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Everything posted by risingson

  1. I had an epiphany when I was about 14 when I really started using my ears properly. I feel pretty unhindered by bass nowadays (for what I like to play at least, but I'm always wanting to learn and improve. That feeling you're describing is really quite something, isn't it!
  2. In the studio, working out a decent tone is everything for me right now. I've experimented a lot recently with playing through guitar cabs and utilising their spring reverbs for an 'Enrico Morricone' baritone sort of sound, using different mic combinations in overdub situations. There will also be times when all that is required is a DI in, or we'll mic up my regular cab. I'm always trying to work out what's right for the end product, then there's the 'do I play fingers or with a pick' plus pickup selection etc. Live it's a totally different story, I don't have the time to faff around with loads of different sounds/amps and effects so instead I've got a fairly 'stock' EQ setting that I try and work to the room and the rest of the band. I vary my sound with my hands and occasionally play with a hard pick. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford the liberty of a big setup and loads of different amps and different basses on stage but that's going to take a while!! Tone is important, but right now it's more important for me in a recording environment than it is live. I'm not necessarily out to recreate exactly what happened on the original record unless it's very specific.
  3. Tribute acts don't offend me nearly as much as they seem to a lot of people on here. I don't think I'd ever choose to go and see one though I don't think. [quote name='musophilr' timestamp='1346520364' post='1790228'] Neil Young is a competent lyricist and has been known to write some good tunes, but he is a dreadful guitarist and his singing isn't much better. [/quote] Neil Young is a great guitarist.
  4. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1346518124' post='1790195'] You may have had a very lucky escape. [/quote] This, a million times over. You'll be thanking your lucky stars when they get royally screwed, and sure as the day is long, that will happen. Labels will rinse you dry given the slightest chance.
  5. [quote name='Pow_22' timestamp='1346079319' post='1784952'] Just took the plunge for my 30th Birthday and ordered a Black/Black/Rosewood 70's RI P Bass from japan. Looks awsome on all the pics ive been emailed. All i plan to do is stick my usual flats on it and get the chrome covers added. The scrath plate already has holes drill for the pup cover so hopefully as long as i get a genuine fender cover if should fit straight on. Pics to follow when it arrives this week [/quote] Sounds like a lovely bass! Out of interest, which site did you order from? I've got a hankering for a Japanese P Bass.
  6. I guess you can probably take some comfort in knowing that the 99% of bands I know that have had 'major label interest' have been totally taken for a ride, wasted 3 to 4 years of their life and ended up worse off than when they started, financially and musically. And to be honest, f*** em as well! You're better than that.
  7. Lovely bass, and I can vouch for Chris being a pleasure to trade with. He's obviously someone that takes serious care of his gear.
  8. I wish I'd written 'White Christmas'.
  9. [quote name='Pete Academy' timestamp='1346265865' post='1787257'] When Jeff Berlin said he doesn't play fretless because everyone sounds like Jaco, I think he had a point. For me, Jaco deserves the title of world's best ever bassist. His technique, attitude, composing skills, and sheer musicality confirm this. [/quote] The biggest problem with fretless players is that Jaco set such a precedent with how people now [i]perceive [/i]the fretless bass should be played. In reality we all play bass differently, we all choose different notes and rhythmic figures that encompass our own musicality. By Jeff Berlin's logic, every fretted Jazz bass player should sound the same too. But they don't.
  10. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1346231323' post='1786662'] You did well then. I find the whole Liverpool Beatles tourism thing hugely depressing to be honest. I don't dislike the Beatles, but I'm not huge fan either, I simply wasn't part of that generation. In the late 70s/early 80s we had Liverpool bands like the Bunnymen, Teardrop Explodes, Wah Heat etc and there was definitely a feeling of a music scene that was looking forward rather than back to the 60's, unlike now where we seem to be drowning on an endless tide of nostalgia. I Iike the idea of the F**k Mathew Street alternative - I don't really like or listen to punk music anymore, but I applaud their spirit. [/quote] The problem is that whilst I largely agree with you on the slightly 'artistically bankrupt' (IMO) main stages of MSF, the alternative is a stuffy and pretentious group of promotors on the other side of town pushing their idea of some sort of moral indie crusade, and the music can be of equally poor quality too (overhyped, underwhelming). For the life of me I can't figure out what's worse really. Also, one such promotor did actually take control of the Williamson Square stage this year so it's a myth that these people are on opposite sides of the fence - on the contrary they've been colluding with each other this year.
