternative answers to this one It is very true, for the longest time a lot of producers wouldn't have anything else but Precision basses in their studios. This was probably as much down to a fear of the unknown but it's also pretty telling of just how trusted they were in the hands of the right players.
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1347390315' post='1800205'] Hang on, do I get this correctly, a 4 string bass that's tuned... how? Low C on what used to be the open E string, and what are the other open strings tuned to? I still don't see the point (hooray for 5-stringers!), but I'm genuinely curious. [/quote] I would guess C, G, C, F or C, F, Bb, Eb if you went the whole hog. I've also seen C, A, D, G as well but for the life of me I don't get that particular tuning. Some people get on better on 4's than they do on 5's, personally I'd just buy a 5 I reckon. Back to the OP, perhaps if you offered a bit more about the music you like to play you might get a bit more in the way of informed answers from a few members!
  10. I've just picked up a later Japanese Squier P-Bass from the early 90's. Slimmer neck profile than your average P and it really is a bit of a winner, sounds really great and inexpensive too. It's going to get a lot of gig time. I'm a Jazz bass player mostly, probably always will be but I really get on with P's as well. They bed a track so brilliantly, very solid, chunky supportive low end that hasn't really been overtaken by the qualities of any other instrument I've ever played or owned. I still have a bit of an issue with Fender's quality control across the board, but if they were able to improve on this then I'd play Fenders a lot more than I do now. P-Bass + flats = absolute fundamental brilliance!!
  11. Dane is a really impressive player, he's one of the very very few bass players who can keep me interested in a bass solo for over 10 seconds!
  12. Sunburst is a classic colour, but it's got to be done right! Tortoiseshell or black pickguard, rosewood with the former and maple with the latter. Not keen on white pickguards with sunburst.
  13. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1347294104' post='1798943'] ...you can encounter quite a lot of snobbery from session players who read towards those who can't. I've seen it on here, people going on about how in the 'real world' of gigs you need to read, no tab etc, i've witnessed it whilst on gigs towards those who can't... [/quote] These are the kinds of people who's arrogance will in itself lose them as many gigs in the long term as those who are unable to read. Reading is important for a lot of things, but as Pino has demonstrated, it's clearly not everything. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1347296187' post='1798976'] ... but, as Palladino himself pointed out in the interview, if it was a reading session he wouldn't have got the job. [/quote] You get the impression from everyone who has worked with Pino that concessions are generally made for him, I should imagine he really is that good to work with. Anthony Jackson for example has commented on Pino's influence in the session world, and Anthony Jackson is probably the most accomplished and musically literate bass player I can think of who doesn't sing anyone's praises unless he means it.
  14. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1347223502' post='1798295'] If it was my 'Do you really think so ... ' comment then it wasn't meant to be a criticism in anyway, so please don't take it as such. I was just saying that that wasn't my experience, yours is obviously different. If it upset you in anyway then please accept my apologies. It doesn't take musical training etc. , but it does need someone who actually listens to / is aware of the bass line (Indeed any part other than the predominant theme at the time). Hence in some tunes, (All Right Now (parts of), Wherever I Lay My Hat etc.) a deviation in the bass line might be noticed but in many others I still believe that the average punter is pretty unaware of what the bass is doing. I made a point in yet another thread re Smoke On The Water. I suspect that if you asked a random collection of people how the bass line went most of them would sing the main theme - not the bass line. I repeat - all in my humble opinion/experience: I could be wrong - it did happen once. [/quote] I was going to say pretty much the same thing and you beat me to the punch! Most people are blissfully unaware of bass guitar in the music that they listen to.
  15. Depends how okay the pubs and clubs are I suppose. I started gigging when I was 17 with a slightly older band in venues round my area that were predominantly 'over 25'. We just never mentioned it!
  16. Daz, what a legend. I really love trading on this forum because of the level of generosity of more than a few individuals in your hour of need, everyone is happy to help and it's just great! Daz really helped Ash and I out today in a big way. Thank you very much indeed. P.S your car didn't need anymore waxing or polishing, it looked brand spanking new!! Haha
  17. Just did a swap with Ash and I couldn't be happier with his communication and the deal itself. He's a lovely guy to deal with, trade with confidence!
  18. Hello everyone! My feedback section is long overdue as I've been buying and selling on this site for a number of years now. Many thank yous!
  19. I'll second Ash's sentiments here, Daz really went above and beyond the call of duty to help us out of a difficult situation. What a lovely guy!
  20. Unfortunately for me that's a total eyesore. I think my band might also laugh at me and try and open bottles of beer on it and such.
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1346968082' post='1795598'] There certainly was a version recorded with some of the Blockheads playing on it. How much of that ended up on the actual release probably only Trevor Horn and whoever did the Fairlight programming of Relax knows. The article I remember said that while the Blockheads were more accomplished musicians than Frankie, their version still didn't have the feel that Trevor Horn was after. [/quote] The funny story went (I think) that Norman Watt Roy got called in one day by Horn, who got Norman to have a mess around sampling some stuff whilst Trevor sampled it on his new Fairlight, just having a laugh. Apparently the next time Norman heard his bass it was all over FGTH's stuff. Don't know how true it is of course, but with it being Trevor Horn I wouldn't be very surprised! Incredible producer.
  22. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1346765433' post='1792844'] Well..you can't deny that Berlin can play.. [/quote] No way, absolutely the guy can play the hell out his bass. But so can a lot of other guys as well too, without the attitude and egotism he tends to drag around with him. Players I'd far prefer to listen to, players whose music is better as well IMO.
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1346754527' post='1792622'] PS Jeff Berlin thinks all fretless players sound the same. Jeff Berlin talks but he doesn't listen. [/quote] Jeff Berlin IMV is an idiot who gives but can't take. I've got no time for him and his general attitude irks me more than any other bass player I've read about or come across. Usually players so outspoken have usually had some major impact on music but I struggle to see what Berlin has brought to the table that other far more genuine and talented musicians haven't done already.
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