  11. Wow, overwhelming response! Will reply to PM's tomorrow! Cheers guys
  12. [size=5][b]SOLD[/b][/size] Bear with me on this one guys, as I'm exclusively an electric bass player with no real experience with upright terminology etc! Up for possible sale is my 1/2 size Czech made Selmer. I'm led to believe that it was made before WWII or maybe just after. I'd describe the condition of the bass as very good but as you can imagine it's taken one or two knocks over the years being over 60 or 70 years old! The tuners are in [u]perfect[/u] working order and turn with ease. There is rusting on the small amount of metalwork on the tailpiece as well as the endpin (due to the previous owner's insistency on keeping it in his garage) but it really isn't anything that couldn't be sorted out with a bit of a scrub up and the practicality of the endpin is in no way compromised. A number of people have commented on how unusually good looking the bass is. The scroll head is particularly beautiful. I'm uncertain of the construction wood, people who know better than me have said it looks carved but I'd be surprised, my guess is a laminate. It has a flat back. I'm no expert but I would describe the sound as big considering its size. I think it sounds wonderful actually. My reasons for selling is that it simply does not get played enough and I'd like to see it enjoyed by someone who is really keen on taking up a new instrument perhaps. I'm realistic about a price, but this isn't just a fancy ornament, it's a very playable instrument. £100 seems fair. Pickup only from the Wirral, and it comes with an old leather bag for storage and portability. Sorry if the pics are a bit rubbish, I'll try and get a few more up asap. Please don't hesitate to PM me with questions, I'll do my best to answer whatever that question might be!! [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo.JPG"]photo.JPG[/url] [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo-2.JPG"]photo-2.JPG[/url] [url="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21614589/photo-1.JPG"]photo-1.JPG[/url] Body specs [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Nut to bridge - 37"[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Body depth 7 1/2"[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Scroll to bottom of the bass - 5'2" & + endpin around 6'2"[/font][/color]
  13. [quote name='Looper' timestamp='1346110262' post='1785525'] I find the bass is often lost in a lot of "modern" music. Hard to know if it's poor arrangement, poor production or poor playing, but I rarely hear tunes with the clarity of instrumentation you hear on older recordings. [/quote] What constitutes 'modern' music though? It's quite a statement, one I probably don't agree with because 'modern' music is pretty much all encompassing of a lot of different styles, genres and such.
  14. There are some wonderful people on this site. I usually drop individuals a PM to express my gratitude on the help that a few people have given me of late.
  15. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1346149564' post='1785748'] Never understood why people fall into the 'Shock Horror - Squares Keep Out' sucker trap - it's only a bit of wood after all. [/quote] I'm usually a bit gutted to see a perfectly good instrument smashed to pieces, no matter how poor quality it's considered to be by its owner! Give it to me, I'll have it.
  16. I've always liked the idea of Warwick basses, and they do sound really great but for the same reasons that 51m0n just stated, I couldn't ever use one. I got really hooked on Stuart Zender's sound when I was younger, I think it goes a long way to epitomising what a lot of the Warwicks I've tried sound like, minus the massive amount of compression that he regularly used.
  17. I read his biography when I was younger, I know there was a dispute between the author and the Pastorius family over the truthfulness of one or two of the anecdotes but overall it was an enlightening read. Whilst his music doesn't directly influence the music I make, I really do consider him up there with my favourite players.
  18. You should like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIXKbUCC-bU
  19. Very much of its time. Not a fan of the song but there's no denying that Pino carved out a significant sound on his fretless that got widely ripped off. The reason Pino is my favourite player though is that he moved really quickly with the times, identified where new music was happening and went with it, whilst at the same time keeping his ridiculously melodic chops and simply transferring them over to fretted! Amazing, amazing bass player.
  20. If I was ever asked to describe irony to another human being, I'd offer up the example of the spectacle I saw yesterday of a young lad taking a piss on the local law court after one too many Special Brew, just before being reprimanded by the police and slapped with a fine and a complete bollocking.
  21. To be honest, if you try and smash your guitar up after a gig nowadays it just ends up looking like a terrible cliche. People would be right to assume that you're probably a bit of a cock for doing it, or in this case [i]trying [/i]to do it. All pretty embarrassing!
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